

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 8- Future Trunks Arrival!


A cluster of white lights emerged shortly after they departed.

Then, above Vegeta, a time machine bearing the word "Hope" materialized.

The time machine that Trunks travels in is this one.

The Trunks of Future Time and Space fell out of the Time Machine after the hatch was opened.


Trunks noticed Vegeta on the ground as soon as he emerged.

"I am late, damn it."

"Thankfully, Dad appears to be breathing and was not harmed."

Trunks rushed towards Vegeta.

Assist Vegeta.

The fact that artificial humans did not directly kill it is a blessing in misfortune.

After all, artificial humans are violent and homicidal in the future time and space.

"Mr. Vegeta, Vegeta wake up!" Trunks gave Vegeta a swift body shake.

He is curious as to what occurred just now!

Why did not the androids just kill Dad if they were responsible for all of this?


Vegeta's throat released an irate voice before he opened his eyes.

His face was hurting even more.

What Ron did momentarily, despite not using any force.

However, Vegeta saw it as just a fatal wound.

Thus, his continued existence at this point is extremely fortunate.

"What happened, Mr. Vegeta?"

"Were you harmed by the artificial man?"

Trunks questioned quickly, noticing that Vegeta had regained consciousness.

Vegeta opened his eyes grudgingly at this point.

What you see is the trunks.

"It's you bastard!!"

Vegeta is also incredibly annoying to Trunks.

Similar to Kakarot, this guy became Super Saiyan before him!

My heart condition was brought on by this issue a while back.

Additionally, this child and Kakarot are always walking in front of me in my dreams.

I gave it my all to follow them, but I was unable to sense their footsteps.

Additionally, they can all change into Super Saiyans.

In my dream, standing in the distance laughing at myself.

"Mr. Vegeta, what is up? Were you hurt by artificial humans?"

Vegeta's attitude did not bother Trunks at all.

For this man is his father, through thick and thin.

Furthermore, my mother claims that my father is extremely proud and self-assured.

Maybe the most important thing to him was his self-esteem, which he touched after he saw himself transform into Super Saiyan!

Hey, stop kidding around.

"About the artificial man you mentioned, how could it be my opponent, and I just took a few clicks to take it apart?"

"Did you not notice that one of the artificial humans is present?"

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta directed a disapproving glance at the nearby head of Android 19.

However, who was the man with silver hair who defeated him?

Why does he have such strong strength?

It is obvious that I have turned into a Super Saiyan, but he beat me in no time!

Furthermore, that guy appeared to have eyes all over his body after I attacked him numerous times, and I was unable to hit him at once.

"So, who exactly is that person?"

"That thing, I have never seen him before, is he also an artificial human?"

Gazing at Android 19, Trunks uttered a confused sentence.

Artificial humans, numbers 18 and 17, are the artificial humans of the future time and space.

The appearance of boys and girls is simply impossible to be this kind of robot.

"Nani?! Are you serious?

"Are they not the artificial humans you alluded to? How are you unable to remember seeing them?"

Vegeta was also confused.

I just used my own strength to kill one of the man-made humans.

That brat had told himself, in fact, that the man was not who he claimed to be.

That implies that are there any other artificial humans in addition to the two of them?

"It isn't."

"Android 17 and 18 are the artificial humans of the future, both in time and space. They appear to be boys and girls, which is completely untrue."

"Seems like everyone misunderstood, and Android 17 and 18 are still not available."

Trunks frowned and spoke.

Having said that, it appears that things are pretty risky.

This was when Vegeta's face got even uglier.

This guy claimed that it was not the artificial human he had claimed to have killed after killing one by himself at last.

Is this joke getting out of hand?

"Mr. Vegeta, allow me to take you to get well from your wounds first."

"Uncle Goku and the others might not be able to defeat Nos. 17 and 18 without your assistance."

Vegeta was taken by Trunks.

Vegeta resisted mightily, but at this point there was nothing he could do.

He would not be able to return alone if he stayed here.

Then he asked, "By the way, Mr. Vegeta, Mr. Goku's heart disease should have recovered, right?" as if he was suddenly thinking of something.

I remember that a few years ago, I had already given him the special medicine.

He took it on time, and by now his heart condition ought to be healed.

"That idiot Tch."

"There is a special medicine but you don't take it, you might be dead now!"

Vegeta sulked and spoke in a chilly manner.

He has never seen a Saiyan so foolish; this bastard Kakarot truly causes Saiyans to feel ashamed.
