
Dragon Ball: I'm Gamin' it!

[REBOOT] Raiden was one of those fortunate or unfortunate souls to be reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball but in another galaxy and as a human. He thought he would live a peaceful life, but against the odds, his planet was destroyed, and the people were massacred by Freeza's brother, Cooler. He worked as Cooler's grunt until his pride ignited a rage. Even if he was the weakest worm in the universe, he wanted to live like a human no matter how many times he has to die. His pray was answered when he saw several blue systemic windows. [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] With a gaming system in his hands, Raiden wanted to survive while becoming the strongest in the multiverse. It will be an easy game with a system in hand and DB knowledge from the previous life. But is that all this vast universe is meant to be? ---- I am back!!!!!!!!! So, why am I writing another dragon ball fic? Well, I wanted to continue my old one after awakening my right hand to write again. But I also wanted to make several changes. Harem/Romance? Haven't decided but have a wild guess who would the lucky woman be. I don’t own any character from the DB franchise except some OCs. I am not an English meta, so English Professors, BREATHE AIR. --- Read advanced chapters and other future works here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Surprise

Around 12 or so meters long was standing a giant ape with a missing arm. It was Oozaru, the transformation Saiyans get after looking at the moon.

'Isn't this supposed to be a werewolf thing? The heck Toriyama?'

Now that Raiden thought about it, Toriyama did make this 'transforming after seeing moon' thing from werewolf stories. Since many Japanese were aware of western stories, this theme worked well.

'Saiyans sure have a lot of cheat skills.'

Aside from Super Saiyan, this giant monkey transformation plumps their power level by tenfolds. Not to mention their zenkai ability, which makes them stronger after each fight and near-death experience INFINATELY.


Oozaru Turles released a battle cry before he initiated the fight with a fist.

"What the…"


Taken by surprise, Raiden took a direct hit, but after flying at a distance, Raiden controlled his movements in midair.

"Grr!" Raiden growled as he wiped some blood from his lips. He wasn't expecting Turles to suddenly launch a surprise attack.

However, the game had just started as in the next moment, Raiden saw Turles right above him, ready to body slam Raiden to the ground. Raiden, not wanting to repeat the same mistake, moved swiftly, using a Ki blast on the surface.

Turles didn't even waste a second before lifting his colossal body and stomping Raiden.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Although he avoided every direct hit from Oozaru Turles, Raiden began to see a gap closing between them.

There were two factors about this fight that Raiden underestimated.

First, Turles was way more experienced than Raiden in combat and strategy. How good Turles was using his Oozaru form made that obvious.

Secondly, the absence of Ki manipulation or any Ki skill made it hard for Raiden to continue dodging direct hits. Although he could use Flight and Ki Blast without such skill, that's it. He couldn't increase his flight speed, nor could he increase the output of his Ki Blast.

It just showed how essential skills play in function.

'Dammit! I should have trained a little more!' Raiden gritted his teeth as he flew while escaping from Turles's attacks.

Raiden had learned mixed martial arts in his previous life, but it was like children's play here in this universe.

Raiden wasn't upset about letting Turles transform into a great ape. He was frustrated by his lack of combat experience.

However, were the odds against Raiden?

"Nah!" Just then, Raiden turned and released an Omega Beam from his finger, shooting it at Oozaru Turles's knee.

The giant ape moaned with pain before collapsing on the ground face first.

Raiden grinned and slammed Turles's same knee with a down kick, shattering the giant monkey's bones.


The great ape moaned as he clutched his leg and began weeping on the ground.

"Now then, let's see how durable is your monkey form." Raiden grinned and decided to use torture techniques he always wanted to test on his bullies.



Turles thought he now had a chance to overpower Raiden in his great ape form. However, a single shot beam from Raiden's finger again put him in his place.

Even though Turles was now superior in power level, those red beams evened the difference.

Worst of all, Raiden could shoot these crimson beams from his eyes, which were impossible to deflect or predict as they could turn in midair.

With each shot, Turles's flesh was ripped, and blood spurred. Not only these attacks inflicted pain, but Turles also swore he could sense his soul leaving out with each shot.

With each attack, Turles was losing his will to fight. There was just nothing he could do but wait and die.

'Wait a second!'

Just then, Turles saw a figure couple of meters away. It was a small orange humanoid alien observing their fight.

'So that's how it is?!'

Now Turles understood why Raiden was avoiding flying that spot. That orange alien must be Raiden's friend that he was talking with.

"So, monkey, are you ready to die? I wanted to torture you a little more, but I am not into animal abuse." Raiden stopped his attacks and mocked Turles.

Turles was on his knees, his skin was ripped, and blood was springing out. The giant ape couldn't move his limbs as Raiden blasted or cut away all the joints. He could only move his skull as he lifted his head and looked right into Raiden's eyes.

"Hehe… I am…" Turles released a weak laugh in his heavy ape voice. But then his mouth curved and glared at Raiden. "But I am not going to die that easily! Say goodbye to your friend!"

"What the…"

Immediately, the oozaru turned his neck at 180, even breaking his neck, and fired a mouth energy wave in the direction of that orange alien.


Before Turles's eyes, the orange humanoid alien was engulfed in an explosion dome.


Lemo watched the fight from a safe distance to avoid coming Raiden's way.

"That kid is a monster…." Impressed by Raiden's skyrocketing growth, Lemo dropped a sweat.

If he were to tell that Raiden's power level wasn't even in digits a few months ago, no one would believe him.

Plus, those crimson energy beams from his eyes were so chaotic that even Lemo was shaken from fear. Raiden probably had no idea how destructive those Omega Beams were. There was just something about those Omega Beams that shook his soul.

"What the hell is he doing?!"

Even though Raiden now had the upper hand over the giant ape, Raiden was still playing with his opponent. He should finish Turles before Turles could pull any other move.

However, when Lemo observed the fight, Turles and his eyes met.


Without a doubt, the ape saiyan had noticed Lemo. The giant ape's crimson eyes told everything that was about to happen with Lemo.

"RAIDE-" In a desperate attempt, Lemo called Raiden to kill the Saiyan immediately, but Turles turned his head and blasted an energy wave from his mouth.

Before Lemo could even move, he saw a giant energy orb before him. Lemo knew what was waiting for him.



An earth-shattering explosion engulfed Lemo as he heard the sound of mud evaporating in the air. However, the death he was waiting for didn't come.

"?" Lemo opened his eyes and saw Raiden's face up close. He was in Raiden's arms, sound and safe.

In short, Raiden had saved Lemo in time.

"Sup, pal. You good?" Raiden smirked with a blood tail on his lips.

"Hm…" Lemo's cheeks swelled for some unknown reason. Dammit, Raiden should stop acting so damn cool!


"Fu#k." Raiden scratched his head after putting down Lemo.

Raiden, this time, really regretted allowing Turles to turn into Oozaru. He should have finished the weak Saiyan at first glance.

Other than losing a couple of Health Points from the impact of the blast, Raiden was safe.

In the last moment, Raiden used all 30 SPs into Agility and moved at lightning speed to save the day.

"Learned the lesson, brat?" Lemo broke the silence as he glanced at the teen.

"Yeah…" Raiden sighed. He wanted to learn and test his abilities but got carried away and almost put both of them in danger.

"Now, finish him off."

"Hmm." Raiden nodded and opened his status screen. It was time to improve his [Omega Release] skill. Besides that, Raiden also took out several cards he had previously received from missions.

5x 10-Skill-Level-Up Cards.

2x Skill-Rank-Up Cards.

Raiden was saving these cards in the hope of using them to level up more advanced skills, but now it was time to use every last bit of his cards. He would let tomorrow progress to the future.

Raiden then used all the cards to level up Omega Release.

[Omega Release leveled up to Lv. 70]

[Omega Release has been upgraded from Expert to "C" (Lv. 200)]

[Omega Release has been upgraded from Expert to "B" (Lv. 300)]

[Omega Release has been turned into Omega Control.]

[Omega Control: B (70/300)]

[Omega Control gives you various ways to manipulate and release Omega Effect:

-Omega Aura

-Target lock-on for the entire fight

-Targeted Omega Beams even with hands.]

Just as Raiden finished reading all these notifications, he felt a surge of energy entering his body. His entire body began radiating a crimson aura, increasing his overall strength and agility.

He also received various information about using Omega Effect in different ways. Now he could target lock his enemies and kill them with Omega Blasts or Beams no matter where they go.

'Let's test it.' Raiden thought and raised his palm towards Turles.

Raiden began to pour Omega Effect in his palm, which shaped an orb. After pouring enough energy, a golf ball size crimson ball formed.

"Goodbye, saiyan," Raiden smirked, giving some respect to Turles for giving Raiden a valuable lesson.

With those words, Raiden released his attack as a crimson beam was launched from the ball toward Turles.


As soon as the light met the giant ape, everything around Turles was engulfed in crimson light, followed by the cry of a massive explosion.

Before Raiden's and Lemo's eyes, the Oozaru Turles, along with everything behind him, was evaporated into nothingness.

Soon the chaos died down, and a plain field emerged as if everything before was erased.

"Man, this is brutal…!" Even Raiden was stunned by the sheer destructive power of Omega Beams. "Isn't that right, Lemo?"

"I… I think I crapped my pants. Gonna change now…." With those words, Lemo left.

Raiden also saw several notifications after Turles vanished from view.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have completed the main mission.]

[You have received 20,000 EXP.]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have received [Telekinesis: Advanced (25/50)]]

[You have unlocked Inventory.]

[Telekinesis: Advanced (25/50)

You can move small nonliving objects by using your mind.]

"Neet!" Raiden nodded with a smile and returned to his ship.

(Word count: 1700+)




Name: Raiden

Level: 30 (142/12797)

Energies: Ki, Omega Effect,

Racial Base Stat:

Human (Acquirer): 500

Frost Demon: 10,000

Power Level: 29730

STR: 213

KI: 245

END: 188

AGI: 345

Additional SPs: 10

HP: 1062

KP: 1166

Combat Arsenal:

Racial Abilities: [Frost Body]

Passive: [Player: (MAX)], [Foreigner: (MAX)], [Omega Control: B (70/300)]

Active: [Telekinesis: Advanced (25/50)]

Techniques: [Ki Blast], [Omega Beam], [Flight]

(AN: I wanted to make skill levels same as MCs current level but it would have slowed the progression a lot. What you think?)

Advance chapter here:

https://www.patre on.com/J_Titan

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