
Dragon Age: King of the Beasts

The last of a long since forgotten race journeys across Thedas.

TrapcardD · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

" Well, Leliana, Nicolas. We appreciate the help. But we need to get moving. You both take care of yourselves." Thomas spoke. He gave a nod to both of them and made to leave with his party.

But Leliana wasn't ready to part.

" Wait! You are a grey warden, yes? That is what the men called you. Then as a grey warden, you will be battling the Darkspawn. After what just happened, I know you could use all the help you can get. That's why I want to come along with you." Leliana told the man.

" And I would like to tag along as well. At least for a little while." Nicolas spoke up as well.

Thomas looked at the two of them and scoffed.

" Hold on a sec, why are you two so eager to come along with us?" Thomas asked.

" Because the Maker told me to." Leliana stated proudly.

Alistair, Thomas, Morrigan, and even Nicolas were taken off guard by the answer Leliana had given.

" Heh! Eh, would you care to.... Elaborate?" Thomas asked the woman.

" I realize that sounds absolutely insane." Leliana replied.

" Just a little, yes." Thomas joked.

" But it's true!" Leliana exclaimed. " I had a dream! A vision!"

" More crazy? I thought we were all full-up." Alistair made a joke, but Leliana chose to ignore in and instead continued pleading her case.

" Look at these people here. They are lost in their despair and this darkness, this chaos, will spread. The maker doesn't want this. What you do. What you are meant to do, is the Maker's work. Let me help." Leliana begged.

"Look, I'm going to need more than prayers I'm afraid." Thomas replied.

" I can fight. I can more than fight. As I said before, I wasn't always a lay sister. I put aside that life when I came here, but now, if it is the Maker's will, I will take it up again gladly. Please, let me help you." Leliana asked once more.

Thomas looked at thew woman and sighed. He had to respect her skills, and her perseverance was more than needed.

" Alright, then. If you really want to come along, Leliana, welcome aboard. It's not like I should be turning down help, especially when I need it." Thomas told the woman.

" Thank you." Leliana replied.

" Hang on a moment. We know why she wants to come. But what about you?" Alistair asked Nicolas.

" Isn't it simple? The Blight is a problem for everyone. If I can help you put an end to it, I will. Easy as that." Nicolas replied.

" Well, then, Nicolas. Welcome." Thomas spoke. " I look forward to traveling with you both."

" As do I. For now, however, I need to gather my things and say my goodbyes." Nicolas told the man.

" No need. We do not plan on leaving Lothering, just yet. But if you feel the need to say your goodbyes now, then please by all means. Just met us at the Chantry when you're done." Thomas explained.

" Well, if you have no plans to leave Lothering just yet, I guess I could tag along. Though I'll warn you that I have no plans of entering the Chantry building. I do not share the religion." Nicolas explained to the man.

" I see. Well come along then. You can wait outside, until we return." Thomas replied.

Nicolas was fine with that.

So, with a wave of his hand and a smile to Dana and Syril, Nicolas departed the tavern along with the Grey Wardens, Morrigan, and Leliana. And a very excited mabari hound.

Along the way to the Chantry, Alistair felt the need to get acquainted with his new traveling partner.

" So, Nicolas, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" Thomas asked the man.

" I was actually born and raised in the wilds." Nicolas replied.

This bit of news received varying reactions from Thomas' companions.

" Oh really?" Morrigan asked. Her voice was inquisitive, and her expression was one of intrigue.

Alistair on the other hand did not share her enthusiasm.

" Oh Maker, not another one." Alistair groaned.

" Yes, really." Nicolas replied to Morrigan. " And what do you mean another one?" Nicolas then turned and asked Alistair.

" Oh, do not mind little, Alistair. He is not the brightest of men in the world." Morrigan spoke.

Alistair sighed, obviously he was irritated by the woman.

" I just meant, that I didn't expect you and Morrigan, both to be from the wilds." Alistair explained.

" Oh! You lived in the wilds? How is it possible I've never met you before?" Nicolas asked the woman. " My father and I explored nearly every inch of the wilds and yet, we never saw lick or hair of your existence. How did you do it?"

" Mother took great pains to ensure that our location was never discovered. If we did not want to be found, then we simply would not be found." Morrigan explained. " Tis very likely Mother knew of your presence but wanted to avoid any confrontations."

" Your mother must have been a smart woman to be able to hide from us." Nicolas replied.

" Smart and powerful." Morrigan stated. " It sometimes scares even me with how much she is capable of."

" I see. I know that feeling very well. My father was a strange man. Always scared me with how much he seemed to know about the world, despite the fact, I very rarely saw him leave the wilds." Nicolas explained.

" How peculiar." Morrigan mewled. She eyed Nicolas closely before the shouting drew her attention.

" The legions of evil... Are on your doorsteps! This evil will cover the world, like a plague of Locusts!" A man yelled. He was brown skinned, and had short, black, mangled hair. He had armor that barely covered his torso, and on his back was a giant axe.

" Please, you're scaring the children." One of the townsmen yelled at the man.

" Better to slit their throats now, than to let them suffer at Darkspawn hands!" The man exclaimed. " There! One of their minions is already amongst us! This man bears their evil stench!" The man exclaimed. He looked dead at Thomas and his party and started yelling even more. " Can you not see the vile blackness that fills him?"

" Is no one going to shut him up?!" Thomas asked.

" Be my guest. I've got no urge to try out that axe of his." The nearby soldier stated.

" I got it." Nicolas told Thomas. He gave the man a pat on his shoulder and walked up to the man with the axe.

" I watched the black horde descend on my people! Darkness swallowed the Marshes whole! This minion is the first, who will destroy us!"

" Just shut up." Nicolas groaned and punched the man in his face, knocking him out with ease.

The man hit the ground hard, his entire world and suddenly vanished into darkness.