
Dragon Ball: I'm Gamin' it!

[REBOOT] Raiden was one of those fortunate or unfortunate souls to be reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball but in another galaxy and as a human. He thought he would live a peaceful life, but against the odds, his planet was destroyed, and the people were massacred by Freeza's brother, Cooler. He worked as Cooler's grunt until his pride ignited a rage. Even if he was the weakest worm in the universe, he wanted to live like a human no matter how many times he has to die. His pray was answered when he saw several blue systemic windows. [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] With a gaming system in his hands, Raiden wanted to survive while becoming the strongest in the multiverse. It will be an easy game with a system in hand and DB knowledge from the previous life. But is that all this vast universe is meant to be? ---- I am back!!!!!!!!! So, why am I writing another dragon ball fic? Well, I wanted to continue my old one after awakening my right hand to write again. But I also wanted to make several changes. Harem/Romance? Haven't decided but have a wild guess who would the lucky woman be. I don’t own any character from the DB franchise except some OCs. I am not an English meta, so English Professors, BREATHE AIR. --- Read advanced chapters and other future works here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: A masterplan

A turquoise humanoid alien with short blond hair curled to the left, wearing upper body armor and a full-length body suit in purple color, was observing the spaceship of two enemies who had just killed almost all of Cooler's soldiers on the planet.

He was Cooler's strongest henchman and most intelligent warrior of his race, Salza.

Salza was crossing this solar system when he received a distress signal. According to the source, someone got into a huge fight, and while doing so, a human-looking grunt began massacring everyone on the planet.

Salza's first guess of the enemy's identity was a Saiyan, but Salza dismissed the thought since Saiyan only worked for Freeza.

"What?!" While Salza was concluding, he saw a humanoid standing in the sky wearing similar armor. While he could see another spaceship leaving the surface, he didn't care. His interest was that specimen dared to stand before Salza.

"Powa level of 2900… Does he have a death wish?" Salza's question was answered with an attack from that man with some kind of laser attack.

Salza had no idea what trick that man used, but those lasers hit the core of his spaceship, destroying it in the end.

"Interesting…" Instead of being angry, Salza's interest grew more. He went towards that induvial who had just challenged Salza in an open fight.

Salza landed in front of the same person waiting in an open area. The person looked precisely like a Saiyan, but since he had no tail, Salza denied the possibility. Upon closer inspection, he thought he had seen this human somewhere.

"So, ya the human brat who has been rampaging on this planet? Might tell me how a weak worm-like ya can grow in such a short toime?" Salza asked. "The name is Salza boi the woay."

"…Before that, why is your Australian accent so horrible? Is there some kind of Space Australia around here?" The human asked a strange question.

"Australia? I am not familiar with the term. Although I do find it very… homie-like." Salza muttered.

"Anyway, name's Raiden, your today's ass-kicker," Raiden smirked.

"Ya? With your powa level?!" Salza began to laugh, "Ya can't be an ass-kicker. Ya a pant pisser!"


Salsa then grinned, "Yeah, I know ya. Ya that person whose race I once slaughtered. I still remembered ya beggin' like a loser with wet pants."

"Just so you know, it's called feeble bladder, and it's medical!" Raiden turned red from embarrassment but quickly took a fighting stance. "Let's get this over with!"

Just then, Raiden sprinted towards Salza to punch him, but the blue Australian alien didn't even flinch and easily dodged it.

"What the…" A shock could be seen on Raiden's face. He then tried several kicks and punches, but Cooler's second in command quickly countered his every move.

"Now, this is boring," Salza said, and with one kick, he sent Raiden several meters away.

Salza then walked towards grounded Raiden and lifted his head with his hair.

"Tell me something mortal. Why didn't ya use your full strength? Even if ya are weak as a worm, I could sense ya have more to offer." Salza asked.

"Cough* B!tch, you look like a 2-incher side character of a porn clip…! I felt disgusting just looking at you…." Raiden smirked, unfathomed by Salza's glaring threat.

"Hmm, guess you are just a bluff," Salza said and was about to blow Raiden into ashes when Raiden began laughing.

"Hahaha! I wanted to see when Cooler would beg Beerus for mercy, but this is the end. Too bad…. These frost demons have such treasures in this universe that could make them immortal, but they are too short-sighted….."

"What the… Stop bluffing and die!" Salza groaned and charged an energy ball to erase Raiden from existence when he received an unexpected call from Cooler.

[Cooler: Bring that maggot to me. I just come to seek some entertainment.]

"Oh, right then, sir," Salza answered in affirmation. He was on the call with Cooler just before landing on the planet. He forgot that he hadn't ended the call.

Without wasting any time, Salza knocked Raiden out before taking him to a nearby spaceship.

"Australia… It is a good name for my planet."


Cooler, Freeza's older brother, and King Cold's eldest son, looked at his planet from his ship in space.

Then the door of his chamber lifted, and Salza entered with a human teen in his hand. Salza then tossed the human named Raiden like a paper ball and stood beside Cooler to protect him.

"You know, Cooler, you should educate that 2-incher porn side character to respect guests!" Raiden spoke in an oddly informal manner as if he had known Cooler before. "But my god, even if you are as ugly as Freeza, you are much taller in person."

Cooler chucked upon listening to Raiden. Cooler was much more level-headed than his brother, so he didn't get angry from insults. Instead, he felt proud to be called taller since it was the only factor that Cooler could flex against Freeza.

"I apologize for my subordinate's behavior. Let me introduce myself; I am Cooler, the ruler of this galaxy." Cooler smiled.

"Ruler of the galaxy? Are you sure you could say the same in the presence of your daddy and lil' brother?"

Upon hearing Raiden's mock, Cooler's expression turned stern.

"It seems like you know much more than a mortal at your level should know. Tell me, human. How did you know about Beerus?"

"Let's cut the bullsh!t, Cooler. We both know you don't want to know about Beerus!" Raiden smirked and took a fighting stance, "You are interested in becoming stronger than your brother Freeza!"

Cooler took a deep breath and then sighed.

"Fine, it seems like you are looking for a fight. Come at me then." Cooler said and unfolded his hands. Although he knew Raiden was a weak worm, he would never underestimate any opponent.

Salza, standing beside Cooler, protested against Cooler's decision, but Cooler stopped Salza.

"Thanks, purple guy. I owe you one!" Raiden said and fired a Ki Blast at Cooler's face.

Cooler didn't move and took the blast head-on. Then a hand emerged from the smoke to hit Cooler, but Cooler easily avoided the punch and caught it.

"This tactic is pretty lousy, you know," Cooler smirked as he pulled Raiden from the smoke of the blast.

However, when Cooler saw his crimson-glowing eyes, Raiden had more cards to show.

"Caught you!" With those words, Raiden fired two red beams at Cooler.

Sensing some danger from those beams, Cooler tried to avoid it, but those beams bent and took several turns before hitting Cooler's left abdomen side.

"Khuh!" Cooler groaned from the pain. Although those beams only ripped his skin a little, Cooler felt piercing pain in his rib. It was like being stung by a bullet ant.

Now angered, Cooler didn't waste a second before tabbing Raiden with his tail.

"Khuaaa!" Raiden coughed a mouthful of blood before his body lost all its strength.

However, even in the face of death, Raiden gave a menacing smile. This time both Cooler and Salza were visibly surprised. Something about that smile wasn't right.

"Since… you have given me a chance to fight you… I am going to tell you something…." Raiden spoke with passed.

Cooler raised a brow and listened.

"You can make a new transformation… that could surpass Freeza…."

"And how would I do that?" Cooler asked. He wanted to listen more, but Raiden was beyond saving.

"… It's all up to you… Make sure to become strong… because I will clap your cheeks soon…." Raiden smirked and then looked at Salza, "And I will also kill that porno side character. Seriously though, he looks gay!"

"Hah!" Agitated, Salza punched Raiden, who flew away and fell into his own pool of blood.

"Milord, you don't have to listen to him! He was just bluffing!"

"Hmm, and probably not. Salza, come with me. I think it is time to visit my family."

Though Cooler didn't say it out loud, he wanted to test how much he was closer to his little brother. If what Raiden had said was true, Cooler couldn't wait to get this transformation and 'overthrow' some people to become the ruler of the entire universe.

They left the chamber, leaving Raiden's corpse alone. The lifeless body would soon be disposed of, but no one would notice the corpse's soft heartbeat.


Cooler liked cleanliness in his galaxy. As such, he had several 'Cleaners' in his force. One such cleaner was John Xina, a goblin with dark hair on the side while bald in the center.

He was pushing a trolley of corpses to dispose of in the heater.

"Finally! I will be able to see my first child. I can't wait to see my wife and my first born~!"

John Xina's wife was pregnant with his child. As an about-to-be father, he was excited.

"I wonder what I should name him or her…?" John Xia muttered.

"How about John Cena?"

"That would be great! Wait, what-" But before John Cena could ask the unknown voice, a tail emerged from his trolley and pierced his stomach.

Poor goblin, John Xina could only think about his wife before he fell lifeless.

From the trolley, a figure emerged. He was the protagonist of the story, Raiden. And now with the tail.

"Buhahahaha!!!" Raiden laughed fanatically as we read several window prompts in front of him.

[You have acquired Frost Demon Bloodline.]

[Racial Base Stat: Frost Demon 10,000 has been added,]

[Now, additional SPs will increase your attribute by 5. All your starts where you used your SPs are raised by the remaining 3 points.]

[Power level: 2,940 -> 12915]

Now that Raiden had the power boost of a Frost Demon. Things will get a lot easier.

(Word count: 1600+)



[Name: Raiden

Level: 21

Power Level: 12,915

HP: 778/778

KP: 863/863]


Unlike generic saiyan troupe, I decided to go in Freeza way. What do you think?

Advance chapter here:

https://www.patre on.com/J_Titan

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