
Dragon Ball: I'm Gamin' it!

[REBOOT] Raiden was one of those fortunate or unfortunate souls to be reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball but in another galaxy and as a human. He thought he would live a peaceful life, but against the odds, his planet was destroyed, and the people were massacred by Freeza's brother, Cooler. He worked as Cooler's grunt until his pride ignited a rage. Even if he was the weakest worm in the universe, he wanted to live like a human no matter how many times he has to die. His pray was answered when he saw several blue systemic windows. [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] With a gaming system in his hands, Raiden wanted to survive while becoming the strongest in the multiverse. It will be an easy game with a system in hand and DB knowledge from the previous life. But is that all this vast universe is meant to be? ---- I am back!!!!!!!!! So, why am I writing another dragon ball fic? Well, I wanted to continue my old one after awakening my right hand to write again. But I also wanted to make several changes. Harem/Romance? Haven't decided but have a wild guess who would the lucky woman be. I don’t own any character from the DB franchise except some OCs. I am not an English meta, so English Professors, BREATHE AIR. --- Read advanced chapters and other future works here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: A gamble

Three Saiyans came out from a destroyed city, with one of them carrying a briefcase. His name was Turles, the leader of three Saiyan squad.

"I can't believe we got the treasure so easily!" Fush, one of three Saiyans, grinned.

"Yeah, we didn't even have to go Oozaru here. Those idiots were so weak!" Chomi, another of them, grinned and licked the blood from his hand.

"Heh!" Turles also smiled, satisfied with this easy mission.

A week ago, Turles and his squad got a mission to hunt down a race that had escaped with one of Freeza's treasures.

The reason was definitely a fluke, as Freeza wants to own everything in this universe. Turles being a war mongrel, would like nothing more than to massacre people.

He thought his enemy would give him some fight, but they were so pathetically weak that he didn't even feel like he was killing a sentient race. They were nothing more than worms.

However, the treasure he got from this planet had made this mission a massive jackpot.

'Tree of might, huh…' Turles thought.

According to information, Turles obtained secretly from the native alien, the palm-size seed in the briefcase could grow into the Tree of Might after absorbing enough life force from a planet. The tree would then spawn some kind of divine fruit that could significantly increase its consumer's strength.

'Maybe…' Turles rubbed his chin and looked at his teammates.

Turles could kill his two friends before escaping from this planet with this treasure. He knew Freeza was spying on them via his scouter, so he could also trick Freeza Force.

Turles could imagine himself being the strongest in the universe with this fruit.

However, when Turles was planning his plot, all three of their scouters began blinking before stopping at the Power Level meter.

All three Saiyans got stunned, and sweat dwelled on their foreheads.

"17,000… How…?" One of them spoke with a trembling voice.

That power level was enough evidence that whoever their scouters were measuring was a formidable opponent. Even with their combined strength, their chance of winning was negligible.

"Shit!" Turles gritted his teeth. Just when he was thinking of changing his fate, a problem was already standing on his doorstep. He immediately yelled, "Call for backup! Now!"

However, Turles didn't receive any response. He turned his head and saw the other two Saiyans paralyzed in their spot.

But before Turles could question more, his friends' skulls got exploded.

Feeling a presence, Turles slowly turned and saw a person that pushed his fear to the edge. A sense of dread stunned him when he saw that person's face.

That person had a tail, wearing a similar Freeza Force armor, and a face that resembled…


But before Turles could finish his words, the man raised his finger and fired a beam, destroying Turles's scouter.

"Not quite. Name's Raiden, and I have come to ride your mom, monkey!" That man named Raiden introduced himself and grinned.

At that moment, Turles knew he had to say bye-bye to his dream of being strongest.


'This b!tch looks just like Goku…' Raiden sighed as he examined the Goku knockoff.

Turles was just dark Goku! What the heck?!

Seriously though, was Toriyama running out of character faces and their names? Let's not dwell on naming sense but what about Goku? The man has three resembling faces in the same series, including this idiot Turles.


Raiden awoke from his thoughts when Turles began to speak.

"…Why did… you kill my friends?"

"Friends? Hahaha! Lemo, did you hear him? He called them friends?!" Raiden laughed and spoke.

[Lemo: Yes, I did hear him. By the way, can you kill him quickly? We got to explore this planet and recharge some resources?]

For safety reasons, Lemo remained on the spaceship and analyzed the situation from afar.

"As for why I killed your monkey friends? Didn't I tell you why I came here?" Raiden grinned and folded his arms, "To kill you, of course!"

Turles remained silent before he spoke, "Look, maybe we could talk-"

"Aaaand time's up!"

Raiden kicked the ground and appeared right before Turles taking the poor saiyan by surprise. Raiden then swung his hand like a knife, severing Turles's hand.

"AAAAGG!" Turles screamed as his hand fell down along with the briefcase he was holding.

However, Raiden was far from done as, in the next step, he swung his tail and slammed it on Turles's chest. The tanned Saiyan flew several meters before crashing with a giant boulder, destroying the boulder in action.

'No wonder Freeza liked to use his tail against weaklings.' Raiden grinned after sending the monkey to sleep for a few minutes.

He took the briefcase and opened it.

'So, this is the seed of the tree….'

Seeing the non-cannon treasure in his hands, Raiden began to question the legitimacy of this timeline-no, he was also doubtful of this system.

Villains from movies couldn't exist in the main timeline since it wouldn't make sense. There would be a lot of plot holes even if one were to insert some movie's timeline into the real thing.

But the real question was, why did this system issue the 'Main' quest just to kill some movie mob? What is the basis of these missions?

Except for Broly or Janeba, Raiden didn't think any movie character would

"Sigh! Let's not waste time on some insignificant things…."

For the time being, Raiden decided not to question his cheat system.

Although Raiden wasn't a fan of being ordered around, he wasn't unthankful. If the reward for his action is generous, he doesn't mind lending his hand.

"Lemo, catch!" Raiden called Lemo and then threw the seed in the air.

[Lemo: Catch what? What the…. Oi, brat!!!.... Phew… WHAT THE HELL? IT COULD HAVE HIT ME!!]

Raiden chuckled, amused by Lemo's panicking voice. Though he was more impressed by his accuracy since Lemo was almost 30 meters away from his location, and Raiden's throw was perfect.

Raiden flew towards a pile of pebbles before he yelled, "Oi, monkey! Playing dead might be one of your survival skills, but it doesn't work on warriors such as myself!"

A silhouette suddenly emerged from the debris and fired a Ki blast at Raiden. However, Raiden slapped the Ki blast like a volleyball away in the sky.

"Huff*… Huff*"

In front of Raiden was Turles in tattered armor, his body full of cuts and bruises. Although his severed arm stopped bleeding, Raiden knew Turles would die from just a single punch.

"Why…?" Turles began speaking between his scattered breathing, "Why… do you want to kill me…? Did Saiyans ever harm you…?"

"Hmm, good question." Raiden smiled and rubbed his chin.

Come to think of it, why did Raiden begin calling Saiyans 'monkey'? Was Raiden a racist, or was it a Freeza thing? Or maybe Raiden was just disgusted by all these filthy murdering machines. The latter might probably be the case.

Although Raiden liked Vegeta or Bardock in anime when they overcame their shortcoming and used their pride to stand up against Freeza, Raiden still thought Freeza did the right thing by exterminating the entire race.

And even if you exclude Freeza from the story, Saiyans would have probably been wiped out by Beerus himself.

"I don't think I need to say out loud. You Saiyans are gonna be history soon." Raiden grinned, then sighed, "I was hoping for some fight, but all I get are some weaklings and a wannabe Goku."

"I don't know who this Goku is, but he sounds cringe." Turles said before he began to laugh, "Hehehe… If and only I had time, I would have given you the fight you are looking for…."

"Hmm, you mean that big monkey thing when you see the moon?" Raiden asked as he turned around and saw a silhouette of a moon from a distance.

Was Turles thinking about turning Oozaru?

"Yes! Give me some time, and I will give you the fight you seek?!" Turles widened his eyes, excited like a desperate salesperson to attract his client to his black business.

"Is that so…?" Raiden rubbed his chin.

[Lemo: No….]

The offer wasn't bad.

If Raiden remembered correctly, saiyans gain a 10x multiplier to their power levels. It means that Turles's power level would be around 25,000.

It might seem a lot against Raiden's 17K but don't forget that Raiden still had all those SPs to boost his power level instantly.

Plus, Raiden needed to test his new mutated body against a formidable opponent that Raiden might encounter.


From the other end, Lemo began honking to somehow prevent Raiden from taking the bait.

However, the damage was already done when Raiden smirked.

"I know you are playin' me, but I want your offer. Go on and turn into the monkey!"

With those words, Turles slowly got up and flew back a couple of meters.

Raiden rose in the air while taking some distance. He wanted to see this transformation.

Soon the Saiyan began to transform. As Turles's body grew, a thick layer of animal hair grew on his bare skin while his face began to morph, taking the shape of an ape.

Not long before, a giant ape was standing before Raiden.

"GUAHAAAAAAA!" Great ape Turles roared, announcing the arrival of destruction itself.

On the other hand, a big grin formed on Raiden's face.

"This is going to be fun!"

(Word count: 1500+)


Advance chapter here:

https://www.patre on.com/J_Titan

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