
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 27: An Exhilarating Fight!

Inside a large building, Arlic and the petite blue skinned woman were currently engaged in intense combat. Their surroundings were in ruins, the building they were inside was almost a pile of rubble. Neither combatant was giving the other a moment to breathe, Arlic had dense red [Ki] surrounding both his forearms and his opponent had grown to extra arms, both of which ended in sharp blades just like her main pair. Those blades had cut Arlic's new armor into pieces by this point, all that remained was his under suit and that was almost in tatters as well. Currently, he was using his [Ki] as a stopgap measure so that she didn't cut through him to.

Two soldiers who had remained behind watched in awe, both shocked not only by what they saw, but also, the fact that Arlic still had a smile on his face. Arlic had broken each of his opponents' blade-arms at least three times already. That only slowed her down though, as soon after, they would reform themselves. Hearing noise from behind them, the two soldiers turned with their rifles pointed towards the noise. Two men were walking towards them, men that wore armor that was nearly identical to what the youth behind them had worn.

One of the men stepped forward while observing the two soldiers with his glowing emerald eyes. "Neither of you appear injured. Given that this area is so dangerous, why have you remained?" Realizing that these men were most likely allies, the soldiers looked at each other and then the youth fighting in the sky above the now demolished building, before one of them responded. "Your friend saved a great number of our people." The soldier, which was speaking looked back at the large, imposing man with glowing green eyes and continued. "We wanted to help him if he needed it." The soldier gripped his rifle tight at as he finished his sentence.

The imposing man was Daiz, he smiled lightly at hearing the soldier's words. This was evidence that their plan was working, the people's hearts were slowly being swayed. Stepping towards the soldier, he placed his hand on the smaller man's shoulder before speaking. "Your willingness to assist him is admirable. Upon his behalf, I thank you both!" Daiz's gaze turned stern after he said that. "With our arrival, we should be able to end this! I ask that both of you fall back to a safe location while we do so." Looking towards each other and again towards the sky, the soldiers agreed after a few moments' hesitation.

After the soldiers left, Daiz and Cacao who was with him heard Arlic speak. "Is the area cleared?" While Cacao simply nodded, Daiz spoke in response. "Yes, my lord! The last of the civilians have been evacuated. The last of the soldiers left not long ago, they should be nearing their basecamp soon." Arlic who was still fighting in the skies smiled. He had grown tired of holding back and honestly speaking, his opponent was no lightweight. Utilizing [Instant Transmission], Arlic appeared beside Daiz and Cacao before speaking. "Let us begin." The blue skinned woman had almost reached them at this point, not taking long at all to locate Arlic's new location.

In unison, Arlic, Daiz and Cacao had each raised a single palm towards their oncoming enemy. Bright yellow light began to gather in their palms. What followed was a combined [Ki Blast] from all three. Arlic could hear his opponent scream in anguish as their combined energy washed over her. This was something that Arlic had come up with while fighting her, using [Telepathy], he gave his instructions to Daiz and Cacao. As their [Ki Blast] ended, Arlic gave the order to Cacao to prepare the next step.

Arlic had no intention of killing this woman, no, he wanted to study her instead. That meant that he needed to capture her, thus what came next. When the dust settled and they could all see clearly again, Arlic spoke. "As expected, she's still alive." In all honesty, he was impressed with her strength. It reminded hi of General Rildo from [Dragon Ball GT]. Smiling, Arlic walked forward.

Inside the vast linear crater that their energy had created, floated a disfigured woman with smoke rising from her body. All that remained of her extremities, was her right arm, everything else was trying to regenerate, but she seemed to severely damaged to do so quickly. That was excellent news for them, nodding his head at Cacao to begin, Arlic watched closely in case something went wrong.

Chapter 27 is out!





See you next time folks!

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