
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


- Age 774 -

- POV - Trunks

A saiyan appetite is not to be underestimated something that could feed 15 to 20 normal humans was equivalent to one saiyan and being one realised how much I needed, as I stuffed a dinosaur meat, it was so baffling how messed ecosystem this world has, time travel, space exploration and sentient robot hellbent on eradicating, with dinosaurs on top its one hell of a time period.

'Sighs' "Back to work I guess" My progress on gravity chamber was evolved to next level if only it wasn't backwards, all I could say was that I was severely ignorant in pursuit of science since I started to deep dive on the subject. The more I started to learn things and build the more and more complicated it got.

Accepting that I couldn't build one as such I went for the expert at home.

Mom as usual could easily see right through my flawless acting even i'm baffled at her talent at seeing through me, she wasn't keen on building one, even lying about the fact that i'm building one for Gohan she was adamant that it was dangerous, although at the end she reluctantly agreed to 'help' build one.

Problem was the materials and devices that are not manufactured anymore each parts either takes 2 - 3 months to build from ground up or to find those parts, as with instruction i was left to build one till a certain point.

With her help it was easy to create one, it was tedious task doing same things over and over again, as I was working on circuit board I sensed massive power level spike.

[Zing] Gohan's power level spiked? I immediately realized he was on combat, hurrying over to capsulize the lab then flew towards the location as soon I could.


This wasn't supposed happen yet! although I expect some changes in timeline but not too soon, it was to risky for him to engage yet, is it a part where he losses his arm! No from my memory I still have a year or more, so what changed?.

It was stupid of me to depend on some show knowledge. As scenery changed rapidly from mountains to sea quickly reaching towards the location I soon found them in battle.

The heavy pressure as they collided all over area, with each clash the vibrations affected nearby landmass and sea creating a vortex of air, slowing sky started to split, more and more tornado formed while lighting struck.

"Incredible.." as I gazed there battle, be it 17 or Gohan both were simply amazing.

It was a like a painting where two lights clashed for supremacy all I felt was admiration towards the fighters. With each clash both figures would disappear then reappear sometimes leaving afterimages such speed and precise control of their movements, eventually it became difficult track their moves.


"W-what!" Gohan using my moves? even the strategy I used against him in spars, it took me months of practice to use those ability and his using like it was nothing No he was better at using it.

I always thought he hated me for wasting his time or for being a burden but seeing him acknowledge me in a weird way somehow it warmed up my heart.

I could see him correcting all my mistakes in his moves not only that, I understood a practical application, slowly a grin formed on my face. I was underestimating Gohan most of time although I had a profound respect to him but to the likes of Goku or Vegeta he was nothing but i was wrong!.

As their battle reached a climax, soon Gohan rushed towards 17 while he focused on 17 unaware of 18 that was waiting for an ambush.

'No you don't' As webs of cracks appeared on the ground as I catapulted towards them in the intersection.

*Zigg* Forming a energy blade in mid air focusing all my intent and ki with the momentum carrying me, I knew Gohan sensed me as soon as I arrived, he wasn't an idiot who lost track of 18 or forgot her,

No he was someone who kept tabs of animals in vicinity during our spars so that he wouldn't unknowingly hurt them, a person like that always had a back up plan, which meant 18 was my target.

'A mantis is stalking a cicada, but it doesn't know there is an oriole behind him', this situation reminded me of such saying as I zeroed onto 18 that was leapt towards Gohan, who disregard her and focused solely on 17.

"Watch out sis" 17 warned his sister as soon he saw me behind her, As she shifted her body as soon as she was alerted but it wasn't all for nothing I sliced off her arm along with leaving a deep slash in her abdomen area while Gohan passed by,

Who then reappeared infront of 17, he pierced through his heart.

"Nnoo.." 18 screamed in horror looking at her brother, unlike what I expected 17 to do he locked his arms with Gohan.

"C-cough I got you this time..light up bitch" slowly his whole body started to radiated I understood he activated the bomb planted by Dr.Gero.

"Trunks run!!" Vanishing in a brilliant burst of light Gohan sent a massive ki wave pushing me out of the epicenter where the white light soon covered everything on its way even 18 was swallowed by the white light.

Seeing it rush towards me, I pushed all my ki out creating a barbarized version move of Vegeta's final explosion. The attack as a gigantic, swirling dome of white energy, inflicting damage to surroundings I hoped it would work as a barrier.


Soon a large bright light exploded in south hemisphere of earth, producing an intense pulse heat and air pressure. Everything inside the large fireball vaporizes, including soil and water, and is carried upwards towards space creating a new source a light.

For the rest of residents of the earth it suddenly went dark then huge flash light radiated followed with intense winds, clouds passed away from the rising massive ball of plasma for few minutes a deafening sound wave signifying a huge explosion.