
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Destruction before Creation?

As the final bell of the school day rang, signalling the end of another tedious lecture, Peter joined his friends Ben and May on their familiar route to the local town library, walking through the bustling streets of London.

Peter clutched his physics textbook under his arm, its weight a constant reminder of the upcoming exam that loomed before him like a storm on the horizon. Physics had always fascinated him, and he looked forward to diving deeper into its mysteries.

The trio arrived at the newly built library, which stood tall and imposing, its six expansive floors stretching towards the sky. Its exterior showcased a sleek and modern design, a harmonious fusion of glass, steel, and concrete mixed with nature.

They stepped into the lit interior, greeted by the scent of ageing paper and the loud voices there.

Peter, Ben, and May ascended the grand staircase, and the impressive expanse of the new library unfolded before their eyes. The soaring ceilings seemed to touch the heavens, while the walls were adorned with shelves upon shelves of books.

Reaching the fifth floor, they entered the designated group study area. The vast space was abuzz with the soft murmurs of students engrossed in their studies. Rows of tables and chairs were neatly arranged, providing an atmosphere conducive to focused learning.

They settled at a table tucked away in a quiet corner, surrounded by towering bookshelves. Peter placed his physics textbook on the table, flipping it open with eager anticipation. His eyes met Ben's, and a playful smile danced upon his lips.

"So, who's ready to tackle the intricacies of electromagnetic waves?" Peter asked, with a hint of mischief in his voice. "I hope there are no negative charges among us, or else our study session might repel."

Ben and May chuckled, their faces lighting up with amusement. "Well, Peter, if you can explain how induction works, I might just be positively charged by your enthusiasm," Ben retorted, a playful glint in his eyes.

Peter grinned and leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping the table in rhythm. "Induction, my friends, is like a dance between electric and magnetic fields."

"Speaking of induction, do you guys remember Fleming's Left Hand Rule?"

Ben chuckled, scratching his head. "Of course everyone does. It's all about the thumb, the first finger, and the second finger, right?" He replied, mimicking the hand gesture.

Peter nodded, his enthusiasm evident. "Exactly! The thumb points in the direction of the motion or the current; the first finger represents the magnetic field; and the second finger gives you the direction of the induced current."

The trio delved deeper into their physics discussions, exploring topics such as kinematics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. They exchanged ideas, challenged each other's understanding, and offered explanations with fervour. Peter's confidence in his knowledge became evident as he seamlessly weaved concepts and equations into his explanations.

During their breaks, Peter, Ben, and May sought solace and respite in the outside area of the fifth-floor balcony.

Stepping out into the open, they were greeted by a scene of tranquillity. The spacious balcony extended before them, adorned with flourishing greenery, vibrant flowers, and carefully placed potted plants. The air was rich with the scent of nature, a welcome departure from the confines of the library.

Under the shade of a large canopy, the friends found a wooden table nestled amidst the foliage. Peter settled onto the sturdy surface, his fingers flipping through the pages of his treasured Dragon Ball manga. The cool breeze caressed his face, tousling his hair, as he savoured the respite it offered from the stuffiness of the library.

"You know," he remarked with a grin, "Goku's power level might defy physics, but there's a certain elegance in the way his strength grows."

Ben and May joined him, their snacks spreading across the table, forming a colourful assortment. They chatted amiably, their voices blending with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant hum of city life below. The balcony, shielded from the sun's rays, provided a serene oasis where time seemed to slow down.

"The match last night was incredible!" Ben exclaimed with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. "Did you see that goal? That goal scored by Zachary Bemba was insane!"

May chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You know, I think mighty Juventus may just win the Champions League this year."

As his friends were deep into discussing each team's odds, Peter found solace in the pages of his manga. With each turn, he delved deeper into the manga with the windy breeze, mischievous yet gentle, occasionally flicking at the pages, threatening to disrupt the immersion.

"What the hell? How on earth is this Moro dude not dead?" Peter's voice carried a tinge of bewilderment as he expressed his disbelief. His eyes were scanning the pages of the manga, trying to make sense of the seemingly unstoppable antagonist.

Ben nodded in agreement, his voice tinged with a sigh. "I know, right? It's like they always find a way to keep Vegeta down. He deserves better than this constant struggle."


Leaving the serene ambiance of the library balcony behind, the trio retraced their steps back to the section where they had immersed themselves in diligent study. The library's hallowed halls seemed to whisper tales of forgotten knowledge as they walked, their footsteps hushed against the polished floors.

With the weight of hours spent pouring over textbooks and practice problems behind them, Peter couldn't contain his excitement any longer. The desire to unveil his latest projects burned within him, fueling his words as he leaned in closer to his friends.

"Hey, guys," he began in a hushed tone, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, "since we've covered most of the topics we need to revise, why don't we head back to my place?"

"I've been working on some really cool stuff," Peter said, his voice brimming with excitement.

Ben and May locked eyes, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation shining in their gazes. The prospect of witnessing Peter's latest creation stirred their imaginations, and a spark of excitement ignited within them. Ben couldn't help but voice his eagerness, his voice was laced with genuine intrigue.

"Really? That sounds great!" he exclaimed, his tone brimming with anticipation. His mind buzzed with questions and wonder, wondering what marvels his inventive friend had brought to life this time.

May nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "That's a great idea, Peter! We can totally do some of the required practicals at your place. It'll be fun and helpful for the test."

Peter's grin widened, his excitement evident in his voice. "Absolutely! I've been working on this awesome mini drone; you won't believe how cool it is. It's super tiny, like just 5cm wide, but it's got all these cool features. And don't worry, I've got all the stuff we need for the electricity-based practical's.


Relishing the crispness in the air, Peter led the way through the bustling streets, soon arriving at his house. Opening the door, the group was greeted by the inviting warmth of familiarity.

The living room, adorned with shelves of scientific journals and prototypes collected by Peter's parents, radiated an ambiance of intellectual curiosity that plunged the Peter family.

"Make yourselves at home." Peter gestured, his voice brimming with excitement. "Let's head to the experiment room , my dad has allowed me to do some work here but said I need to be extra careful."

Navigating through the neatly organised space, the friends reached a dedicated section filled with workbenches, oscilloscopes, and a myriad of electronic components. The air crackled with the promise of innovation and discovery.

"I've been experimenting with circuits and building this drone," Peter shared, his eyes glimmering with a mix of pride and anticipation.

Ben and May leaned in, their fascination evident. "That's incredible, Peter," May marvelled. "How on earth did you manage to make one that small?"

Peter's voice carried a hint of pride as he explained the intricacies of the mini drone's construction.

"Alright, let's move on to the experiments," Peter said.

"We've done this one before in class, but it's worth recapping. We'll measure the internal resistance of a wire. It's a practical that seems to pop up frequently in exams."

Ben and May nodded, understanding the importance of revisiting key experiments. Time was limited, so they agreed to focus on capturing the essential data within the next hour.

The group quickly set up the required apparatus, ensuring the connections were secure and the instruments were properly calibrated. With precision, he connected the wire to the circuit and adjusted the ammeter and voltmeter to the appropriate settings.

They carefully connected wires, adjusted resistors, and calibrated the equipment.

Suddenly, as Peter was making an adjustment to the circuit, a surge of electricity coursed through his body. A jolt of pain seared through his arm, causing him to drop the wire. His eyes widened, and he clutched his chest, feeling a tightness that made it difficult to breathe.

"Peter!" May cried out in alarm, rushing to his side. "Are you okay?"

Struggling to speak, Peter managed to mutter, "Feels... constricted... heart..."

Ben, quivering with worry, reached for his phone to call the emergency services. "Hang in there, buddy. We're going to get you the help you need," he said, his voice betraying a mix of fear and determination.

Peter managed to muster a weak smile. "Well," he gasped, his voice strained, "dying from an electric shock during a simple experiment... I guess you could say it's the lamest way to go, ever known to mankind."

May's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she gripped Peter's hand tightly. "Don't talk like that, Peter! You're going to be okay. Help is on the way," she reassured him, her voice filled with determination.

The seconds stretched into eternity as they awaited help, their minds racing with worry and prayers. Time seemed to stand still, and the room filled with a deafening silence, broken only by the sound of May's desperate attempts at chest compressions and the distant wailing of sirens drawing nearer.


Gradually, the echoes of distant sounds faded into silence, leaving Peter engulfed in an impenetrable shroud of darkness. The once faint whispers and murmurs ceased to exist, as if swallowed by the abyss itself. Not a single ray of light pierced through the pitch-black void, leaving Peter surrounded by an eerie and unsettling stillness.

His senses strained to perceive any semblance of his surroundings, but all he encountered was an unyielding nothingness. The absence of sound, the absence of light—it was as if he had been cast into a realm devoid of all sensory perception. No longer could he discern the world through sight or sound; he was left adrift in a sea of nothingness with no reference point to anchor himself.

In this realm of complete darkness, Peter found himself grappling with the disorienting sensation of sensory deprivation. His mind struggled to reconcile the absence of stimuli, searching for even the faintest glimmer of existence. But all that remained was an enveloping void, an emptiness that seemed to stretch into infinity.

"Where am I?" his voice echoed, the sound dissipating into the emptiness. "Is this some kind of dream? Or... have I truly entered another realm?"

With each passing moment, Peter's confusion deepened. He called out into the void, but his voice echoed back to him, as if swallowed by the emptiness around him. Panic crept into his heart, the fear of being lost forever in this desolate realm.

Unable to find any solid ground or navigate his surroundings, Peter's mind raced with questions. Where was he? How did he end up here? Was this the afterlife, a limbo between worlds, or something entirely different?

"Alright, Peter, think," he muttered to himself. "Stay calm. There must be a way out of here. I've faced challenges before, and I won't let this darkness consume me."

His words carried a resolute tone, a refusal to succumb to despair. Despite the overwhelming disorientation, he held onto a sliver of hope, determined to navigate his way through the unfathomable void.


As the eons drifted by, Peter's perception of time became warped and distorted. What felt like mere moments had transformed into an eternity within the encompassing darkness. The passage of hours, days, and weeks became irrelevant in this timeless abyss.

Days blended into nights, seasons changed without notice, and the outside world seemed like a distant memory fading further with each passing moment. The weight of the void bore down on Peter, eroding his resolve and clouding his thoughts.

In the absence of light, hope flickered and waned, gradually giving way to resignation. The once fierce determination that burned within him had dimmed, suffocated by the endless expanse of nothingness. Peter's spirit, once filled with vitality, began to succumb to the lulling embrace of the darkness.

Time lost its meaning, its significance slipped through his grasp like sand in an hourglass. The concept of days, months, or years ceased to hold any relevance as he languished in this timeless void.

Peter's identity, once so vibrant and alive, became entangled with the very fabric of the darkness that enveloped him. He became a mere echo of his former self, a spectre adrift in an eternal night.

And so he surrendered to the all-encompassing embrace of the darkness, a passive observer in the face of the infinite void that had become his solitary existence.


Author's Note:

Sick with me, offer your advice, and let's create something extraordinary. Thank you for your support, and let's make this adventure unforgettable!


Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you know that the first few chapters may progress slowly as I focus on developing the main character's thoughts and emotions.

With your feedback and my dedication, we can create an amazing Dragon Ball fanfic together. Thanks for your support!

Ash out.

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts