
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 19: The Failure's of a Race!

Four months had passed since Arlic and his subordinates had returned from Earth. Cacao was entering the final stages of his genetic reconstruction, The Salvation had long since reached Planet Sadala, and Arlic had another test he was running on the side. He had removed his [Saibaman Set] from his [Space Pod], he was in the process replicating and improving their overall genetic makeup. He had planned this earlier on but had to wait until he could build and test his new [Genetic Reconstruction Pod], in order to implement it. After testing the [G.R.P.] on Cacao, Arlic was now certain it would work.

Now that all his Experiments were underway, he could move on to his next order of business. Arlic needed to track down a sample of [Ancient Saiyan D.N.A.]. He had come to the original planet of his race in order to do just that. Sadala had long ago become a dead world, it was no longer capable of sustaining life in any form, yet another of his people's failures. He hoped to soon change [Planet Sadala]s fate, but for now, he had far too much to do. Transporting himself via a nearby [Teleportation Platform], Arlic arrived at the [Transport Disc] station. Daiz was waiting for him, boarding the disc the two of them left for the planet's surface.

As they descended, Arlic had a good view of the devastation that his people wrought on their home world. His hands clenched tightly as he saw for himself the legacy that his ancestors had left for their descendants, two shattered moons, and a scarred, broken world. "Fools." Muttering a single word beneath his breath, he thought about his peoples many faults. Just like his old world, his ancestors had no outside enemy to fight. Because of that fact his race looked to their own to find fault. War was what followed, a civil war that ruined futures of all their descendants. What better word was there than 'fools' for such a war starved race.

Sighing to himself, Arlic stopped the [Transport Disc] in what remained of the planet's outer atmosphere. Holding out the hand his [Storage Ring] adorned, Arlic brought forth hundreds of small cubes. Each one was made of a dark grey metal and on each side of the cube was a blinking green light. These cubes were something that Arlic had built in order to quickly scan and excavate whole worlds. He called them [Survey Cubes]. Floating in the air, the cubes were awaiting his instruction. A control device appeared in his hand, soon after the cubes flew off searching for what their parameters dictated.

Bringing forth a man-sized robot he designed to work in conjunction with the cubes and control device, Arlic took the [Transport Disc] back to his ship, thinking along the way how he needed to find the time to combine the robot with the cubes and control device. A [Survey Robot] or something like that. Arlic sighed again at how much he had to do. He truly didn't have time for all this back and forth, and if he were being honest, he could have had one of his men perform this task. That said, he wanted to see it for himself, the folly of the [Saiyan Race].

Arriving at the lab with Daiz in tow, he asked the twins, Rasin and Lakasai for an update on Cacao. Turning and saluting him Rasin answered while his brother continued monitoring Cacao's vitals. "My lord, the last procedure is almost complete. We have already administered the solution made from the [Sensu Bean Extract]. Cacao should awaken shortly." Nodding his head, Arlic showed his approval. One of the reasons he had acquired the [Sensu Beans] was for the restorative properties they possessed, he needed it to complete his work on the [Genetic Reconstruction Pod]. The [Genetic Reconstruction Pod] only had one flaw, which was the strain it placed on the body of its occupant. With a sufficient supply of [Sensu Beans], that strain could be eliminated completely.

With that strain gone, he already started on to his next objective, the [Saibaman Soldier] project. Arlic needed a fighting force of his own, [Saibamen] were readily available for deployment. The only problem they had so far as he was concerned, was their intellect and power level. With the pod's assistance, he could fix both problems. That said, Arlic needed officers as well to lead the army he was in the process of creating. That was where the [Saibaking Soldier] project came into play. He had fused five groups of normal Saibamen together and placed them into pods of their own. Even now, they were in the process of becoming a different sort of being altogether. The soldiers they would command, would soon follow.

"My lord!" Lakasai suddenly spoke, catching his attention. "Cacao is waking up!" Walking up to the pod that Cacao was suspended in, Arlic paid careful attention to his subordinate's vitals. Cacao was indeed waking up, and far more quickly than Arlic anticipated. Arlic sensed Cacao had also become much stronger thanks to the procedure. Though, he wouldn't know how strong without further testing. Cacao was no longer a cyborg either, Arlic and the twins removed all trace of technology from his body. That meant that unlike before, Cacao could now increase his power through effort rather than further technological improvement.

Cacao's eyes opened as he looked around, he soon began to become restless, wanting out of the pod. Continuing to struggle he peered outside the pod, his eyes met Arlic's, with an unspoken warning from his lord, he ceased his struggling. "Is it done?" Looking over the data, Lakasai nodded. "Begin the release procedure." Nodding in return, Arlic was curious to see the end results that four months of reconstruction could achieve. As the fluid drained away, Cacao took a deep breath after coughing up the medical fluids in his lungs. The pod door slid upward as Cacao impatiently strode forward, his appearance now completely different from before he entered.

Before he had been a large red skinned male with whose appearance had all the charm of a baboon's backside. He had yellow eyes with no discernable pupils and wires for hair. Now however, Cacao was a man of six foot three, with clearly humanoid features. Well defined muscles lay atop a broad frame. White shoulder length hair now accentuated a handsome and clearly masculine face, with two pointed ears and a chiseled nose positioned right where they should be. His eyes that were once completely yellow, now looked like human eyes with bright yellow irises. The only thing that Arlic could see that hadn't changed was Cacao's skin color, it was still red.

Arlic didn't want to rush to a conclusion until the final tests where run, but overall, this appeared to be a successful venture. "How do you feel Cacao? Any pain or discomfort? Tell us immediately if so." Cacao took a moment to access the state of his newly reconstructed body, sensing nothing off, he grinned. "I feel wonderful! There is no pain at all."

Still grinning, Cacao clenched one of his hands into a fist. "I do feel stronger, though! Such strength was something I only dared dream of in the past." Lakasai, who had not stopped his scanning, confirmed there were no issues with the stability of Cacao's genetic makeup. Seeing that Lakasai had given Cacao a clean bill of health, Arlic smiled while patting Cacao's forearm. The former not being tall enough to reach the latter's shoulder.

"Cacao, I am glad to see that you made it through safely. But can you do me a favor?" Cacao saluted and spoke in a respectful tone. "Whatever you need, my lord!" Still smiling, Arlic dared not let his gaze leave Cacao's eyes. "Could you go and put some pants on, please?" Seeing the awkwardness of the situation, the others present laughed. Scratching his head in slight embarrassment, Cacao walked off toward his quarters trailing medical fluid with each step. Arlic only now realized, that it would be a wise move to provide some towels or something for next time.

"My lord, the [Survey Cube]s have found a few of the specimen's you were searching for." Hearing Rasin speak these magical words, Arlic laughed. "Excellent! Prepare another pod for my own procedure." Seeing the twins getting to work immediately, Arlic turned towards Daiz. "Once the procedure is underway, move us to Planet Vampa! It's time to pick up a few wayward Saiyan's." Saluting, Daiz set himself to work, quickly preparing the ship for hyperspace travel.

Hey folks! Chapter 19 is now edited.






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