

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 3-Artificial Man, It is So Scary


"I should be able to outclass Son Goku and the artificial human with my current strength."

Once more, Ron muttered to himself.

because he sensed that his own strength and Son Goku's still differed greatly.

I was just reminded by the system that my strength is 5 unit.

Furthermore, although 5 might be a unit value in an interval, it is unquestionably not a combat power.

I have not done any research on what kind of unit value to use yet.

Ron went straight to the Flying Technique after leaving his rental house.

He is naturally self-taught in the art of Flying Technique, having already fused with Angel's bloodline.

Ron took his time, taking in the view as he went, and then hurried over to where Son Goku was breathing.

I mean, I have never used Flying Technique before.

Despite my desire to feel what it is like to fly.

While I have also built a plane in the past, it is entirely different from flying a plane to fly in the sky using my own abilities.

Ten minutes and forty-five seconds.

Son Goku started to exhale violently.

"The battle appears to have started already!"

Ron stopped meandering after sensing Son Goku's eruption.

His body transformed into a stream of light in an instant, then vanished from sight.

It was already at the top of a mountain when it reappeared.

Then the barren rolling hills came into sight.

Ron discovered Son Goku and Piccolo in the valley.

Naturally, there are also Android 19 and Android 20.

Android 19 is up against Son Goku.

Son Goku has also assumed the form of a Super Saiyan.

His strength clearly surpasses Android 19, as the breath is extremely potent.

"It is incredible! What a powerful ki!"

"It's so scary to feel it up close?" Tien looked at Son Goku in horror.

"There is a powerful aura. The last time I felt the aura of Goku turning into a Super Saiyan on the planet King Kai, it was not very frightening because it was too far away." Yamcha was taken aback too.

Piccolo's complexion is simply not looking good right now.

After becoming a Super Saiyan, he believed Son Goku should be stronger than this.

And he was already panting before he became Super Saiyan!

So what happened?

Was Sun consciously weakening himself to trick the artificial human?

Whoosh! !

Son Goku suddenly appeared behind Android 19 as his body flashed.

Then he firmly planted his right elbow on Hao's waist.

No. 19's body blasted out like a fired shell.

It crashed straight into the top of a mountain.

"Hoo hoo..."

Son Goku was out of breath when Android 19 was thrown into the air.

Ron discovered that at this point, he could truly see Son Goku and No. 19's fighting prowess!

At this point, Son Goku's unit is 4!

With 250 million, the combat power is still decreasing.

"It appears that someone has pulled off Son Goku's viral heart attack!"

"If not, he should have at least 500 million combat power!" Ron said softly, staring at the panting Son Goku.

Plus, Android 19 has 4 units as well! The combat power is 120 million.

Given the enormous difference, it makes sense that Son Goku can figure out Android 19 with ease.

However, he suffered a heart attack, and it was clear that his strength was already failing!

The viral heart attack spread more quickly after Super Saiyan's transformation was cast.

Android 19 charged directly at Son Goku, seemingly unharmed.

Unless they are disassembled directly, they have no pain nerves, so their combat effectiveness will not be diminished.


The horrifying and piercing screams from Android 19 persisted.

The fists continued to beat Son Goku.

Son Goku started rushing to handle it as well. He felt like his chest was going to burst at this point.

Deeply, deeply painful.

"Piccolo, what on earth is happening? What is Goku's problem?

"Why is his breathing getting softer, in my opinion?"

"Is it possible that Super Saiyan consumption is so high?"

As Tien watched the fight, he noticed that Son Goku was losing breath quickly. Inquiring, he turned to face Piccolo.

It is estimated that only Piccolo is aware of this issue because of it.


"A heart attack recurrence is the reason why his physical fitness has declined so quickly, not because he turned into a Super Saiyan!"

"Impossible... Didn't Trunks give him special medicine? Why did the heart attack continue to happen? "Piccolo appeared to be speaking to himself as he shook his head in response to their inquiries.

Then his face took on a perplexed expression.

Is it possible that this man did not take his prescribed heart medication?

This Sun guy seems a little anxious; perhaps he can actually pull this off.

Son Goku is currently starting to lose ground and is becoming less and less physically fit.

Bang, bang, and boom!

Android 19 persisted in his assault, punching Son Goku in the cheek.

At this point, Son Goku's combat power immediately decreased to 80 million, despite the fact that he was still in Super Saiyan form.

His face continued to stream with sweat, clearly in excruciating pain.



Tien and Krillin appeared concerned.

Even the Super Saiyan Goku was unexpectedly defeated.

They have absolutely no chance of winning in this situation.

Are artificial humans so terrifying?
