
Dragon Ball Revised

In an alternate timeline where Paragus reacts more passionately to Broly's execution, he and his friends band together and flee Planet Vegeta! What will this do to the timeline? How will the change in upbringing affect Broly? Find out in Dragon Ball Revised! https://www.patreon.com/EveryLittleHelps - Please consider tipping if you like the novel, I really appreciate it The Fanfiction is written so that even if you are not a fan of Dragon Ball you can still understand what is happening. DISCLAIMER: Broly isn't the main focus until chapter 40! Broly is the main character but there are 40 chapters worth of backstory! Broly however will still be doing Broly things! Also! There are many OC's! The main cast of the story will be made up of the main character in the anime and manga but more than a few OC supporting characters will be introduced! Bare with the wait! DISCLAIMER PART 2!!!: I am a Broly fan as much as the rest of you so I can assure you that Broly will be wiping the floor with the frost demons and stomping his enemies into the dirt, however! My Broly will not a cruel and heartless MC that kills his enemies excessively. Broly, by all means, seeks peace but rest assured there is no shortage of people for him to overcome. Announcement: This novel is not dropped but currently under reconstruction I didn't like the trajectory the story was following so changed it, if some of the plot around the 120-140 chapters seems jumpy, this is why.

LOLRIP · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

DODGE! (12)

Various holes opened up from the walls, and from those holes emerged pale blue balls that were 3 cm cubed and they bounced off the walls vigorously.

A ball flew towards Paragus who stretched out both of his hands in order to catch it.


The ball bounced off Paragus' hands bruising them in the process.

"Hmmm, the balls are hard and too bouncy to catch!" Paragus exclaimed beginning to evade the balls that followed.

"Dodging? My favourite!" Aspa said weaving in and out of the balls with little to no effort.

"15, 16, 17...." Celery said counting the balls that bounced off the walls.




Paragus and Celery struggled to dodge all the balls that they were bouncing and were consequently hit by a few, Paragus because of his larger size, Celery because of her overconfidence.

Paragus when he transformed gained a whole-body growth spurt becoming several inches taller and a few inches wider, causing him to find dodging very small very fast objects difficult.

Celery, on the other hand, was much smaller but she more often than not thought that she would have enough time to dodge a ball when she didn't.

Frustration built up as she was pelted by balls from all angles. Eventually, stumbling losing all balance.

"I know you like getting hit by balls but try a bit harder!" Aspa said tauntingly.

Taking Celery's hand, Aspa began to push and pull Celery in an almost jovial manner making it seem like they were dancing. While holding Celery's hand Aspa had a firm smirk that he made sure Celery saw. A deep red hue, glowed from Celery's checks enhancing her beauty two-fold. Aspa almost dropped her when he saw.

Celery, feeling like she was being toyed with, naturally began to feel frustrated.

"HNGAAAH!" A ki pressure greater than Aspa's but less than Paragus' was released from her body, immediately she enveloped her legs exclusively.


Celery began to whizz around the room similarly to Aspa.

"I guess I kinda took your thing huh? Now that we're both fast you're not that special anymore," Celery said critically.

Aspa was peeved by this.

Smiling irritatedly, he also enveloped his legs with ki, his legs came to life bursting with energy and he began leap-frogging all over the walls and roof, dodging the balls leisurely.


Not wanting to be left behind, Paragus let out a low growl, drawing out more ki and the number of times he was being hit by balls per minute eventually reached zero.

"Time to take it up a notch!" Dr Limiter said excitedly.

The walls, floor and roof began to glow with pure white shine.

"Oh?" Aspa said curiously, about to land on the ground.


A ball that was formerly landing on the ground, hit the floor and soared, crashing straight into Aspa's face.

Seeing this Celery burst into laughter.




The balls gained energy from each collision with a surface and roared around the room recklessly.

Paragus was at peak concentration, he was certain that if he relaxed even a little bit he would be pelted with balls and the bruise on his hand from before was a fresh reminder that the collisions would be painful.

Seeing Paragus who was more than double her size, masterfully moving to dodge the balls, competitive spirit rose within Celery who eventually copied Paragus' movements and also began dodging the balls with more precise and accurate movements.

"I'm supposed to be the fast one!" Aspa roared, determined to outdo both of them.

"These Saiyans are real freaks huh?"

"A few hours ago they could barely stand up to Hatchiyak 01 and now they can consistently evade balls moving at 40 m/s!"

The Tuffle scientists were in awe, the Saiyans' growth rate was a bit too exaggerated to be real.


"Yes, Dr Limiter?"

"Increase the output"

"Are you sure? They can barely dodge as it is!"

"Increase it!"

"Yes sir!"

The balls and walls were partly made of kirite so they could temporarily absorb and conduct ki causing them to have more energy, this resulted in.....




A high-speed super dodge ball death room.

"Just let us know if you are too weak to handle this!" Dr Limiter said through the megaphone.

The Saiyans in the room were too proud to openly admit that these conditions were too much for them.

Dr Limiter was at ease, he now had an assurance that although they were powerful, they were not omnipotent.

"KYAAAAAAH!!!!" Aspa's ki soared out of his body, as the fastest in the group he felt like if anyone should be able to overcome a challenge like this it should be him.

He once again enveloped his legs with ki and began to masterfully dodge the balls moving at their maximum speed.

"Celery!" Aspa called out.

"I understand that your body is not built for such rigorous action! I know that you prefer it much slower so you can keep up! Simply call out to me and I'll speak to the scientists on your behalf!" Aspa said, his widest smirk to date clear on his face.

Celery's face as Aspa spoke began to crumple before turning completely red as he finished his statement. She clearly got what he was trying to insinuate.

"Keep my name out of your mouth!" She roared her ki also rising.

"Get a room!" Paragus said shaking his head, he knew he was near his limit and seeing these two bicker didn't help.

"They're monsters!"

"It doesn't make sense! The more we push them the stronger they get!"

"I don't know about that."

A single Tuffle scientist made an observation.

Everyone, including Dr Limiter, turned to face him.

"Their ki isn't infinite"


Almost prophetically, Aspa's ki ran out.

"Nani!" Aspa stuttered confusedly.

"Omae wa mou shinderiu!" A ki ball whistled out, producing sound due to sheer speed, before slamming viciously into him, knocking him into another ki ball.

"What's wrong are you-"

Before Celery could even finish her taunt her ki also ran out.

"Omae wa mou shinderiu!

The same thing happened to Celery who was also being ragdolled around the room by the ki balls.

Paragus seeing this happen, stopped dodging altogether.


Tanking the blows, he threw his two unconscious friends he yanked his unconscious friends mid-air and threw them into the corner and protected them using his body.

"Time to see my true limits!" Paragus said, steeling his mind for the physical punishment he was receiving.

"These Saiyans are really special! Oran cut the power," Dr Limiter said reluctantly.

A small part of him wanted to see the Saiyans ragdolled further but he felt like that would damage their long-term friendship.

The ki supplying the balls with their energy ceased and the balls began to slow down.

Holes appeared in the walls and the balls left as quickly as they came.

"Ha-Ha-Ha" Paragus was breathing heavily.

"I did it," he said before hitting the floor.


I'm not dead! Truth be told I have some chapters in the bank but really lost motivation to continue writing. I am a student and I'm now on holiday so I can dedicate more time to writing chapters!

As a simple test, let's see if we can reach 500 collections, then I'll drop a chapter per day. I made a lot of grammar changes and continuity fixes, so re-reading the story shouldn't be so awful now.

Thank you for reading!

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