
Dragon Age: King of the Beasts

The last of a long since forgotten race journeys across Thedas.

TrapcardD · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

It was eating at Nicolas' mind all the way to Lothering. The Darkspawn being so close to the town. The group shouldn't have been so small. Unless it was a scouting party. Those thoughts circulated in his mind for quite some time.

" Which means, that fool was right." That's what Nicolas thought.

Yes, he remembered the crazed man from before, who spoke of an invasion. And now it seemed that perhaps, despite his lunatic raving, that he was right. This changes things. Nicolas took one look around at the Town, the men, women, and children.

" I can't just leave them to die." Nicolas spoke. IT wasn't long before Nicolas found himself in front of the old Chantry once again. And though things in the town were quiet, it became more and more apparent to Nicolas. The wind carrying the scent of decay was foul to his senses. " Only a day or two now. I can feel it. This town needs to evacuate." Nicolas spoke to himself.

Though his mind was busy with the thoughts of the Darkspawn, the sound of the large Chantry doors opening up quickly drew him back to reality.

" This better be who I hope it is." Nicolas exclaimed.

When Nicolas looked up it was indeed who he was waiting for. Thomas and the rest of the party.

" You don't seem to happy, right now." Thomas said to Ian.

" I'm not." Nick replied.

" Well, you'll be happy to know we aren't staying here any longer. We'll be heading to Redcliffe right away." Thomas told the man.

" Actually, about that. Looks like I'm not gonna be able to join you just yet." Nicolas sighed and told the man.

" Why, what's wrong?" Thomas asked the man. It was easy to tell by the look on his face that he was more than confused about the sudden change of heart.

Nicolas was ready to answer the man when he heard a whispering voice of relief.

" Oh, thank the maker." Nicolas heard Alistair whisper in relief. He rolled his eyes at the man. But said nothing of it.

" Well." Nicolas started. " I found some Darkspawn out on the roads. I think they're a scouting party. I think that man was telling the truth. Darkspawn are coming to invade the village. And if that's the case, then they're going to need help evacuating." Nicolas told the man.

" I see." Thomas replied. His expression turned stern and for a moment he began to ponder what he should do. " Okay, stay. Help if you need to. We'll head to Redcliffe to find Arl Eamon. We need his help if we're going to depose Loghain. Once you've finished what you need to do here, come meet us, there." Thomas told the man.

Nicolas raised his right arm across his chest and nodded.

" Safe travels, Thomas." Nicolas told the man.

" You as well." Thomas returned the gesture before departing with his team to free the Qunari known as Sten from his prison.

Nicolas on the other hand, entered the chantry, despite his lack of faith, he knew he would need to speak with the revered Mother if he wanted to evacuate the town. She was the one person; he believed the people would listen to.

Though as he looked around at all decorations, the curtains of red velvet, the gold trimmings, the chandlers, the paintings. All of it seemed rather unnecessary. But to each his own.

" Ho, traveler. What can I do for you sir?" The knight guard of the Chantry stopped Nicolas with a wave of his hand.

Nicolas stopped for the man and returned the greeting.

" Good evening, sir. I need to speak with the Revered mother." Nicolas told the man.

" I am sorry, but the revered mother is currently busy. If you would like to come back tomorrow, then I am sure the revered mother would be more than happy to see to you." The man explained.

" I am sorry, but what I have to say is important. It could very well mean the death of everyone in this town." Nicolas told the man.

The soldier's expression immediately turned to one of caution. His hand instinctively found itself on the hilt of his sword and his stance shifted slightly, so that he could distance himself from Nicolas if he needed to.

" What do you mean?" The soldier asked Nicolas.

The eyes of the men and women within the chantry all turned their gazes towards the two men.

" I believe the Darkspawn are coming. They will invade the town within days. Maybe two or three at the most. I found and killed a scouting party not far from the roads leading into the town. I wish to speak with the revered mother about evacuating the people. Perhaps to Redcliffe." Nicolas told the man.

" You said you killed a group of Darkspawn? Alone?" The man asked. " You expect me to believe one man, even as tall as you are, killed a group of Darkspawn alone?"

Nicolas understood the man's skepticism. He respected it even.

" I understand the need to be cautious. But I assure you, I am telling the truth, and if we do not act now. Then a lot of people are going to die. Do you really want to take the chance? Think about it, if I am right, then you'll be saving a lot of lives, and if I am wrong then, at most it will be a minor inconvenience and we can all return with no problems." Nicolas told the man.

The soldier thought about it for a solid minute. Then he looked around at the people watching them, he didn't see much else he could do other than listen to the stranger. What if he is right? That's what he asked himself.

" All right, then." The soldier finally replied. He relaxed his stance, his hand drawing back from his hilt. " I'll take you to the revered mother and let her decide what to do next. Whether or not she believes you is not my decision."

" Of course." Nicolas replied.

Nicolas followed the young soldier, all the way through the Chantry, and up the flight of stairs, and down the hall to the last door at the end.

Once there, the soldier knocked on the door.

" Your reverence. It is ser Bryant. You have a visitor." The soldier spoke.

" Come in." The mother responded from the other side of the door.

Ser Bryant stepped to the side and allowed Nicolas to walk past him and into the revered mothers' chambers.

Nicolas entered the room and saw that the revered mother was on her knees on the floor praying, most likely to her god.

" Hello, young man. How can I help you?" The revered mother asked Nicolas.

" Good evening revered mother. I come with bad news." Nicolas told the woman. " I believe the town is to come under attack from the Darkspawn. Not too long ago, I found a scouting party of Darkspawn attacking merchants on the roads that lead into Lothering. I believe it would be in your best interests to begin evacuating the town." Nicolas got straight to the point and explained the situation to the woman.

The revered mother's face changed from her nice and joyous smile into a frown.

" That is troubling. What makes you believe this?" The revered mother asked the man.

" I've seen the signs. The advance party being so close to Lothering, was a major sign. It's real." Nicolas told the woman.

" These are troubling times. But I cannot simply ask everyone in town to simply uproot their lives and leave. Especially with all the refuges we have coming in by the day." The mother replied.

" I understand that, but what is the point of having people come to shelter if it's only going to get destroyed. Mother I am telling you, that if you do not get these people out of town by the end of the week, there's not going be anyone left to save." Nicolas told the woman.

" I will say what I can, but I cannot promise that people will listen." The mother replied.

" That is all I am asking. Thank you." Nicolas told the woman. Nicolas gave the woman a respectful bow and then departed without saying another word. He had other business to take care of.