
Dragon Ball: Legends

Dive into a Dragon Ball fanfic like never before with Karl, a reincarnator armed with world knowledge and a survival-oriented System. Unlike overpowered protagonists, Karl faces the challenge of navigating the Dragon Ball universe. As he grapples with the complexities, will his knowledge and System be enough to ensure his survival? Explore the twists and turns of Karl's journey in this unique take on the Dragon Ball saga.

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Plans for the Future

The lush forest expanded for several miles and Karl noticed that he wasn't exhausted even after walking for 3 miles (or so he estimated), In fact, He wasn't exhausted in the slightest.

"Is this the power of a Saiyan Body?" Karl blurted out as he finally saw the first signs of life in this forest.

It was a dog-like alien with blue tusks and brown hair. It had spiky ears and bloodshot eyes, yet it looked serene as it took in water from the stream.

Karl took a novice fighting stance as the dog looked at him, He wondered why he was even calling it a dog? It was a lot larger than an ordinary dog, towering the size of an adult mare.

[Automatic Battle Power Scouter: 200]

Karl manipulated his KI to his feet and felt a surge of energy filling his feet. He darted his eyes at the beast and it did the same.

With a burst of power, Karl shot off the ground and closed the distance between himself and the beast within seconds.

'The power of KI is amazing,' Karl thought.

He threw a powerful punch at the beast who took it in the face and stood it's ground. Within the next second, It's mouth was open and ready to attempt devouring his hand.

'Fuck, I got to reinforce my fist with KI,' Karl thought as he focused his KI once again and sprung backwards, narrowly evading the crunch.

The beast took a feral stance and let out a roar as it ran forward with it's teeth hung open.

Karl's senses were at the maximum as he evaded the charge with a side-step. Karl had realized something.

The beast skin was tough, So tough that normal punches weren't enough to break it's defense and a noobie fighter like him just made things worse, He couldn't control the power that he expended in each hit and had to manipulate that force with his KI which would result in KI exhaustion before long.

Karl narrowed his eyes and ran at the Wolf, His hands glowing in a green aura, His KI. He threw a double punch and it struck home, hitting against the tough skin of the beast and sending it flying into a nearby tree.

Karl wasted no time anymore, He had found the weakness of the beast and those were KI enhanced strikes. With more KI put into his legs, He shot at the beast and rammed his fist against it's face with a powerful burst of KI.

The beast's snout and teeth shattered on impact and then Karl whipped around and landed a kick on it's face, shattering it's skull with more KI.

With a last whimper, The beast fell to the ground. Blood coming out from the superifical wounds on it's face.

Karl focused KI into his foot and smashed it into the beast's chest. Blood poured out of the wound although it wasn't deep enough to kill it, The beast would eventually die from blood loss.

It wasn't able to move because it's cranium had been shattered by the incredulous power of Karl's kick and now Karl had to sit back and watch the beast die.

It took 30 mins for the Beast to completely bleed out and lose it's life, seconds after the spectacle, A transparent tab appeared.

[Congratulations, You have Leveled up to LV. 1]

At once, Karl felt a new rejuvenating energy bubble up within him. He hadn't felt this kind of energy before, even when he manipulated his KI, He hadn't felt that energy before.

[Open System Status]

[Name: Karl

Age: 16

Level: 1. 0 (99.9 XP until Level up)

Gender: Male

Breed: Saiyan

Bloodline: Low Class Saiyan

Passive Abilities:

Zenkai Boost (LV. 1/ Tap for more description)

Enhanced Strength (LV. 1/ Tap for more description)

Active Abilities:

KI Manipulation (LV. 1/ Tap for more description)





Health Points:

300 / 300 -> 320 / 320

K.I. Points:

66 / 100 -> 66 / 110

Numerical Measurement Of Battle Power:

Estimated Amount: 480]

Karl let out a sigh of apparent relief, He knew going into a battle right after getting reincarnated was suicidal but at least he had basic knowledge in fighting or he wouldn't try something so stupid.

"At least my battle power increased... by 20," He said with a bit of a deflated expression.

He had to get stronger quickly because of future events, unless he wanted to be a wussy and hide away from the world, which he didn't want to do, not after becoming a Saiyan in the dragon ball universe.

As Karl sat back down, his spiky black hair hit his shoulders as he looked at his shirtless self, He looked like a freaking cave man.

"Okay, The first thing I need to do is to get a Spaceship," Karl said to himself, "and from these memories, I know just where to find it,"

Author's Note:

Thanks for the support guys, Really appreciate it. Don't forget to vote with Power stones!