
Dragon Ball GB

As one of only a few Saiyans that escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta with his life, Baezel, a young Saiyan, heads to Planet Earth with the hopes of finding salvation. He encounters his younger brother, Gangal, on the planet. After the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai and defeating the Centurion Army, Gangal is brutally killed by the army's leader, and resents Baezel for the rest of his life. He was never the same... Join Baezel and his best friend, Radichio, as they go on an adventure that spans generations. From the cold and calculating Pepkorn, the misguided cyborg Draft, the return of Gangal, Parakress' revenge, Baezel Yami's creation, Zendoria's arrival, the destruction of the very Earth that Baezel and friends stood on - even meeting a warrior from another world that required godly power to best - the story of Dragon Ball GB is one hell of a saga, full of twists and turns that will leave you wondering what will happen next.

DBGB_Official · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

The Birth of the Genkidama

The group nods in agreement, and they quickly formulate a plan. Baezel and Baezel Yami continue to clash in the sky, their ki blasts lighting up the darkened city. Zendoria quickly recovers from Draft's attack and charges towards the group, her power overwhelming them.

Draft steps forward, his hands once again forming a diamond shape. "Kikoho!" he yells, firing another beam at Zendoria. This time, she manages to deflect it with a single hand, sending it crashing into a nearby building. The force of the impact causes the building to crumble to the ground, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air.

Radichio quickly jumps into action, charging towards Zendoria with his fists at the ready. Zendoria merely smirks, sending a blast of energy towards Radichio. He manages to dodge it just in time, narrowly avoiding the blast. He lands on the ground and charges towards Zendoria again, his movements swift and precise.

Meanwhile, Draft is focusing on charging his Makankosappo attack. He closes his eyes and concentrates, feeling the energy building up inside him. Parakress is on guard, keeping an eye out for any incoming attacks. Baezel and Baezel Yami continue to clash in the sky, their energy levels increasing with every passing moment.

Zendoria seems to be toying with Radichio, dodging his attacks with ease. She taunts him, saying, "Is this the best you can do? You're weaker than I thought."

Radichio grits his teeth in frustration, but he doesn't give up. He continues to charge towards Zendoria, his determination unwavering. Finally, he manages to land a punch on her, sending her flying backwards. She crashes into a building, causing it to collapse in on itself.

Draft takes this opportunity to launch his Makankosappo. He opens his eyes, and the ki within him explodes outwards.

"MAKANKOSAPPO!" he shouted. A beam of purple ki with a purple coil around it shoots out from his middle and index fingers, hurtling towards Zendoria. She simply tanks the blast, but it drills through her head. It didn't matter, though, because she just regenerated it with no problem. Draft stood in front of her, astonished that she could survive such a thing.

Zendoria looks down at the wound, surprised. "You actually managed to hurt me," she says, a hint of respect in her voice. "You might be weak, but you're not completely useless."

The group takes this moment to regroup and plan their next move. Baezel Yami is still battling Baezel in the sky, but it's clear that Baezel Yami is starting to weaken. His movements are slowing down, and his ki is steadily decreasing. Zendoria aims her staff at Baezel, firing a thin ki blast that disorients him. Radichio tries to jump the female demon, but she simply kicks him away. She rushes towards Baezel Yami and punches straight through his chest, causing the Artificial Saiyan to fall to the ground.

"Uh...thanks," Baezel said in confusion.

"I'm not doing this for you," Zendoria replied. She went to heal Yami, and the punch in his chest slowly healed. He woke up, and felt even stronger than he was before. The Saiyan stood up, and turned his aura back on, now more powerful than ever.

Baezel, realizing that he has just lost the upper hand AGAIN, says, "Okay, guys, I have a plan."


"I'm going to do the Genkidama. But I need you to buy me some time to gather genki for it."

"Okay, that shouldn't be too ha - "

"For about ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?! Are you MAD? There's no way that we'll survive that long!" Draft shouts.

"Well, it's either that, or we all get exhausted and die now," Baezel replies. Groaning, Draft nods and rushes in to fight.

Baezel rises his hands to the sky and begins to gather genki, while everyone goes off to fight Zendoria and Baezel Yami. He can begin to feel the genki from all around the world gathering within him. As he gathered genki, everyone else is getting their asses kicked by Zendoria. Parakress and Draft are having the hardest time, as they're fighting off four clones of Baezel Yami.

"Do something, Baezel!" they shout.

Baezel replies, "Kinda busy gathering genki for our trump card here!"

Draft charges towards Zendoria, his hands once again forming a diamond shape. "Kikoho!" he yells, firing a yellow ki wave at her. Parakress joins in, sending a flurry of ki blasts towards her. Radichio charges towards her once again, his fists at the ready.

Zendoria manages to dodge most of their attacks, but some of them manage to land. Her body is covered in light bruises, but she continues to fight. She sends a red finger beam towards Draft, knocking him off his feet. Parakress manages to barely dodge her attack, but Radichio is hit head on. He goes flying backwards, crashing into a nearby building.

Draft quickly rushes to Radichio's side, checking to see if he's okay. "You alright, dude?" he asks.

"I think I'll live," Radichio replies. He gets up and cracks his knuckles. "Tell me, how long has it been?"

"About two minutes," Draft says.

"My God...eight more minutes of hell."

"Why can't you do something?!" Parakress yells.

"Because I have to save my ki," Baezel says.

"For what?!"

"For the Genkidama. It'll be worth the wait!"

The trio of Radichio, Parakress, and Draft quickly spring into action, launching a flurry of punches and kicks at their opponents. Baezel Yami dodges most of the attacks effortlessly, but Radichio manages to land a solid blow to his side, causing him to stumble. However, Zendoria quickly intervenes, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts that force the trio to scatter.

"Is that all you've got?" Zendoria taunts. "I thought you Saiyans were supposed to be stronger than this."

Radichio growls, his eyes blazing with power as he transforms into Super Saiyan 4. Draft follows suit, activating his Max Power Super Human form, while Parakress powers up to Super Saiyan 2.

Baezel Yami looks on in shock as the trio's power levels skyrocket, but Zendoria merely smirks. "Interesting," she says. "But it won't be enough to defeat me."

The two sides clash again, trading blows at lightning-fast speeds. Radichio and Baezel Yami are evenly matched, exchanging punches and energy blasts with equal ferocity. Meanwhile, Parakress engages Zendoria in a deadly dance of martial arts, dodging and countering her attacks with precision and skill.

Draft hangs back, surveying the battlefield and looking for an opening. He sees Baezel Yami charging up for a devastating attack, and knows that he has to act fast. With a burst of speed, he launches himself at Baezel Yami, slamming into him with all his might.

Baezel Yami grunts in pain, but manages to shake off Draft's attack and counter with a powerful punch. Draft barely manages to dodge in time, his senses heightened by his Max Power Super Human form.

As the battle rages on, the eight minutes slowly tick away. The trio fights with all their might, but it's clear that they're outmatched. Zendoria's power is simply too great, and Baezel Yami's artificial enhancements make him almost invincible.

Parakress is starting to tire, his attacks losing their edge as he struggles to keep up with Zendoria's relentless assault. Radichio is bruised and battered, his Super Saiyan 4 form taking a toll on his body. And Draft is on the verge of collapsing, his Max Power Super Human form draining his energy at an alarming rate.

But they all know that they can't give up. Not now, when Baezel's Genkidama is almost ready.

As the clock ticks down to the final seconds, the trio throws everything they have at their opponents. Radichio unleashes a devastating Final Flash, Parakress unleashes a Galick Gun, and Draft charges in with a Super Android Flash.

But it's all for naught. Zendoria blocks Radichio's Final Flash with ease, dodges Parakress's Galick Cannon effortlessly, and counters Draft's attacks with a brutal energy blast.

With just 30 seconds left, Baezel finishes charging his trump card. The Genkidama swirls into existence, a massive blue sphere of genki that crackles with power.

But Zendoria is not one to give up easily. She charges at Baezel, intent on destroying him before he can unleash the Genkidama. Radichio, Parakress, and Draft spring into action, throwing themselves between Zendoria and Baezel.

The final moments of the battle are a blur of motion and energy. Radichio dove straight towards Zendoria and kicked her into a building. Baezel Yami flew in to save her, but Radichio intercepted and kicked him into the ground. Finally, he held him via a Full Nelson, and yelled to Baezel, "JUST THROW THE DAMN THING ALREADY!" Radichio shouts, beaten and weary.

"Just buy me a little more time! Only ten more seconds!" Baezel shouts back. They keep fighting as he counts down from 10 in his head.

At 8, Zendoria attempts to blast him, but Baezel gets grazed by the blast and it goes past his cheek.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Zendoria screams.


"Seven more seconds," he says.

"Baezel," Radichio weakly says. "Just..." he then collapsed due to exhaustion.

"five...four...three...two...one...it's done!"

The Genkidama is finally done charging, and as he throws his hands down, a giant blue ki sphere the size of a large city descends down from space and becomes visible to all. As it descends, it creates a hole in the darkened clouds and the blue sky is revealed. Everyone except Baezel Yami moves out of the way. He fires a Kamehameha at it, and it only grows bigger. He fires a barrage of ki blasts at it to make it explode, but it only grows bigger and stronger. And while he tries to push it back, Baezel lets out a fierce scream and goes into Super Saiyan 4. With this increased power, he is eventually overwhelmed and the Genkidama goes into the ground. It then explodes, and everyone's sent flying away because of the sheer power. When the dust settles, there's a giant, deep hole in the ground and everyone's covered in rubble. He gets up, and coughs and sniffles from the dust.

"What the hell happened?" Radichio asks, slowly getting up and rubbing his back.

"The Genkidama was a success," he says.

"That blast was insane...the last thing I saw before blacking out was a bright light, then I got knocked into a building," Radichio replies.

"Yeah...after I threw it, everyone was pushed back by it. See, Raddy? I told you it'd be effective," Baezel tells his best friend.

He nods.

"I think he's dead," Radichio says.

"Yeah, I think so too," he says.