
Dragon Ball Gaming System

Waking up I look at my self and I have green spots all over my body. Two wings and a sting tail. Luke: hmm looks I am like Cell’s that case I need to reach my perfect form

Jacksama52 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

I rushed towards Gogeta and punched him which he blocked followed by a kick. He dodged out of the way and kicked me in the stomach.

I then retreated from my original position. I charged a ki blast and shoot it at him. He deflected it by slapping the blast but as he looked towards me I was already in front of him. I kicked him and he went flying and hit a few valleys in the distance.

He comes out of the bolder unscathed. I then rush towards him and immediately hit him with a ki clone switch. My clone starts attacking and knocks him away.

We rush again and he finds a my guard damaging me with an elbow and a kick to the chest before finishing with a ki beam from his arms( imagine what Gogeta did to Broly). Before the ki blast could hit me I absorbed them.

Luke: Kamehameha

I fired a Kamehameha at Gogeta before I overloaded it with ki. He tries to dodge the the blast and he succeeded. He then blocked it taking minimal damage.

Luke: Now lets end this Solar Kameha-

Before I could finish my move Goku and Vegeta separated.

Luke: Oh I guess it is over.

Everyone lost hope as they knew that I would destroy the planet if no body won.

Luke: Well that was a disappointment don't worry about your planet I have no intention of destroying it.

I flew away from the and got in my time machine.

Luke: Lets go back to my original timeline.

I set coordinates and the time machine started floating. What Luke did not notice was that a piece of the time machine fall before disappearing.

Emma POV

My name is Emma. I am around 16 and I am a saiyan.

We live on planet Vegeta and we are a warrior race. All my life I wanted to be the strongest Saiyan so that I can make my parents proud. To do this I needed to work hard.

I started training from a young age. We are a elite family so I was born with a high power level. It came easier to master my great ape form. After a few years I got my own team.

They were, one boy who's name is Max

and my other teammate is my best friend who's name is Elisabeth.

Today was like any other day we were preparing to go on a mission. I walked out of my room after putting my amour on I left to meet my friends.

Walking towards they I can see Elisabeth waving towards me.

Elisabeth: Emma what took you so long we are almost late.

Emma: Sorry I guess I over slept.

Max: Geez you are always so carefree.

Max said as he was currently leaning against the wall.

Emma: Anyway I am here so let's go.

We started walking towards the mission center. After arriving we confirmed our mission and left towards the space pods. Getting in I could hear Max complain.

Max: These damn pods are so uncomfortable.

We set coordinates for the planet and left. The planet we are going is gonna take us a week to reach. As we left we went to sleep for the next week.

Time skip 1 week later

Third person

In a Greenish planet suddenly three space pod entered the mesosphere. They continued down until they landed forming three creators.

Getting out of the space pods were three figures. The first was a male who is around 6'5 and was wearing a white armor. He had a tail warped around his hip and a scouter on the right side of his eye. His skin was slightly pale and he was packed with muscles but they were not to big.

The next figure was a female. Like the boy she also had a armor but hers was purple. She also had a tail warped around her hip and a scouter which was also purple.

She had a slightly tanned skin compared to the boy. Her breast was A-cup and she had curves in the right places. Her hair was laid down as the wind blew it. Her eyes and hair were black.

The last figure was also a female. Like the boy her skin was also slightly pale. She had the same armor as the two with hers being red, same goes for the scouter.

Her body compared to the other girl was more mature with her breast being B-cup and her curves being more defined.

She was a little taller then the other girl but still shorter then the boy. She also had black hair although hers was put into a ponytail. Her eyes were also black.

Emma POV( she is the last figure )

Emma: Okay lets search for the highest power level on the planet.

After saying that she pressed the buttons on the scouter. After a few minutes the results showed

[ Highest Power level - 800 million ]

Emma: Looks like it's not going to be a problem

Emma's power level was around 900 million. Her teammates power levels were: Elisabeth - 810 million and was Max - 820 million.

Third person

They then flew in the direction of the highest power level.

Arriving there the structure standing in front of them was a huge castle. Before they got in they see a man. This man has green skin and brown hair. He was also wearing a armor like them except for the tail. The man had a handsome face which was ruined by his crazy smile.( imagine Zorbon from DBZ )

Emma POV

Boron: Well well what do we have hear a bunch of monkeys

This guy already pisses me of. I look at my other teammates and we nodded.