
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 14: The Beginnings of an Empire!

Aboard a large spacefaring vessel which had the appearance of a gigantic [Space Pod], a small-scale fight was currently taking place. On the main deck of the ship were three bodies lying on the floor, one dead with a smoking hole in its head, the other two were still alive, but unconscious. Above them were two warriors in [Battle Armor] engaged in battle against a single enemy. Standing a short distance away, another warrior wore a displeased expression across his all too familiar face.

The single enemy was Arlic, he was currently fighting both Cacao and Daiz of the [Turles Crusher Corps]. Though the fight itself was no challenge to him, Arlic was still enjoying it, which they should be thankful for. If they had demonstrated no ability, he would have killed them by now. The same went for Rasin and Lakasai who were unconscious on the floor. If he didn't need their intellect, they would no longer be breathing at all. Arlic had also been keeping an eye on Turles, who was watching from a distance. Seeing Turles move to act, Arlic decided that he had played around long enough.

Allowing Daiz to enter his attack range, Arlic slipped past his guard, knocking Daiz into the ceiling above them with a vicious uppercut. Daiz was rendered immobile by the blow, Arlic then turned his attention to Cacao. Vanishing from sight, Arlic caught Cacao with a swift, savage kick to his midsection. Cacao's yellow eyes went wide as he was sent flying into the side of the ships metal wall.

With the defeat of Daiz and Cacao taking place in mere seconds, Arlic who was still focused on Turles, vanished from sight, a [Ki Blast] passing by Arlic's previous position. Turles who had shot the blast was trying to locate Arlic, walking forward, he felt the back of his neck grow cold. Appearing behind him, Arlic grabbed the back of Turles' head.

"Ahhhhhhh!" With a sickening scream, Turles' eyes, nose, and throat filled with a brilliant greenish-red light, as Arlic wore a look of indifference behind him, the light flowing into him. Arlic had used a [Magic] called [Essence Drain]. It literally took everything from its victim, their vitality, [Ki], and even memories. It took everything that made them who they were and gifted it to the user, or to the users chosen target. All that was left of the [Low-Class] Saiyan called Turles, was a dried out, shriveled up husk. Floating forward, towards the ships large purple window, Arlic dropped Turles' corpse beside Amond, whom he had killed first with a [Finger Beam] attack. He was a known criminal, one which Arlic had no use for, not alive anyway.

Arlic's feet touched down before the large purple window, looking out into space he put both hands behind his back, beginning to process his 'gains'. He didn't relish having to use such [Magic] as [Essence Drain], but he could not trust Turles. With trust being off the table and Turles in possession of information he required, his choice was clear. He would have to take what he needed from Turles and if he was being honest, the power boost didn't hurt either.

Quieting his mind, Arlic began sifting through Turles' memories. His fellow Saiyan had been a busy boy, already having wiped out numerous worlds. On one of the worlds, he had discovered what brought Arlic to his doorstep, the seeds of the [Tree of Might]. Turles only knew what the seeds where capable of once he had planted one of them. Turles made the mistake of assuming that the tree could grant him power akin to Frieza. In a way, he wasn't wrong, his mistake was his lack of knowledge. The fruit produced by the [Tree of Might] could indeed grant power, but mortals could only retain so much of that power. The knowledge that he wished for told him that it was meant for those capable of utilizing the [Ki of the Gods]. That was why Arlic wanted it, he believed that with his knowledge, he could use the fruit to obtain [Godly Ki] for himself.

Hearing the shuffle of feet on metal resound behind him, Arlic turned around. He saw those he let live standing around their two dead companions, visibly shaking at the sight of Turles. Watching them, Arlic wondered if they felt rage or perhaps sorrow, maybe even relief at the sight. In the end he truly didn't care, not until a moment later that is.

Seeming to believe that they would be next to die, they charged at him. Daiz rushing forward first, quickly followed by the others. In response Arlic didn't even bother to raise his guard, he simply raised one of his hands with a single finger pointed towards the oncoming fools. He then released the same attack he used on Amond, sending four deep red colored black-lined beams of energy at each of his would-be attacker's kneecaps. This was the second technique he created following Cooler's guidance, the [Colossal Bullet] attack.

Watching as his four attackers crumpled to the group, Arlic let out a deep sigh. "Not very bright, are you? Still, I applaud your courage in the face of death. Not many face such things head-on." Walking towards them, Arlic inwardly thought about how cliché such a statement was. Arriving before Daiz, he stared down at the first to rush towards him. "Was it honor? Fear? Misplaced loyalty, perhaps?"

Done with his outward speculation, Arlic sighed again. If he was being honest, he was going to kill Daiz. In fact, he was going to use [Essence Drain] on all four of them. The only reason he hadn't done so just yet, was because of the downside of the [Magic]. He could only use [Essence Drain] upon one target at a time and he had to wait until he processed everything he took before he could use it again. Most importantly, the target had to be alive, which was the only reason he had spared them. Seeing them rush forward had changed his mind about killing them. If he were to build his empire, he would need men like this. Courageous men, who were not afraid of a few dirty deeds and would fight on, even in the face of certain death.

Clearing his throat, Arlic spoke to the men who even now were trying to rise. "Perhaps I was too hasty in my decision. Perhaps death is not the best option for you four." Arlic floated into the air, holding out his hand, he used another form of [Magic], one known as the [Mark of Loyalty]. It was used by a group of mages on a now destroyed world. It was used to rehabilitate war criminals. Its sole function was to eliminate the possibility for betrayal of any kind, with the promise of instantaneous death.

As the mark was placed upon their chests, just above their hearts, a burning pain shot through them. The four men groaned, while asking him what he had done. "I have given each of you a chance to live. That chance does not come for free, however. It requires you to place one thing above all others. Loyalty to me! Should you ever try to betray me, the mark I placed upon you will activate. Death… will follow." Pausing, he gave them time to think, looking out of the ships large purple window into the depths of space.

It was Rasin who spoke first. "Does this mean that we will be your slaves?" Looking at him, Arlic responded. "No. I do not believe that one sapient being should belong to another. The mark only concerns your decisions regarding betrayal. You still have free will regarding any other anything else. What is more, I am not taking away your choice in serving me. I have guaranteed you, your lives. That means you can walk away whenever you want. However, should you do so, the mark will remain. Betraying me will mean death no matter your decision." Arlic could see Rasin's brain working in overdrive. It wasn't long before he asked a second question.

"Does that mean that if we follow you, that you will remove the mark?" Arlic smiled at that, he admired Rasin's foresight. Smiling slightly, he responded. "While it is true that I can remove the mark, I will not do so." Seeing Rasin and the others look crestfallen by his statement, he could hardly blame them. Who wanted to live with the threat of death looming over them? "That said, should you follow me and allow me the opportunity to earn your loyalty, the mark will disappear on its own. I need men like you, thinkers' warriors, men of fierce courage. My dream cannot be fulfilled otherwise." Rasin's eyes shook a bit when he heard that.

Still looking at Rasin, Arlic turned his head when Lakasai spoke to him, his thoughts echoing his brother Rasin's. "What dream could someone as strong as you have, that it would require others in order to achieve it?" Arlic held out his hand towards Lakasai, a wistful expression on his face. "I dream of an empire. One that far surpasses Frieza's, spanning beyond the stars themselves. Most importantly, one that achieves something that Frieza's never will." Lakasai had a hard time believing that Arlic was a child. Arlic was strong, sure, but Frieza was a monster. Still, it wasn't the first time he threw in with someone crazy. Looking again at Turles, Lakasai grimaced. Sighing, he looked back at Arlic. "Frieza will not just sit still and let you do as you wish. That is why you want others to join you, isn't it? I am confused about your last statement though. With Frieza's power, what could he not accomplish?" Arlic looked at him strangely at that question.

"The creation of a lasting empire! Do you genuinely believe, that without Frieza or his family behind it, the [Planet Trade Organization] would survive? They have no true leadership. Fear and greed are all that motivate most of his men. What of the [Galactic Patrol]? Incompetent though they may be, would they have allowed the [P.T.O.] free reign without Frieza present? If fear of Frieza is all that holds the [P.T.O.] together and the [Galactic Patrol] at bay, then what do you think would happen if Frieza and his family vanished or died?" Still looking at Lakasai, it was Daiz that answered Arlic this time.

"Infighting would become commonplace amongst the [P.T.O.] and the worlds that they currently hold in subjugation would begin to rise up. The [Galactic Patrol] would take full advantage after waiting for the organization to splinter and most likely begin a full-scale campaign against whatever remained. The end result would be the annihilation of Frieza's remaining forces, with only small groups still operating outside of [Galactic Patrol]s jurisdiction." With his head down and his hand on his chin, Daiz finished his projection of possible events. Looking up, he noticed Rasin and Lakasai looking at him with a dumbfounded expression. Gritting his teeth, he yelled. "Oh, screw you guys! I was the prince of an entire race. It is a ruler's responsibility to predict potential revolt in advance!" This only served to make Arlic's point for him.

"You are absolutely correct. That is why my empire will succeed where Frieza's will inevitably fail. I will build a strong foundation and take the time necessary for it to solidify. As for Frieza, should he get in my way, then I will become what he fears most of all. Who knows, before I am ready, he could die by someone else's hand." Chuckling at his own joke, Arlic smiled before speaking again. "Enough with the questions, give me your answers. Will you serve me or walk your own path?" He spread his hands out as a dull golden glow emanated towards the four crippled warriors. Their injuries slowly vanished, and they eventually rose to their feet.

Looking to each other they seemed to come to a decision, the child was not forcing them into service. He even offered them their freedom, only taking measures to ensure that they could not act against them. Such a thing was merciful in a way, besides being confident enough to go up against Frieza meant that the child was either crazy or capable of pulling it off. They had taken the chance with Turles, why not with someone stronger. Same goal, different boss, right?

Nodding to each other, they each stepped forward and kneeled before Arlic. Stating their names, each one pledged their service. "We swear our lives to your cause, my lord!" When they finished speaking Arlic gave his first command. "Rasin! Set a course for [Planet Earth]." Turning towards the window yet again, he continued. "Daiz, see to any remaining injury of both yourself and your comrades!" Arlic had been certain to leave them with a few reminders of what crossing him entailed.

"Cacao, I want you to take care of the bodies, be mindful to put the large one in stasis. I believe he has a bounty; the funds it provides will be useful." Looking over his shoulder Arlic gave his final command. "Lakasai, aid Cacao. Afterwards, make sure to bring me the seed pouch on Turles' body, along with a sample of Cacao's armor." Arlic looked out toward the [Space Pod] he came in, deciding he needed a new ship. Turles had the one he was standing in built by Rasin and Lakasai, but it would not suit his needs or his plans. Smiling, he came up with a plan, laughing to himself he muttered. "I am going to make one hell of a ride."

Okay! Chapter 14 has been edited. Heavily, I might add.






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