

- Age 773 - 774

- POV - Trunks

"Here you go fully functioning flux capacitor that I got from scavengers and totally not didn't find it in the welding table." like i expected mom didn't suspect a thing, my flawless poker face worked like a charm.

"Anyways I made your favorite strawberry cake!!" after thanking for the errand she went back to her project while I looked at cake, the only thing in my mind was ' i'm lucky' there so many things in my rebirth that could wrong and even then seeing all the people that are suffering made me appreciate the things I have now.

The exquisite taste and sharp intense flavor with each bite the things I couldn't have in my past life i'm having them now yet I felt disgusted with myself at what I did with those scavengers was it pity or just some moral high ground that I wanted to build for feeling better I didn't know or don't want to know.

To occupy my mind with anything other than those people I kept my self busy but it was always there back of my mind as itch or sort, checking my capsules for any sort of useful stuff other than blueprints and notes I didn't find anything that were useful I had the tools and the resources to build one from the notes.

After the evening break with nothing else to do I started to study all the books mostly fundamental stuff some on robotics and engineering, and some on practical physics. Even had my mom tutor me, it became a bonding thing between us I enjoyed my time with her it reminded me of things in my past life.

It was suffice to say i'm not like mom its was quite hard to understand some concepts although I wasn't an idiot in my past life it felt like one here.


Like that year has passed since I started training with Gohan, i'm now 8 years old and my daily routine came back where I train most of time, sometimes Gohan comes around for spars which help greatly. Around my experience with Scavengers brought nothing I never understood why I did and never went there again, it slowly left my mind.

"You're distracted" Gohan with a sharp left hook connect me like that our spar came to an end.

"Something on your mind" While lying on my back I saw Gohan looking at me for an answer, it was like this for past few months where I keep thinking of the dreaded future that's awaiting and most of all I hated myself for not trying better.

"I was pitying someone and I hated that" he give a perplexed look while seemingly in thought he sat near me, after few moments of breaths he expressed.

"Is it about refugee people from west city?"

"y-yes" I haven't told the complete story just that I gave them supplies nothing about how I felt, mom and Gohan were proud of me for helping them but it hurt that I wasn't being genuine.

"hmm does it matter if its sympathy or pity in the end its compassion and understanding that matters and what you do with it."

"I see" taking a deep breaths I understood its pointless endeavor and it was insignificant how I felt and thought about other people, the reason I hated myself was I acted like those exact people who pitied me from past life, in the end only actions are what matters.

"Thanks Gohan" His a great teacher, clenching my hands

"Round 2!! I won't loose this time" "getting cocky are we"

Our spars have evolved to much different from the time we first started, I know all his moves and he knows all my moves, even the ones that are unorthodox its all worthless in front of absolute strength all I do could is annoy him its only a cheap parlour tricks.

"I'm going all out now" Because of my decision he was going all out I wanted to go against him at his best I wanted to get better, i might be close to his power level in base form but with a 50 times multiplier of base power level its hopeless that why I wanted get stronger as the androids are stronger than that, as its better to be prepared.

My transformation had been beyond me, tried everything from tingling sensation in back to completely furious, from my hypothesis either S cells are not fully developed yet or the triggers was ineffective.

All I could do was dodge his moves while my attacks against him were either brushed off or just plain ignored by his defense being really tough and for a while our duel went for ages at someone point I felt he was going easy on me he was faster than me and stronger than me all I could do was anticipate his moves by analyzing his stance, body posture and mine as well.

"I guess its over!! lets get some lunch" sweats rolled all my body, taking deep breaths I calmed my self, the fight against him was very tiring not only do I feel so heavy that blurred my vision but mentally it was quite draining the pressure that kept me on toes at all times was exhausting.


Before going back to home I opened a capsule house that was being used as lab, Gravity chamber is what I need to mould my self at my extreme right now I realized its not the mind but the body, I have great control of my ki but i'm too reliant on it, working out isn't useful after certain sets I need weights and pressure to tire out my body.

Although have used some rocks as a weights its not sufficient, thinking on it I started work on my 78th attempt on creating prototype, from changing materials and all the parts. the notes and blueprints helped but some materials haven't mentioned mostly from searches I got some but its not enough.

What i'm building right now is just a induced gravity field plate and it took more than 8 months for progress its really beyond what my previous world science could do even though I felt science doesn't makes sense compared to my past life, seeing it end in failure I promptly took observations.

I need to create a plates then create the inducers that works, its too much work and so little time from my memory at when i'm at age 12, Gohan dies, he hasn't lost a arm yet as well I can't be certain how strong he is in the show.

Asking my mom would be the best solution but if by chance where we fail and time travelling machine hasn't built its a dead-end for us, after seeing the sunset I started to pack up all the stuff and head towards home.

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