
Dragon's Fashionista

A horrible accident made her not only lose her parents, but also her memories. With trying times, she left her old life behind and tries to forget her past. It's harder than it looks, and it seems old forgotten memories are coming back into her life. Can she overcome her fear of losing people, and rekindle an old forgotten love?

Woodnessa_98 · Urban
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31 Chs

Reliving the Dream

"Why do you look so grumpy? Come on can't you just take one sip? I promise you won't regret it." Bastion said waving a drink around in my face. I distastefully looked at the drink, not finding his pleading in any way, shape, or form very cute. I tapped my fingers angrily on the table, trying to ignore his efforts in getting me to drink with him. I didn't come out here to get hammered or even slightly buzzed. I just wanted to get out of the house and eat some food.

"No way. The last time you and I drank together, you drew on my face after I passed out. Not to mention you are such an asshole." I muttered as he kept scooching the drink closer and closer to my arm. He had already drank a few beers, and he was starting to get really giddy as he always did when he was buzzed. It was weird seeing him such a firm wall during the day, and then a playful bastard after a few drinks.

"Oh, come Rosaline. You use to drink me under the table back in our college days. I'd always have to carry her home she would be in such rough shape." Bastion beamed at me, like he was telling the whole world my dirty little secret.

"We are too old to be 'drinking under the table' Bastion. You will learn that tomorrow when you try waking up with your hang over." I grumbled again trying to ignore him. I looked to Aaron for help, but he sat there silently smirking at me.

"You aren't as fun as you use to Rosie. Come on Rosebud, just one drink. That's all I ask!" Bastion said with one last shove in my direction. I glared at the use of the old nickname he gave me, and Aaron burst out laughing. He was holding his sides as he swept the tears from his eyes. Gritting my teeth and tired of listening to both Bastion and Aaron, I grabbed the drink and downed it. Not once did I come up for air until the entire contents of the cup where gone.

When I had the last swallow, I slammed the glass cup down on the table and wiped my mouth. My throat was burning now, and my stomach was growling in anger. My body was starting to warm a bit, and I knew I had made a mistake. The muscles in my body where starting to feel a little lighter as I sat. But Bastion's silence was enough to make me happy. They both just stared, surprised by my sudden display of carelessness.

"There, are you happy now Bastion? Can you get off my back?" A cloud was starting to form inside my head, starting to jumble my thoughts as I sat there. What was in that bottle? "What did you order Bastion?" His grin spread wide as he stared at me.

"A double shot of Long Island. I didn't think you were going to down the whole thing or I would have ordered something different." He snickered as he intently watched me.

"Jeez Bastion. She hasn't drank like that in how many years. You can't just give her that much alcohol in one go you idiot." Aaron snapped. The world was slightly rocking back and forth now, making me feel a little nauseous. But the stress I was feeling before was completely gone, I can't even remember why I was so angry.

"Bastion, why do you do this to me every time. You are so mean." I started giggling manically as the warmth continued to flow down my body. It was like sitting in a sauna, but without the steam. Aaron looked utterly defeated as both Bastion and I where now laughing without reason.

"Rose, did you know they have a Piano here, you should totally play something." Bastion grabbed me by the shoulders and whipped me quickly around, facing me towards a slick black piano. The top was propped open, displaying the inside of the organ. Apart of me was screaming not to, because I was drunk and would embarrass myself, but the drunk part of me told me that I should do it, because I wasn't going to remember it anyway.

"If either of you record me, I will kill you both tomorrow." I said pushing myself away from our table. Thankfully I wasn't intoxicated enough yet where I couldn't walk straight. So, I casually walked to the bar, a smile upon my lips as I met with the bartender behind the bar. He looked up, forcing a smile on his lips as I approached.

"Do you think I could use your piano; I am a very skilled pianist and my friends requested I play a few songs." I said gesturing back at my table. The bartender looked at me surprised, and then slowly nodded his head. I thanked him and made my way towards the stairs to the piano. It was on a stand, like it was on display at a store. A large chandelier hung over it, making it sparkle that much more. Dazzled by the blinding light, I took my seat on the bench, adjusting the skirt of my long dress so it wasn't bunched around my knees.

After a moment of settling in on the bench, I could hear the music cut out, and the crowded dining room slowly turned quiet. I could feel all the eyes on my back as I carefully and skillfully placed my fingers on the white glistening keys. With a tentative hand, I began my assault. The music came out smooth and bright. With every passing second, I could feel the excitement around me. All eyes, every set stopped what they were doing, to watch me gracefully move my fingers across the keyboard.

As I grew more comfortable, the people around me started to clap to the beat, cheering and hollering. I felt my heart soar, feeling at ease as I played to my heart's content. This was the dream that I always wanted, to be adored by fans. I wanted to be cheered on by the crowds, roses tossed at my feet. My parents smiling as they watched me from below the stage. I can hear their whoops and hollers even now. Although they weren't here, they were still cheering for me.

As I continued to play, the people around me where even so bold as to get up and start dancing with their partners. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth as I watched these people clearly enjoying themselves. Their smiles matching mine. It encouraged me to play harder and more intricate pieces. Children where dancing in around parents, couples where awkwardly dancing in tight circles, Bastion and Aaron where watching clapping with the others.

As I finished the first song, there was a chorus of 'encore' that erupted from the crowd. Bastion and Aaron where leading them, chanting over and over until I gave a side smirk and placed my hands on the keys once more. I played a slower piece; it was about the change in seasons. The faster pace of the song was Summer, the gentler part was Autumn, the slower part was of Winter, and the last piece was a high pitch sweet sounding tune that concluded the song. People who had gathered around before where now sitting, listening intently while they enjoyed their meals.

Feeling happy about how my performance was, I pushed back the bench, but not before a hand grabbed my shoulder. I looked up surprised. A young man dressed in a black suit with a tie had approached me, holding out his free hand to shake mine. I obliged as he leaned in close.

"My name in Matthew Reed. I was absolutely blown away by your performance and wanted to offer you a contract with my entertainment industry." He whispered gently into my ear. I peered over at Aaron and Bastion who were lost in their own conversation. Although I did love performing, I was knee deep in the fashion industry, and I couldn't leave those two either. They relied heavily on me to keep the business going. I hated it, but I had to let the opportunity go.

"I am so sorry Mr. Reed. But I already have a fulfilling career as a fashion designer. You may have heard of me. My name is Rosaline Freed." I said offering a smile. His eyes went wide, but his hand didn't loosen from around shoulder. He chuckled softly and nodding his head.

"I thought that was you. What a shame really. Well, if you ever want to give the fashion industry a break. Give me a call." He said letting go of my shoulder to reach into his pocket. He pulled out a small business card with his name on it and in bold letters 'Golden Entertainment' was wrote across the white card. My eyes widen in surprise. This was the president of the company that made offers to the highest of talented people. I watched him walk away, not another word exchanged between us.

I took a deep breath and made my way back to the table that Aaron and Bastion where sitting at. Bastion beamed at me, making my cheeks flush as I returned to my seat. Aaron was now looking a little disgruntled, an accusing look in his eyes as he watched me sit.

"What was the hot shot of the entertainment industry doing with you?" Aaron spat, his voice dripping with anger. I rolled my eyes, a smile appearing on my face as I patted his shoulder reassuringly. Then a devilish idea came to mind, and it wasn't an opportunity I could pass off.

"Oh, well he obviously made me an offer. I told him since I had no work to do right now, I might as well take him up on it. What a shame that you will be losing a member of your team Bastion." I said playfully giving him a pouting lip. But Bastion kept the smile plastered to his face, fully seeing through my act.

"It's good thing you didn't go to acting school. They would have kicked you out." Bastion said in return as he placed another brown bottle to his lips. I giggled and shook my head, knowing I couldn't keep the act up around him. I would let them have me for now, but after playing tonight, I realized how much I missed performing on stage.

We spent the rest of the night, chatting and drinking away. The night felt like it was going smoothly. It was enjoyable and wonderful. So much so, that I honestly can't remember who brought me home.