
Chapters 6: A Namekian's Resolve


Battles littered the air of planet Namek with the surviving warrior clan members fighting for desperate survival. Shockwaves of air from clashes and explosions destroyed the ground below. Plateaus and hills collapsed from flying bodies being thrown around.

Despite the power of the clan members, their numbers were nowhere near as big as the enemy. Some of the elites gave them trouble and it was draining their reserves at a rapid pace. The leading commander of the warrior clan was going strong but he knew the weaker links of his group were starting to tire.

Staring up towards the sky, a dark shadow was overtaking the land beneath them with tiny patches of light poking through. The shadow was caused by the numerous reinforcements that just arrived. 'It's a whole damn fleet.' The commander thought bitterly as he gazed at his enemy with fear present in his body. 'For what reason is this large army attacking us? I don't understand.' He thought as many ki blasts ran down upon his troops. Explosive shockwaves in the air were mixed in as well.

Looking below, the trainee namekians all looked hopeless. Some of the younger ones were even in tears. The training camp below was directly under the wall of ki!

'Is this the end?' He thought to himself as the wave of different colors flew at him like a tidal wave of death from above. This was something he inherently knew was impossible to dodge or win against. Following his instincts, his life immediately flashed before his eyes. He used to be a bloodthirsty namekian following only orders in the war against the surrounding planets. After the war, he grew tired of bloodshed but it was the only thing he knew how to do. Luckily, a close friend of his recommended him to become an instructor.

Originally, he wasn't confident in that decision but after helping to train recruits... he found some peace in it. He could teach them to avoid the mistakes he had made in the wars prior. He could use his specialty to ensure the safety of Namek by training the future generation. His only regret would be that he wasn't able to save his best friend from the clutches of the council.

"Captain!" A namekian he had personally trained yelled bringing him out of his thoughts. The wave of ki had started in the atmosphere and had reached the halfway point. The blast together would destroy a good portion of the Namekian surface killing anyone on this quarter of the planet. 'My purpose is to ensure the generation.' The commander realized once again before his eyes filled with resolve. 'I'll ensure I do that till my last breath.... for my friend.'

"Who said you can lay down and die!" The commander suddenly yelled with ki-infused lungs bringing all his men's attention to himself. "What the hell did I train you for? To die? To fail? To just give up and roll around?" He screamed as a dark green began to shine in his hands. "Do you not remember the words I constantly told you? The words I repeated countless times during your training?"

In shock, the group began to think before one of the youngest came to recognition. Always the weakest link, he was teased but the commander didn't treat him differently from the best. The words of the commander were the only thing keeping him going during his training. Flying forward in the group, a bright lime began to shine from his hands also. "We are the ones who push the generation of warriors! Our emotions will become theirs! Our dreams will become theirs! We are the guardians of the Dragon Clan! We are Namek itself!"

Shocked, the group of Namekians remembered the times they failed to learn to fly. They remembered the struggles they faced controlling their Ki. The weakness their bodies exuded when faced with minimal training. All of it to hear those words over and over to drive them forward. They could not get rid of their fear, fear was always there.... but they were not alone... they had each other.

"Good!" The commander laughed out loud as a fully charged ball of swirling dark green was held between both his hands. "That's the brothers I raised! Now let's fight till our last breath!" Taking a stance, the namekians stood next to each other in a line and began to charge as well. The air around them began to warp from the density of ki they were producing. The same technique the commander had drilled into them repeatedly could now shine at last!

"Say it with me!" Smiling with a crazed resolve the commander cheerfully yelled. 'The feeling of the battlefield has finally returned!' He thought with nothing but excitement. "Get...." he growled.

"GET!" The others yelled. All of their beams are fully charged and trying to go beyond their current limits. A different color of ki on every charged beam produced enough light to seemingly remove the oppressing shadow the numbers above them had summoned.

'OFF!" He yelled with them once again repeating. The energy becomes even more violent with each passing second. It seemed to almost be going out of control.

"My fucking PLANET!" They all screamed before firing beams of different colors which eventually mixed into a giant white beam fully illuminating the training camp below. Twisting the air around it, the beam of pure white powerfully clashed with the wave of destruction above. The clash produced a black shockwave that powerfully encapsulated about half of the atmosphere of the planet causing minor cracks in the surface of the planet and knocking most off their feet.

Screams of pain and resolve came from the Namekian warriors as their muscles expanded and antennas stiffened. Pushing their limits and their vocal cords, the wave of ki and enormous wave eventually started to mix into each other before sending multiple waves of black shockwaves across the planet. These shockwaves caused landslides and earthquakes and even made giant tidal waves of water. The mixing then began to turn violent which the namekians quickly noticed.

"It's too even!" The commander yelled to his comrades. "You have to push harder! The damage will be even worse if we don't win NOW!" Screaming the namekians muscles began to tear through their green skin with purple blood flowing from their ears. The shockwaves had broken some of their eardrums but the deaf ones could feel their brothers trying harder making them push even more.

There was a slight increase in energy making the beam begin to stop mixing but instead push into the ki wave making it bend around it like a blanket. And like a fist through paper, it broke through breaking the ki waves' unity. This made the ki break apart from its original unity and become separate pieces of weaker blasts. They would still cause destruction, but it would be nowhere as severe as before.

Seeing them break through a feeling of relief came through some before the ones who could still hear heard their commander speak in a strange tone. The yelling had made his voice strained and quiet. "You want to end it at a stalemate?" He weakly said as he continued pumping whatever droplets of ki he had left into the beam. "If we end it at a stalemate, they'll just fire another wave you fools! Now put more into it before we all die!"

Listening, they all put the last of their energy into the beam to where they couldn't even fly anymore. And with their bodies torn and skin fractured due to extreme usage of ki, some of them became unconscious after relaxing their mind for a split second. Soon all of the namekians passed out or became unable to fly and landed on the ground. The only one remaining was the commander as he stubbornly directed the beam into a massive group of foreign invaders.

And with a smile only a namekian out of the egg could make, he watched as the beam suddenly condensed and exploded in the middle of the enemy group. Anyone hit by the actual energy of the beam was evaporated with the ones closest to the beginning shockwave totally got torn into pieces. The lucky ones of the giant group had their insides crushed by shockwaves. Dead enemies fell like flies from the heavens and a pillar of light shined directly on the namekians commander before slowly growing larger and composing the encampment.

But before he could start falling, A pair of hands appeared underneath him suddenly. "Hmmmmm, this is certainly a beautiful sight." A familiar voice resounded in the commander's ears. One he had paid special attention to in fear of his friend's punishment. Weakly moving his head while in the pillar of light, he gazed upon the face of no other than Oozak. He was one of his trainees that could never get to training on time. And the offspring of his diseased friend.

"God damn it, Oozak." The Commander weakly coughed causing Oozak to move his head back a bit. "Couldn't you have been on time at least once? Now, look at the mess that's around us." Bodies still falling from the air, Oozak merely raised his eyebrow. "Well, you all seem to handle it very well....." Looking down he saw all of the unconscious and bleeding from rips in their skin. "... For the most part."

Floating down with the commander, he placed him gently on the ground with the others. Once placed Oozak got up and cracked his neck a little. As he cracked his neck, a foreign invader who had just regained his consciousness screamed in pain before comedically having it cut off with a splat right next to him. With some of the blood now covering his shoe, Oozak could only sigh.

"I really can't catch a break can I?" Oozak complained before turning to his brothers. It had been a while and he felt a little warm after seeing them in action. "Alright, guys..... I'll take over from he-."

'What the hell is that?' Oozak thought to himself as a massive energy suddenly appeared above him. A massive red light was enclosing fast and without thinking, Oozak turned and immediately fired a beam of purple and started clashing with it.

"Move!" Oozak screamed to his commander and allies. The red beam that was locked with his purple one was slowly but surely winning ground. "This is not something I can hold too long! You have to get out of here!"

"We can't Oozak." The commander solemnly said. None of the namekins were moving, their bodies were limp due to ki exhaustion and extreme muscle tears. "You're gonna have to get yourself out of this one. We're done for."

"I refuse to believe that YOU can't move!" Oozak screamed at his former commander. He was now outranking him but his respect had never died. "You were the one who made our peace possible! That damn Grand Elder had nothing to do with it! You know what you're capable of! Now start moving damn it!"

"Nah, I'm out." The commander said casually while staring at the red beam. He knew what was going to happen, he knew what must happen. "Fuse with me...." The commander solemnly said with a flat tone. Oozak hearing this looked at him in shock. "You can't be serious... You know what that'll do to you in the end right?" Oozak grunted out as he fought the beam.

"But that isn't fair to the others!" Oozak screamed as he observed his brother's mishappened shapes. In response to this, the ones who could still hear meekly passed an okay. They had already accepted the possibility of death when going against the prior situation.

"Do we have a better option?" The commander solemnly asked as Oozak was slowly losing ground. The beam oppressively pushing upon them, Oozak bit his bottom lip in frustration. "Alright, We'll do it," Oozak said solemnly, when had reacted to the beam he was directly over the commander speaking down to him. So all he had to do was reach his foot over and make contact with the commander's body.

"The effects won't be instant." The commander coughed out with blood dripping down his chin. "But It should help against the bastard who caused the destruction of our home." Once in contact, a bright aura surrounded the limp commander and he soon became a body of energy that flowed into Oozak. A slight increase of power was felt, and so was the change of mind from the exchange.

"....." Oozak was lost in his thoughts after the namekian fusion and struggled for what felt like an eternity to himself. He could feel the stare of his brothers screaming at him to leave. The will of the commander was also screaming for his safety. And with a bitter conclusion and a power increase due to his past friend's sacrifice, he powered sharply to help surprise and push the beam as far as he could before he felt resistance and quickly dismissed the clash jumping away.

The beam crashed down killing everyone he knew right in front of him. The shockwave pushed him back with relative safety to his body. But his mind was nowhere near as safe from damage. 'What a day....' he thought sadly.

"Oh?" A deep voice came from above. "You managed to survive it? What a strong specimen we have here. You'd make a wonderful pet." Floating down to the ground, a muscular alien with horns appeared in front of Oozak. He had a nose, eyes, and mouth, and his power was just slightly above his. The difference was the long tail that was slowly waving from side to side. It was Lord Shuang in his second form.

"A pet?" Oozak coldly repeated before throwing a weak blast at the Lord's annoying face. In reply, Lord Shuang did a quick 180 and smacked the ki blast back at Oozak. Rushing forward, Oozak did a slight movement of his head to avoid it before grabbing hold of the acrosians tail and with his full strength threw him over his shoulder into the ground. "A pet wouldn't embarrass his master after all. Nor would the master be in the dirt wallowing in his pitifulness." Oozak jokingly said with a smirk as he kicked the acrosian directly at where his ribs should be.

Upon contact, he found his foot and leg wrapped by the tail he had just grabbed. "That's why you discipline your pets." Lord Shuang said viciously as he grabbed Oozak's waist and pushed up while using his tail to pull down. Oozak feeling an extremely hot pain screamed aloud as he was thrown back a bit before rolling around on the ground.

Immediately trying to stand up, he realized he couldn't. Looking down at his left leg, he noticed a stump in its place. "Looking for this?" The Lord giggled as he held his leg with his tail. Venom from his initial embarrassment filled his tone. "Now look who's rolling around in the dirt. Hilariously where your little friends from earlier got buried."

Oozak immediately willed his leg to kick the Lord in his face causing shock as he suddenly released it from his tails grasp. Willing it, the leg hopped towards Oozak as the Lord watched in interest. "A wonderful pet you'll make indeed...." The acrosian mumbled to himself as he watched Oozak reattach his limb, regen the cells, and stand like nothing happen. "You certainly won't break easily."

Fully serious, Oozak without talking dashed forward toward Lord Shuang and got into close quarters. A flurry of blows ensued with Oozak being overpowered at first but slowly gaining ground on the acrosians. Observing the Lord's movements, it was nowhere near as fluid or developed as his. 'He fights almost like a child.' Oozak observed before chuckling and landing a flurry of blows on the acrosians face. 'But that's good for me I suppose.'

"I don't think those noises are appropriate for a lord." Oozak joked as he intentionally aimed for the acrosians nose only. "You gonna protect your nose already? And is it just me or is it getting bigger... and flatter?"

"Enough! Your games annoy me!" Frustrated, the Lord burst his ki outwards aggressively blowing Oozak back, and started to rapidly fire small beams of ki from his fingertips. Barely able to react, Oozak dodged around the best he could while taking only small cuts here and there from the beams. "Stop dodging you pesky insect!" The lord screamed as the beams became faster.

Seeing the beams suddenly become a wall of death, Oozak's perception of time decreased as he saw his death approaching. And with very little time to react, one technique popped up into his head from his time on another planet. "Daio-ken!" He suddenly screamed as a blue aura surrounded his body and he disappeared from Lord Shuang's eyesight. "Daio what now?" The lord questioned before a boot covered in extreme blue aura found itself on his face he was launched backward through 7 different plateaus and dug his way through the ground before coming to a complete stop underneath the crust of the ground.

Standing powerfully and covered in a blue aura, Oozak quickly turned off the Daio-ken and fell to one knee. His muscles began to shake and his eyes became red, he had not yet mastered this form as he had just got back from one of the neighboring planets. Using it was the equivalent of suicide for their warriors, but their overpopulation and views of life made it their signature move to protect their colony. His namekian body's natural regeneration was currently working overtime to keep him alive and in shape.

'I would have died if it wasn't for that sudden breakthrough.' Oozak thought as he looked towards the destruction just one of his kicks in the form caused. 'But I doubt that would have put him down... His fighting skills are bad, but he had barely managed to move his head in the direction of the kick.' Oozak thought as shockwaves suddenly happened above him. Staring down at him were 10 green clones wearing the same armor as the enemies who fell from the sky like flies.

'wait.' Oozak thought to himself as he stared at 7 of them and his eyes widened. 'Is that? the dragon balls?!?!' They were also carrying a beat-up Grand Elder. He thought to himself as an immense power suddenly appeared beside him. Quickly turning, He saw a giant hunched-over figure with a giant long head and and ugly face. "By Kami you are ugly!" He screamed out loud causing the now in his third form Lord Shuang to look down at him in contempt.

"Yeah, you've lost walking privileges." The acrosian said before suddenly Oozak's legs were gone. When decapitated, Oozak quickly willed them to come back. But Lord Shuang was tired of the cocky namekians games and fired a quick but powerful blast at his decapitated legs burning them out. "Now, you useless pet," Shuang said in an overbearing fashion. "I'm going to share some splendid news with you now."

The acrosian had a new form, a giant head, and slumped over the position. He was a bit smaller than his muscular form but it felt more condensed in power. Oozak felt that he stood zero chance against him while out of the Daio-ken.

Leaning in, Shuang grabbed the namekian by the antennas and lifted him. "Can you guess what that is?" He asked in a questioning tone before smiling wide. "You will not be my pet! Awesome right you get freedom!" He happily said before turning him towards the group of aliens holding the dragon balls. "You will however witness my ascendance to power!"

The clones hearing this placed all the dragon balls in order of their numbers and stepped back. The one holding the Grand Elder who was without his limbs smacked him awake. The Grand Elder upon awakening screamed in the pain of his limbs not being there registering only to be smacked again. Quieting down, the Grand Elder looked upon the dragon balls with hollow eyes.

"So you lost too Oozak?" He said with venom and despair. He seemed incapable of even looking at the namekian in the lord's grasp. "I guess it truly is over for us then...."

"Old bastard." The commander would suddenly say in Oozak's head before once again going silent.

"Oh, you bore me namekian." Lord Shuang yawned while playfully moving Oozak up and down. "You see the dragon balls, get to translating my wishes and I may spare the two of you. I don't usually do mass extinctions...." He then manically smiled. "I prefer collecting the endangered species."

The remains of the forces above who survived the now deceased's beam slowly gathered in a massive circle around the event. All standing at the ready to observe Lord Shuang's ascent to glory. Laughing, the acrosian tyrant would throw Oozak to the ground and motion for the ten to watch him. With ten of the lord's elites surrounding him, Oozak could make no sudden moves but instead, let his bodies naturally regenerate the effects of the Daio-ken before attempting to grow two limbs.

"Dragon Creant" The Elder spoke in a low and dead voice with a language unfamiliar to all but himself. "I summon thee once again." The Elder finished as the balls began to glow. The balls then spun together before turning into light and making a pillar reaching up to the sky. This light then formed to make an extremely skinny dragon with blue eyes. The scales were green and fur covered its back in a strip.

Once fully formed, the dragon looked down upon all those witnessing her arrival with indifference. Soon her eyes made contact with the Grand Elder and his situation. "I assume It won't be a useless wish this time?" The Grand Elder could only look at the dragon with his dead eyes. "No, old friend. It will be my last."

The dragon closed her eyes for a bit in silence and mumbled, "I see." Once open, he opened his mouth and spoke in an indifferent tone. "What is your wish? Oh, foolish One."

The dragon however noticed two unique aliens in the circle of people surrounding them. They wore the same armor.... which had some cracks and holes on it.... but they didn't have the skin color or the looks of the ones surrounding them. And unlike the ones who stared obediently, they stared with desire toward her.

They were Saiyans in disguise.
