

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 29-New Discovery, Terrifying Recovery Ability!


And now in the seventh universe's Gods of Destruction world.

Whis was keeping an eye on Ron and Champa using his staff.

All movements are under his watchful eye.

"Oh my! Who is that child?"

"It appears that he has never appeared before, at least not in my perception of the universe, and he is so strong that he can battle Lord Champa to this degree."

Whis had a suspicious expression on his face.

"Having said that, Lord Champa has come to our seventh universe in the last two or three years. Should we tell Lord Beerus about it?"

He then talked to himself.

The opponent of Lord Champa was a very strong and skilled fighter.

And he does look a lot like Angel, based on appearance.

Maybe I should apply to be considered for Gods of Destruction in the future, if I can manage it.

In the end, this man may still be a trainee Angel even though there is already a seventh universe for them.

The Gods of Destruction of the sixth universe would not want to kill such a combat genius with such potent talents.

It is not good, at least not for their seventh universe.

And from this point on, Lord Champa occasionally travels to the seventh universe.

It is too late to turn around with his character.

He must be running so often for a reason, so something must be there.

If not, he would most certainly not be visiting the Seventh Universe, so he needs to carefully examine it!

I was particularly interested in the guy named Ron.

"Lord Beerus, would you like to wake up?"

Whis started to struggle to the side.

Angel rarely makes choices on his own because Gods of Destruction typically make these kinds of decisions.

and the quality of Lord Beerus' sleep is especially excellent.

He can only use his flawless singing voice to rouse him from his sleep.

But now, whether he awakens Lord Beerus is a crucial question.

Inform him that Lord Champa is working in the seventh universe; perhaps then, they will engage in combat once more.

My sister and I will have a headache, even if we argue all the time.

Whis finally made the decision not to wake Beerus after giving him a quick glance while he was sound asleep.

He would be in big trouble again if this guy did not wake up and forced him to wake him up.


And now on that desolate planet in the seventh cosmos.

Ron took a deep breath and felt his body's energy start to return rather quickly.

And he sensed that his strength was building quickly!

"How could the energy rise so swiftly? Might it have something to do with the recent injury?"

"Is it possible that Angel's blood can boost strength in the same way that Saiyan's healing from an injury does?"

"Or is this just a feature of Angel's bloodline in its enhanced form?" Ron had a surprised look on his face.

Surprisingly, despite having just been punched, his combat power is actually increasing quickly now that he has adjusted his breathing!

Furthermore, there is a strong capacity for recovery.

I felt like my arms had no strength at all thirty seconds ago.

The pain is like longing throughout the entire body.

However, at this point, the pain has totally subsided, and more significantly, my arms have healed completely.

Ron was pleased with this pleasant surprise.

"Is he regaining his energy quickly? It is amazing!"

"Lord Champa just attacked him, and it is clear that his energy has been significantly reduced."

But his energy has actually returned in a matter of breaths. No, more accurately, his energy has increased."

Vados's expression turned back to surprise at Ron's rapid recovery.

After being hurt, even their Angel was unable to heal in such a short amount of time.

He also seemed to have more energy while he was healing.

what happened?

Is there a chance that this man is not Angel?

Since Angel possesses none of these qualities at all!

She is familiar with Angel as well.

"Hey, dead Mortal, show me how long you can withstand my blows before you die."

Champa roared as Ron straightened once more.

Then the body reappeared in flashes.

brush! !

Champa hit Ron squarely in the face, no holds held, no frills attached!

"Come on! I have a lot more times to pick up."

Ron also had a fierce expression in his eyes.

He will never agree with this guy because he intends to commit suicide!

His recovery speed is incredible; as long as he does not use the power of destruction to kill him in an instant, this could be a good thing for him.

Because one's own development will happen very quickly in this kind of battle.

When the voice finally broke, Ron decided to take the initiative rather than defend himself this time.

The ground abruptly stepped out of a massive sinkhole as soon as his right foot touched it.

As the debris splattered everywhere, Ron's body has already raced in Champa's direction.

Ron also greeted him with a punch, showing no fear or hesitation.


Hum rumbling!

For a brief moment, the world seemed to stop when the fists collided.


The planet burst into a deafening explosion in the same instant.

The planet instantly transformed into a magnificent fireworks display that burst into the universe's capital...

And Ron's body retreated once more, resembling a cosmos spaceship traveling through space.


It then struck another planet squarely.
