
Dragon Ball: Reborn as Bardock with Uchiha Blood

Kabuto, a college graduate from Earth dies and meets a soul. He is then reborn as Bardock with Uchiha Blood and given a task to kill Zeno in 100 years. Note: I don't own anything and I am just writing for fun, so there will be grammatical mistakes and some places with weird stories.

komega · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Those aliens started inspecting my ship and they looked around for any traces. After a while, they spoke in their communicator, which was attached to their ear, "Sir, there is a weird spherical thing here, but no sign of anyone."

They then received some instructions and they started moving my spaceship. They used something to make it float and took it with them as they flew away. This is already starting off pretty bad. I need it to go to Earth. That's the whole reason I chose this planet.

I decided to follow them and tried chasing them, but the gravity on the planet made it difficult to keep up with a vehicle that can fly. In the end, I did lose them, but I managed to remember the direction they were headed. I continued walking in that direction and was able to get out of the forest.

I was near some road that connected the forest and a huge city in a weird transparent dome. There were buildings like apartments similar to that of Earth, but they were all made of metal. They were not too big, but tall enough to be seen from far. I slowly approached the city, taking care not to get noticed by anyone.

If I was trying to sneak in on Earth, it would be very easy. Here I am only 6, but already taller than these aliens. If I get closer carelessly, I will get caught. When I got closer to the huge metal wall that was the start of the dome, I suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck and lost consciousness. I am starting to hate that feeling of not knowing what hit me.

When I woke up again, I was in a dark room with metal walls and weird handcuffs that were on my wrists, but not connected. They were similar to wearing weird bracelets. I was looking at them when I heard a voice from behind said "They are bombs that blow up if you leave the cell without permission."

I immediately turned back and found a woman with black hair, glasses wearing little to no clothes. She had some worn out clothes that seemed to be stitched together from the clothes of the inhabitants of this planet. They only covered her nipples and her private parts.

I immediately asked "Who are you? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? What is this place?" and she waited for me to finish. She then said "You must be a saiyan sent to wipe out this planet. The inhabitants of this planet still haven't been able to travel to space, so they don't know much about you."

"Can you answer my question?!" I said and she replied "Ok, we are in jail. You were captured when you were trying to sneak into the city, while I was caught stealing food". I wanted to ask how I got caught, but it looks like she already guessed what I was going to ask. She said "The inhabitants of this planet, Bouleans, have invented a special technique that can stop time while they hold their breath. So, one of the guards saw you and captured you. Don't worry, they will not harm you. They have been trying to travel to outer space and they want to study you. So, you are safe for now."

"You seem to know a lot about all this and you are sharing all this information for free. This feels suspicious." I said and she smiled at me. She said "I am also someone who came to this planet from somewhere else. I have survived here for 5 years and having someone with me increases my chances of survival."

Well, this makes sense and it is better for me to take her help than work alone to escape this place. So, I said "Well then, nice to meet you. I am Bardock." and she replied "Nice to meet you too Bardock. I am Chisato."

"That sounds like a Japanese name" I said in a low voice and she seemed to have heard it. She immediately asked "Did you just say Japanese?" in Japanese and I was shocked. Usually, I have a translator attached to my battle armour and it helps with communication in outer space.

"Why do you know Japanese? Are you from Earth? That can't be possible. They didn't invent any spaceships capable of space travel." I asked and it looks like she was as shocked as me. She then said "Things are getting more interesting. I don't know how you are related to my father, but I will consider this fate and not just any coincidence."

Father?! Is there someone from Earth who is capable of space travel, but wasn't mentioned in the show? Or, is she somehow related to the person who was responsible for my rebirth. I could have confirmed it if I knew his name. I still asked "Say, did your father have red eyes with some weird black markings around the pupils?" and she jerked up when she heard that. She immediately replied "No, what kind of freak would have eyes like that." with panic in her voice.

I decided to forget about that for now and focus on my survival and recovery of my spaceship. I asked her "So, do you have any plans to get rid of these bombs on my hands." and she replied "Yes, but we can't get rid of these now. We need to wait for the right time and if I am correct, it shouldn't be long."

I didn't know what she meant, but she has more experience than me and I don't have any other choice. So, I waited as she said and started organising my thoughts. This is a whole new experience and six years ago, I never imagined I would be sent to a planet to wipe out its inhabitants and get captured.

I had to think of many things to distract myself from the half-naked woman in the room with me. I didn't know what else to do, so I started training inside the cell. This is the best way to increase my strength and get used to the gravity. Chisato looked at me and ignored what I was doing.

I worked out for a while, taking breaks in the middle. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I got used to the gravity. This is what I love about the saiyan body. Even on Planet Plant, I would train and rest. When I woke up, I was stronger than before.

I was now able to move without any difficulty, but I still can't fight. I continued with my training when I heard some sound from outside. Chisato said "Get ready kid, it's now or never. Whatever happens, just remember to follow my orders if you want to escape from here."

I nodded and focused on the door. It opened and after that I didn't know what happened, a green Boulean fell to the floor and Chisato was standing beside him. She shouted "What are you doing? We have to leave fast." and ran out of the room. I followed her and picked up the fallen Boulean on the way.

We ran through some weird hallways, which were surprisingly empty. I asked her "You seem to know the way out and there is literally no one in the whole building." and she replied "There are no guards in the whole prison. The bombs on our wrists are the reason for that."

She looked at me while running and noticed the knocked out Boulean I was carrying. She asked "Why did you bring that dead weight with us? Do you want to slow us down or get us caught?" and I replied "I have a feeling we will be able to use this person to escape."

She didn't say anything else and just continued running. She then stopped near a turning and said "Now, this is the important part of the escape. This is usually where I get caught most of the time. We need to enter the room and get them to remove these bombs. Or else, there is no use escaping from this prison. The only problem is the door, which can only be opened by Bouleans using telekinesis. It's good that you brought this Boulean with us. We can negotiate with them."

She acted like she knew how to escape from this place, but she doesn't know anything. To escape from a place, negotiation is not at all helpful. We need to be commanding. I moved to the door and immediately blasted it. Two blasts were enough to break the door. Chisato was shocked, along with the three other Bouleans inside the room.

I entered the room and stood against the wall. I shouted to them "You have three seconds to unlock these cuffs. Each second one of you dies." and waited for them to react. After a second, I killed the first one with a concentrated beam through his heart. Immediately when I killed the Boulean, I felt weird and it wasn't the guilt of killing someone.

The other two were shocked to see me take down one of their own with little to no effort. They looked hesitant to attack for some reason. It might be because I was important to them. Another second hand passed and I killed another one. There was absolutely no hesitation when I was killing them. I had bombs on my arms and there was no way I was going to hesitate. I was already killed once without even having sex in my life and I am never going to die again, even if it means I have to kill many people.

After a second, I even killed the third one. Chisato shouted "What were you doing there? We need someone to unlock our handcuffs." but I ignored her and said to the Boulean I was holding "I know you are awake. Get these handcuffs off my hands, or else I will walk out with you and we both can die together."

He immediately opened his eyes and said "Ok. Ok. Take me to the control panel, I will unlock them." but I obviously wasn't going to believe him. I looked at the camera in the room and said "Since he was allowed to see me, he must be someone important. I need you to unlock these handcuffs if you don't want both of us to die. I also don't want anyone following us till we leave this city, or else I will definitely kill him before I get knocked out by someone."

It didn't take long before the handcuffs fell off and I felt little relief. I then said "You better behave if you want this person to live." and blasted the wall near me. "Why did you do that?" Chisato asked and I said "I don't know the way out. So, we will blast every wall till we go out."

"Seeing you negotiate with them, I thought you would be intelligent, but you are just someone who tries to solve everything with fists, and energy blasts. We are underground, so not only will your blasting not take you out of this prison, we will all be buried here." Boulean said.

Chisato also had the same opinion. The Boulean then said "I know the way out. I can help you if you want." and the only reason I believed him was because his life is my hands. I wasn't afraid of their time stop technique this time I am prepared for it and I will definitely kill someone before I get knocked out.

While we were escaping from prison, I said to Chisato "We need to recover my spaceship from these idiots." before she could even reply, the Boulean said "I don't think that's possible. We dismantled the whole ship to learn how it works". I wanted to squeeze his neck there itself, but I needed him to escape.

The Boulean led us out of the prison and out of the city. When we were near the gate, I dropped him and said "I will not kill you since you cooperated with us till now." I then let the Boulean go. There was something I wanted to test out and confirm, so I fired many ki blasts into the city. There were blasts all over the city and I could feel myself getting stronger, even if it was just a little. It was the same thing that happened when I killed that person before.

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