

All my life I only know one thing that is I'm an orphan. Throughout my 18 years old life I have only dream of him calling me Sierra in my dreams and one day he appeared in front of me claiming me as his spouse. From going to another realm to finding my identity. I found out about my parents, my sister and my marriage.... A world I never know exist..... But there is something that everyone is hidding. Is my marriage was out of love or out of convenience. What everyone is hidding from me? Just what happened to me in my previous life? Just who really am I ?...... ------------------------------------------------ His possessiveness scares me. His golden eyes follows me everywhere as if I'm going to disappear. His obsession has no bound. "why are you doing this Ral! why? just let me go! " I screamed "Damn it Sierra stop resisting! even if hell freezes I won't let you go" he declared possessiveness dripping from his voice. -------------------------------------------------------- update schedule - One chapter per week There will be mass release but that depends on readers feedback. *This book contain themes like nudity, strong language and mild violence.

mehu · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Dream or Reality (part 1)

There comes a point when dream becomes a reality and reality becomes a dream. ~ Frances Farmer


What is dream? you might ask me. Well for me dream is subjective and that same goes to reality.

I always see a dream, it started at the age of 5 and currently I'm 18 but it's the same dream . The dream is never clear, it's a vivid; flashes of images. All I could remember is me running away from him. I never saw his face clearly. It just a blur image. Every night I had this dream me running away from him and he calling after me "WAIT! SIERRA.... DON'T LEAVE ME". His voice is rough and it held desperation and panic.

But why he is running after me and who is Sierra? My name is Ana. Yes just Ana with no family name. I'm an orphan living in an orphanage of this small town name Downtown.

Downtown is a very small town so, practically everyone knows everyone here and even orphan like me. This place is like a small community and it's take care of it's people and this is the reason why even though I don't have parents but people of this town never made me feel like I'm an outsider.

"ANA!!!" suddenly my thoughts interrupted by aunt nan. I look at her and smile sheepishly .

Aunt nan click her tongue and shake her head "Ana you always daydreaming. What will I do with you?".

"Well you still love me" I smugly said. Aunt nan is like a mother to me and to other orphans like me. She and her husband run this orphanage.

Aunt nan released a frustrating sigh and give me a weak smile "That I do Ana. Now quick! go! and bake cookies for the festival. We are running late!".

"Yes ma'am!" giving a salute I ran to kitchen. Today is a town people get-together and we celebrate it like a festival. Suddenly my mind drifted towards the man in my dreams. I don't know why but always feel that he is something to me. I never feel like I belong to this place because unlike them I'm different well my body is different. I kind of tall then average then average female here. My strength is stronger then average female and male here and this is the reason why people hesitate approaching me. Even though they never voice it out but then again action speaks louder then words. And their actions speaks way too loudly.

Soon, it's time for festival. I went back to my room to change my clothes. As I close door of my room. I feel a presence of someone "Is there anyone here?" I said looking around. I look at the window beside my bed. I don't know why but today moon is shining brightly than it normally do.

Suddenly I hear that same deep and rough voice I hear in my dream close to my ear "Sierra...my mate"

Turning my head I gasp. Seeing a man infornt of me.

I'm I hallucinating!!

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