
Dragon Age - Dark Times

With blood every history is written. And sometimes...only a small amount of it needs to spill, to push a wave of calamity.

Soulcrystal · Video Games
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17 Chs

Tower of Magi

"Father! You can't be serious here!?" Nero was shouting and a deep angry grimace was seen on his face. It was a rarety to see him lose his calm to the point where he would become that hostile.

But what he actually heard from his father right at this moment was not what he thought he would hear.

"Calm down, pub. There was a victim after Aeda had lost control and devastated her room. There were too many witnesses when it happened."

"You can't send her to the circle." Nero actually growled now and demanded his father's reconsideration. "This is exactly why I don't want the chantry having any say in our matters."

"Is that so?" Bryan nocked his head sideways and looked at his second-born. "For all your smarts you still act like a child, son. What would acting against the chantry do for us? First, we would gain an enemy. The chantry would then invoke their rights from the king. And that would not end well for us since he is still very young and from what I already know he sees the chantry as a just organization. And so do I...Second, justice itself would be warped. Did you not yourself establish the golden rule of all people being equal? Your sister has a life on her hands. Third, your sister's life depends on it. What will happen if she doesn't learn to control her magic? Will she become an abomination or will she kill her family first?"

Nero immediately looked shocked. Hearing this very sound reasoning he stopped his bickering and squinted his eyes looking over to the little 10-year-old girl still hugging her mother while crying tears and sobbing into her bosom.

Then placing a hand at his temple he rubbed it gently to clear up his mind. Thinking about it he actually became rather emotional. It was a rare occurrence but when it came to his new family he would do anything to keep them safe.

"Then we should at least make a deal with the chantry?" Nero was reluctant about it but accepted it. He would get her out of there. The tower was definitely not a safe place from what he could scrumble from his old memories.

His father raised a brow. "What do you have in mind?"

"Could we not take her in as a court magician as soon as she finishes her training at the circle? At least we spare her being imprisoned in the tower forever..."

"That won't really work. You should know that is something the Orlesians do. Ferelden has no such positions available."

Nero sighed and gave up coming up with a plan and walked over to Aeda and his mother Eleanor.

"Hey there, little banshee." Nero lightly smiled at Aeda who turned around. One could see swollen red eyes and a puffed up face from all the crying.

"I am..." sobbing sounds still lingered in her voice. "...not a crybaby...hic"

Nero put a hand on her head and patted her softly. Every time she cried like this Nero would call her a little banshee that was crying so loudly as if to torment the souls of the people around her. That alias stayed even to this day and she would always try to rebuke it and shortly after hold back her tears.

It was some kind of way for Nero to calm her down a little. His sister was a stubborn little devil for sure. "That is good. Show those stupid templars what a talented mage you can become. Show them that there is no need to worry about you hurting people. How does that sound?"

Aeda looked at him and her lips very bitterly twitching before she answered. "But I....hurt Mary and..."

"I know, pumpkin. But you are not at fault. You did not know how to handle the sudden outburst of your magic. But whatever happens, don't start to fear your magic. It is something that is neither good nor bad. It is about how you use it."

Suddenly flashbacks flash through Nero's head thinking about the ring and he unintentionally looks at his left hand.

"So it is good to go to the Tower of Magi and learn how to use your magic."

"But I wont see you all!" Now Aeda started to cry again.

"Hey, who said that? I will come to visit you as often as I can. No one ever said you can't come to the tower after all." Nero smiled wryly.

"Really?", asked Aeda back.



"Promise. And I will even drag the others if I have to." Nero looked over to his father. "Now, should we go?" Nero outstretched his arms.

Aeda nodded and then walked over to him. Nero hugged her little body and raised her up to carry her toward the templar that was already waiting to take her with her.

When coming inside the room Nero could see a blonde young man that was barely any older than himself. If he had to guess he was actually the same age.

The young man looked over at to Nero and his sister and lightly frowned.

"So you at least finally understand that she is in better care when entering the tower.", commented the man.

"Dream on, blondie. Let's get this over quick. And I am warning you. If you do something to her that I don't like, then I will make you pay. Remember that. I will come to visit her. So don't think I won't notice it. Also, did you never learn to introduce yourselves before you start talking shit?"

The young man's right eyes seemed to twitch hearing his words but remained calm after breathing in and out once. "I am the leader of this expedition. Templar Cullen Rutherford..."

"You call this an expedition? Going hunting after a little girl with what, 100 men? Wow, how much of a dick do you guys want to make yourself?" Nero scoffed at that but knew now who he was talking to. The future Commander of the Inquisition. At least he knew now that this blondie had some skill. Even though being an addict at 17 surely is something.

"You..." Cullen was now placing his hand at his sword. "We are an honorable order! Don't you dare slander or threaten us...Just give me the apostate already."

"Remember, my words are not empty air. For the Silver Hands grasp their targets."

When Nero said those words Cullen suddenly flinched a little and removed his hand from the blade. Clicking his tongue he ordered two of his men to take the girl. "We are done here. Let us return to the circle..."

After ordering his men he glared at Nero. "You are lucky we didn't find the Lyrium. You practically reek of it..."

Nero squinted his eyes. So his assumption was correct. "You should better be careful that you don't make enemies of people that your little chantry cant handle."

Cullen snorted and he and his men started to walk away, leaving Highever.

Aeda was still looking back and Nero smiled at her. "See you soon. Behave yourself, alright?" Aeda's little nod lightened his mood.

When the door closed behind them Bryce Cousland was already present in the hall as well.

"Did you really have to be that hostile?", asked his father.

"Hey, I can accept her going but that doesn't mean I have to like those clowns." Nero only turned his head away from him and started walking out of the hall. 'And I will make sure that I will get her out of there.'

Just around the corner outside the hall, Syllia was relaxing by leaning on the wall. "Get someone to monitor the circle. Any news regarding my sister is blue priority. If more resources are needed then grant them." Nero said those words while walking past her to his own room.

Syllia smiled and then moved away into another direction to execute his orders.

Hmm, am I actually getting confused with my own freaking ages now xD? I think so. Anyway, some people did ask what time the current timeline is. It is the start of age 9:28. So a little less than 2 years now until canon.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts