

The three Saiyan warriors, Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, continued to drift through the cosmos.

In one of the planet, they had a pit stop to fill their stomach.

As they ate, Raditz had something on his mind, something that had gnawed at him ever since they were saved from the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Raditz began, breaking the silence that had fallen upon them.

"Nappa, Vegeta, listen, I've been picking up faint energy readings from my space pod.

It's unmistakable. I believe I'm getting closer to the planet where they sent my younger brother, Kakarot."

Nappa and Vegeta exchanged puzzled glances.

"And what of it?"

Vegeta asked, his voice tinged with indifference.

"What business do we have with that weakling?"

Raditz's eyes narrowed as he spoke, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"I don't care about him being weak. I want to meet my brother, and I have a feeling that he might have grown stronger since we last saw him."

Nappa scratched his bald head, considering Raditz's words.

"I don't see why we should waste our time on some low-class warrior, but I'm willing to hear you out, Raditz."

Raditz's expression softened, and he looked at his comrades with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Think about it. If Kakarot has become stronger, he could be a valuable ally. We might need all the help we can get to take on Frieza."

Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans, remained silent for a moment, deep in thought.

Then, he spoke with a hint of his usual arrogance.

"Very well, Raditz. If there's even a chance that Kakarot has become a formidable warrior, it would be foolish to ignore it.

We can't let Frieza's reign continue unopposed. I'LL KILL FRIEZA WITH MY OWN HANDS!"

Nappa nodded in agreement.

"Agreed. Then, let's go find this brother of yours, Raditz."

With their decision made, the trio wasted no time.

They finished their meals and entered their space pod, a small vessel designed for interstellar travel, and set a course for the planet where Raditz's brother, Kakarot, was believed to be.

The hum of the pod's engines filled the cabin as they hurtled through the cosmos, their destination set on Earth.

----- (Timeskip) -----

One of the few surviving Saiyans, Nappa, found himself in front of a green dragon.

Nappa was a hulking figure with a shaven head and a long, bushy mustache that framed his grinning face.

While Shenron generally resembles a traditional four-fingered Chinese dragon with brown antlers, sharp teeth, green scaly skin, red eyes, a long serpentine body of mostly tail, long flowing whiskers, a long snout, crescent-shaped nostrils, and flowing green hair on his cheeks. 

Clutching his hands, Nappa's thoughts turned to vanity.

He had always been self-conscious about his bald head, and now, with a Dragon Ball in his grasp, he saw an opportunity to change his fate.

Raditz and Vegeta should be here in a minute, an ample time for him to make his vain wish.

Floating in the dark sky, Nappa closed his eyes and clasped the Dragon Ball tightly in his massive hands.

With a deep, gruff voice, he made his wish known to the mystical artifact.

"Oi! I wish for luscious and thick hair!!"

He declared, the words resonating in the emptiness of space.

As the last word left his lips, the Dragon Ball pulsed with energy.

The wish was granted, and Nappa felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

He opened his eyes, and to his amazement, he found his head had changed.

Nappa's once bald head was now adorned with a cascade of thick, silky hair that shimmered with a healthy sheen.

He ran his fingers through his new locks, a grin spreading across his face.

"Finally, I have the hair of a true warrior! HAHAHAHA!"

Nappa exclaimed, his deep voice filled with pride.

Then, Vegeta and Raditz arrived, not far from where Nappa had made his wish.

The two warriors had witnessed the sudden transformation of their comrade and were filled with a mixture of shock and anger.

Vegeta's normally stoic expression was contorted with disdain, his eyes fixed on Nappa's newly acquired luscious locks.

"Nappa, you imbecile!" he growled, his voice tinged with anger.

"You had the power of the Dragon Balls in your hands, and you wasted it on something as trivial as hair?"

Raditz, who had never been one to mince words, chimed in, his disappointment evident in his voice.

"I can't believe you, Nappa. We had the chance to wish for power, to bring the Saiyan race back to our past glory, and you squandered it on vanity!"

Nappa, still floating nearby, looked taken aback by the harsh words of his comrades.

"But, guys, it's important! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

Vegeta's frustration boiled over, and he clenched his fists.

"This is about more than your hair, Nappa! The wish should be mine! Imagine how powerful I can be if I had that wish! Now all that power is lost to us!"

Raditz's anger simmered as he added, "Frieza still lives, and he's out there conquering the universe. We could have had the strength to challenge him, to exact our revenge."

Nappa, realizing the gravity of his decision, hung his head in shame.

"I didn't think it through. I'm sorry guys, I... I was just so sick of being bald."

Vegeta's eyes narrowed as he looked at Nappa, his anger wasn't going away after the loss of his wish.

"Quick, let's deal with these weakling on Earth. We'll kill them and continue wishing until our power surprass that short Cold Demon!"

Both Raditz and Nappa nodded at Vegeta's instructions and then they flew away to deal with the Earthlings.

But little did Nappa know that this seemingly trivial wish would set in motion a chain of events that would forever alter the destiny of not only himself but the entire universe.

The Dragon Balls held unimaginable power, and with Nappa's wish, a new chapter in the saga of Dragon Ball was about to unfold.

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