
Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter III

All though little is known before the destruction of Planet Vegeta in the Dragon Ball franchise, what Tercres did know was that saiyans were a warrior race who relied heavily on their natural physical abilities to fight and conquer other planets.

This world of constant battles and strife fought with ki-wielding god-like beings, each one with the potential of becoming a creatures capable of mass multiversal destruction.

To put the cherry on top, there existed actual gods and deities, all capable of destroying his Universe on their own with either a Hakai or outright erasing them from existence with just a tap on their God-Pad if they felt like it.

Not to even mention the dangerous existences sealed away in various planes, whose release would spell the end of civilization and life across the Dragon Ball Multiverse.


The training ground was devoid of vegetation except for some purple weeds as well as tall spiky plants with large purple leaves popping here and there. Purple humanoid stumps stood on the edges of the space, some thin and others thick (Can you relate?); there were stumps that looked like punches were rained upon them, while the rest looked like they had been blasted in.

Tomota gathered the children in front of a relatively empty patch of reddish-rocky soil. Taking out a special device as well as 5 dark green bumpy pods the size of tennis balls. He placed the pods into a small opening on the top of the special handheld device which resembles a small, rectangular box with a handle on top.

The device had a small display screen on one side, presumably to show the status of the pods? The device then lit up and started to analyse the pods. Totoma, seeing that the device worked, placed it on the patch of reddish soil to start the process of planting it into the ground.

Once the pods, which Tercres now recognised as saibamen seeds, was planted, the device emited a green light, indicating that the saibamen were ready to grow. Within seconds, the 5 dark green child-sized creatures emerged from the ground.

"These are saibamen," Totoma said. "They are a plant-based creatures created by our saiyan scientists. We use them as tools for combat training and as well as expendable soldiers in battle."

"They are also able to spit a highly corrosive acid capable of dissolving almost anything it comes into contact with, though the soil on Planet Vegeta is not nutritious enough for them to manifest such strong acids. However, due to this, they only have power levels of 800, and as such, we will be using them as training dummies for you all to battle."

Tomota surveyed the young Saiyan children assembled before him, their faces set in determined scowls. Although they were eager to prove themselves, he knew the Saibamen's power and speed far outmatched their own.

Seeing all that, Tomota took a deep breath before continuing, "Although weakened, they are more powerful than all of you. After all, nothing teaches your better than pain. Attack with all your might!"



With an amalgamation of creepy infernal laughter, the saibamen charged at the children. Despite their power levels of only 900, the creatures attacked with a frenzied intensity, their blows landing with bone-crushing force.

This would be no easy battle.

The children struggled in vain to defend themselves against the saibamen's relentless assault. Their movements were sluggish and uncoordinated in comparison to their opponents' superior speed. Tercres himself charged forward with his fists clenched, only to be knocked back by a swift kick to the midsection that sent him flying.

Though outmatched, the children refused to give up. Using their natural fighting instincts, some managed to dodge and weave around the saibamen, but their hits seemed to have no effect. The saibamen shrugged them off and continued their brutal attack without mercy.

One boy refused help from the others, charging into a group of children fighting a lone saibamen. Though he landed several hits, their greater power soon overwhelmed him. The saibamen pummeled him mercilessly, cackling with glee at his fruitless defiance.

The other children rushed to attack it while it was distracted, but struggled in vain to overpower the Saibamen together. Their teamwork was clumsy and undisciplined. For every Saibaman they managed to knock off balance, two more children were knocked out, raining down blows that slowly sapped the children of strength and will.

Luckily, one of the saibamen, tired and weakened from the constant attacks from he children had slowed down considerably. Tercres and three other saiyan children also noticed this change. With tacit nod of understanding between them, they charged at the lone saibaman.

Two of them advanced, both with identical features, appearing on either side of the saibaman, throwing their fists at the creatures face. Seeing this, it blocked the two attacks with its clawed hands, smiling cockily as if it was looking down on them.

But that was exactly what they wanted!

Now that its two arms were occupied, one of the students jumped towards it, putting all of her strength and frustration into a final hit at the annoying creature.


Unfortunately, the attack was in vain as it threw both the boys it had caught at the attack! Unable to change the trajectory of her punch, the fist connected with abdomen of one flying boys, knocking out all sorts of fluids as well as his consciousness, while the other boy collided heads with the girl. They were all slumped on the ground, out of the battle.

Exhausted and battered, the saibaman let its guard down as it looked around. It found two of its brethren, also tired and looking worse for wear as they fought against the onslaught of what looked like thirty saiyan children. The other two were already dead, their green blood seeping into the reddish brown soil.

It ignored the children knocked out on the ground it turned its back, deciding to aid its fellow saibamen. And like a mantis stalking a cicada, Tercres struck!

He charged forward, kicking the back of the saibaman's head as if it were a football. The saibaman stumbled forward with a grunt, clutching its head in pain. It whipped around, angrily swinging wild hook at the saiyan child.

Tercres hastily leaned back, the fist grazing his nose as he dodged the slow punch, noting the saibaman's fatigue. It had overextended its arm, giving Tercres the chance to retaliate with a swift kick to its ribs. There was an audible crack and a pained shriek.

The saibaman flung out its arm, knuckles raking Tercres' cheek, splitting the skin. Blood trickled down his face as Tercres instinctively spun with the blow, absorbing the impact as he stumbled back. He recovered quickly.

'What was that?,' he thought in surprise, noticing his body reacting on instinct. However he didn't have time to ponder as they exchanged blows, Tercres slowly growing in battle as he ducked and weaved around the saibaman's punches while landing sharp jabs of his own. Each hit winded the other, their lungs burning for air.

'I have to end this fast or I'll collapse', Tercres thought as he gasped. They clashed again, exchanging a flurry of punches and kicks. Each blow sent pain shooting through their bodies. The saibaman swung again but Tercres slipped under its arm, driving his fist up into its chin. Its head snapped back and it stumbled, clutching its jaw.


But it refused to fall. With a scream, the saibaman swung wildly at Tercres. Tercres stepped into the punch, grabbing the saibaman's arm and shoulder, twisting behind it the grabs the saibaman around its waist before flipping it over his head in a German Suplex. It crashed to the ground, momentarily dazed.

Tercres rained down punches, knuckles impacting with flesh and bone. He aimed for places that he instinctually deemed as weak points, his body moving on its own. The saibaman flailed helplessly under the barrage, green blood spattering the ground.

With desperation, the saibaman's leg shot up, kicking Tercres square in the chest. He tumbled back, the air forced from his lungs, but he scrambled up as the saibaman rose shakily to its feet. They were running on fumes now but refused to quit. 'Just a little more,' Tercres thought, his mind muddled with fatigue.

They lunged at each other again. Tercres slipped under the saibaman's guard, burying his fist deep in its gut. At the same time, its knee crashed into Tercres' chin, snapping his head back.

The impacts reverberated through their bodies. Exhaustion overwhelmed them as they collapsed, unconscious before they hit the blood-stained ground. Soon after the last child was defeated, leaving only two heavily injured and stamina-lacking saibamen, which were promptly eliminated by the instructor.

Tomota nodded, happy at their latent abilities. Although their coordination left much to be desired, some were able to grew tremendously, The saibamen had triumphed easily over their vain attempts at resistance.
