
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Capsule corp Revived!

- Age 775 -

- POV Trunks -


"T-trunks!, I'm here.."

"Is that you mom..?" I could only see faint figure,

"Of course! who else is it gonna be" After blinking couple of times I soon saw her, she had some eye bags and felt more skinnier but otherwise seemed fine.

"What about Gohan? is he alive?" She grimaced in pain,

"I found you because you had some energy signature left but for Gohan..." I felt bad for mom she had to watch all her friends and their children perish.

"We hoped he survive but after few months,.." wait months?

"How long was I out" although I felt some time must have passed but still months? that's explains the stiffness and headache.

"As of today 8 months, we even missed your birthday..." She went on explaining my injuries, lucky no long term damage happened to my body.

"Energy signature?" Did mom have an ability to sense ki?

"I thought you knew, its an old Saiyan tech which I modified" I can't believe she had something like this, its pretty amazing how resourceful she is.

A wise man once said 'One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it', whatever happened only pushed forward his death it was purely on luck that I've survived.

If she wasn't injured, or if she was like 17 who self destructed then I would've died, not to mention she only had to keep firing Ki blast since she has infinite energy all she had to do was tire me.

"I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't have engaged them in battle.."

"You're alive Trunks, that's all that matters to me" She was sadden about Gohan's death but I understood that she didn't want me to blame myself for it.

Looking back I don't think there was anything I could do, was it my fault for being weak? How could I make someone stronger by being weaker than him yet all I could think about was his dream of returning back towards his mother,

After defeating the androids he wanted to be a scholar and to return home, it was heartbreaking for Chi-chi.

Although I failed in changing Gohan's fate but we did succeed in finishing off the Androids way earlier, not only will peace return, but will buy also me more time to get stronger,

I need to get strong it can't go on like this.

"Trunks there still way.." Mom told me about the time travel machine, although she told me about how she was working on a project that will change things but never explicitly stated about the machine.

It may be due my injuries but judging from her eye's bags I could assume she became more of a workaholic under constant stress. there's a possibility of time machine being build way earlier than the canon counter part.

"I get to meet dad right? see what his like" he was my favorite character back in my past life along with 17 and Piccolo!

"Well, I wouldn't expect much out of your father, dear" oh

She soon explained my 3 month rehabilitation process,


From light exercise to some therapeutic exercise and intense training was banned for a while, it was complete bed rest. Due to it I started to study and focused on learning anything I could, even learnt how to build a scouter although it would be useless but the application on reading Ki itself was marvelous.

Gravity chamber was a bust, since I've lost my capsule lab, all the progress and labor work I did for past months gone down the drain. But it did help me advance in the field, but it still stays the same.

During this period I noticed that we caused more harm than good, due to power vacuum that was created because of Gohan's death, Gangs became more rampant which caused more war, more death, it was everyone for themselves.

Gangs became more ferocious, terrorizing for more control. Their tactic were brutal and aggressive, it was to the point that Android attacks caused less damage than them.

The reports of Gang building a monarchy system, it quickly became a medieval period I wasn't sure how the canon handled it but they were either deter due to the Android attacks or they might have perished under it.

After months of planing on how to tackle this issue I came to conclusion that creating an organisation that would safe keep people as well as create a system would be the best move. If I were to just go over there and fought them I could win but that wouldn't make any difference.

Not to mention that said organisation would help my labor problem for the tedious task and workers to build my gravity machine, not only do I benefit from this but the surrounding people as well.

I thought about the cat with the mustache, He seemed not only a good boss but a good person in general, talking some supply capsule I went over my Flying shuttle.

Since my body is still healing I didn't want to strain it by using ki too much, after setting the destination towards West city, I started to mediate, Feeling all the energy around me, and the vibration I felt as we traveled,

The west city was way different from previous visit although there were signs of destruction, people started to rebuild, field of crops were being looked after, poultry farms.

After my previous encounter I helped them on acquiring food but this wasn't something I was expecting arriving near the entrance I soon saw the bearded man who gave me clothes.

"I've came here to meet your boss" Nodding towards me, he opened the door.


"I have to proposition for you!" The mustache cat with cigar looked me while a dog face man fanned him,

"hmm go on..."

"I have resources and you have man power, with your help we can rebuild our city" leaning forward he gestured to continue.

"Capsule corp, with you and me we can create this company that will benefit alot and also puts us in the central power control." I then started to explain the benefits, it was necessary for him to understand how significant this opportunity is.

"Ok, we'll oblige your condition, what do we do now" No not this again, I had a speech ready why are you accepting without even seeing...you know what, let's get this over with.


My organization, Capsule corp launched though it only consisted on small worker group and inexperienced people but for tedious task it served it purposed I had CC dome in west city use as a headquarters.

Creating a supply for food and shelter for the needy was the primary goal, which from our tech and the manpower solved,

Rebuilding the West city,

Green house around the buildings,

Hospitals and mostly pharmaceutical industry,

It was all due to Gohan's reputation that most of the profession started to help on rebuilding the corp, and as for my secondary reason.

The Gravity chamber was under construction but in 8-9 months I'm sure it will be build, my mother also helped in, she was part of more complicated and strenuous task.

I soon returned towards my Ki training, since I was still healing I only meditated,

Ki, A life force energy, this power is tangible spiritual force which is expressed through the mind and body. it made me wonder how did Vegeta achieved God ki, he didn't have a ritual nor did he bestowed upon by anyone.

It was highly possible that God ki is just Ki control but at finer and greater level of mastery, I just need to contain all the ki inside while powering up without leaking.

I wasn't sure if I could achieve it but since I was born I've been doing this exercise to train Ki control. It may be the reason I have better finer control of ki than Gohan.