
Dragon Ball Broly : Surpass The Legend

A not so random anime fan choke and died after eating a broccoli. What greet him in the after life is nothing he would thought of. No Angel singing choir, no brimstone and fire. Only a bored looking man sitting on a throne in the expansive void.

DonMegalo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Kami In The Lookout Yo!

Seven days pass quickly when you're concentrating on training. I rarely leave the training area aside for sustenance or the toilet.

Training in extreme gravity proves to be the most beneficial training method, all things considered.

The only thing that can beat that would be having a training partner to spar with, which I did use my Spirit Clone.

I can feel my Legendary Super Saiyan transformation is near, knowing that I'm much more powerful than Goku, who is facing Frieza in his base form.

I can't really depend on my mental state to achieve the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, so I need to get more powerful to achieve it.

I arrived at Earth's orbit and told the virtual intelligence to park the spaceship on the moon as I didn't want to make a ruckus.

I materialized a set of Saiyan armor without the pauldron and flew outside towards Planet Earth.

Dragon Ball universe Earth is different from my own universe Earth, like the continent or the ocean.

I enter the atmosphere and fly around the Earth while looking from a reasonable distance. After about an hour of flying around and sightseeing the funky flora and fauna living here, I decided to spread my KI sense to lock-on Kami.

A mere second later, I found my target and teleported to Kami's area. An iconic half-circular platform can be seen from above.

'Looks like they knew my coming,' I thought, looking at the residence of the lookout.

As I don't want to startle them, I decide to fly toward Kami and Mr.Popo and give a little distance between us.

"Greetings to you both. My name is Broly, a Saiyan. I came from beyond this planet in search of you, Kami of Earth" I start my introduction.

"Hello, Broly. It seems my reputation precedes me. To what do I owe this visit?" Kami said humbly.

"Ah, well, I went here from your home planet called Namek. The Namekian greatly help my people and me when we flee our planet's destruction" I began my story of how I've come in contact with his people.

I told him everything, from liberating Planet Cereal and saving my people from a genocidal tyrant, Frieza.

Finally, my story culminates in my cause to one day defeat Frieza once and for all. However, with my current power, I can't beat him yet.

"I thank you for saving my people and applaud you for your bravery in opposing such an evil being, Broly," Kami smiled, but his smile quickly disappeared as he continued.

"I want to help you as I know your cause is just, but my duty as Earth's Kami prohibited me from leaving it, and even if I could, I'm not sure my power will help you in your quest to defeat this Frieza" Kami answered somberly.

"Oh no, I'm not here to ask you to join me. I'm here to ask for the use of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," I said nonchalantly.

Confusion was written on Kami's face, then he asked me, "Where did you learn of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? I'm pretty sure it is quite a unique place."

Not wanting to elaborate on my meta knowledge, I decided to lie instead. "Well, I asked Namekian's Dragon, Porunga, about a great place to train. He gives me a piece of information about it and the one taking care of it."

"Ah, that actually makes sense, although I'm amazed you didn't ask for something that will aid you immediately, like immortality or something," The Earth Guardian said.

"Hmm, I believe that power easily given is easily taken," I answered simply.

I might be a hypocrite when talking about a given power, what with my perks and body, but it's a present, so maybe it doesn't count, hopefully at least.

"Well said. So, do you know how the Hyperbolic Time Chamber works? 1 day outside means 1 year inside. But, you can only stay there for 2 years because the door will be gone after that, leaving you trapped inside," Kami explained.

"Yep, although, before I go in, I want to ask you something, Kami," I ask and receive a nod.

"Can you upgrade the Hyperbolic Time Chamber maximum stay?"

"I can, but I don't think the food storage inside can hold more than 2 years' ration. Also, most people will get mad with prolonged exposure. So, in my opinion, even 2 years is too much," He said sagely.

I smirked and stated, "I'm not most people. As for food, I might have an idea to deal with the storage issue. So, will you upgrade it?"

The Earth's guardian looks at me for a moment. Then, finally, he sighs and answers, "I can, it will take 3 days, but I can upgrade it to 5 years. I can not, in good conscience, upgrade it more than that."

"Spoilsport," I grumbled.

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Kami, and in the meantime, I'm going to procure the means to store a large quantity of food for 3 more years," I told him.

Before I leave, I ask him if he wants to talk to Grand Elder Guru from Planet Namek. He declines, saying that it can wait later. Then I give him another question. The location of a person named Dr.Brief.

He complies and gives me the location by touching my temple, sending the place directly to my brain.

"Thank God," I said, grinning.

He gives me a smile in return while shaking his head. I bid Kami and the silent Mr.Popo goodbyes, surprising him and used Instant Transmission to Dr.Brief nearby location.

I can teleport to someone's nearby location now, and I no longer need to lock on KI's signature as a beacon.

I can feel my Instant Transmission on the cusp of breaking into Kai Kai. I need to mix it with magic instead of purely Spirit Control technique.

A appeared above a dome-like structure with capsule corp written on the building. I touch down on the nearby road and walk towards the front door.

I press the bell that acts double as an intercom. Not long after, the door opened, revealing kind looking blonde woman.

"Oh my...it's a...child with a tail?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Broly. I'm looking for Dr.Brief. May I ask for his time?" I greet her.

"Oh, you're a charming boy, aren't you?" She said while pinching my cheek.

"Wait here for a minute. I will call my husband. You can come in and sit while waiting," She said, then grabbed my hand and took me inside.

"Dear...Dear...A boy is looking for you," Bulma's mom called her husband.

"A boy? He's not asking for Bulma's hand, is he?!" Dr.Brief shouted from inside.

"I don't think so. The boy asked for you specifically, dear..." Mrs.Brief answer.

"Oh...? Hello there, are you the one who ask for me?" Dr.Brief said to me.

"Hello, Dr.Brief. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Broly" I greet him and swish my tail.

"A tail? Fascinating. Where do you come from, child? I've never seen a human with a tail before."

"Ah, I'm not exactly human, Dr.Brief. I'm a Saiyan. I hail from a planet called Vegeta," I told him and brought him up to speed about the galaxy.

"I'm sorry for your loss, young Broly, but I thought there is something called Galactic Patrol for such protection. My oldest daughter met one before," Dr.Brief said.

'Hmm, looks like Tights already met Jaco then,' I thought.

"Well, the Galactic Patrol is powerless against the might of Frieza and his family. That's why I came to Earth," I said, then further explained my plan on Earth.

"With that being said, I will not ask you to do this for free, Dr.Brief. Here, take this" I give him a scouter, a Military Grade one.

"This is a scouter, a machine that can calculate a person's battle power, and it also functions as a communication device. Inside this particular scouter is also general information on the galaxy at large" I hand the scouter to Dr.Brief.

"What a marvelous device. Though you don't have to, as I will help you even without. But thanks anyway," Dr.Brief said with a smile.

"Can you prepare the capsule food in three days, Dr.Brief?" I asked the doctor.

"Of course. Oh, do you have a place to stay on Earth? You can stay here for a while if you want."

"Ah, there's no need. I just stay at Kami's place, and I want to see someone in the meantime anyway" I decline the invitation and get up to leave.

"Alrighty, I will contact you when it's finished, Broly."

I nodded and said goodbye to him and Mrs.Brief. I saw Bulma peeking from the hallway and wave at her.

I teleported back to my spaceship and turned off the alert in case I didn't return in the allotted time.

'In 3 days, I will enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and begin the harshest training I will do. My first agenda is accessing my Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, then try to make it something like Super Saiyan Grade Four.'

'Wrathful Form and Legendary Super Saiyan would be Super Saiyan 4 or Wrathful Super Saiyan. It would be hard but not impossible. Then, my second agenda would be Kai Kai. I must achieve it no matter what.'

With burning eyes, I make a mental note of any helpful technique to learn in case I finish my agenda before my limit inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or get stuck with the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation.

'3 days can't come soon enough.'

Sorry for 2 days delay. My Internet died so I can't acess web novel.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter for now.

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