
Dragon's Fashionista

A horrible accident made her not only lose her parents, but also her memories. With trying times, she left her old life behind and tries to forget her past. It's harder than it looks, and it seems old forgotten memories are coming back into her life. Can she overcome her fear of losing people, and rekindle an old forgotten love?

Woodnessa_98 · Urban
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31 Chs

Discussing the Photoshoot

"Angela Gear, we welcome you into our office. Please have a seat." Bastion said rising to his feet. The rest of us followed suit. She wore a plain pair of blue jeans and a black blouse, but they still looked absolutely stunning on her. The red locks that flowed down her head, where like streaks of lava from a freshly erupted volcano. She greeted Damien with a soft kiss to the cheek before she sat next to him. Crossing her legs, she already started to look bored.

I sat down with Aaron and Damien. Bastion remained standing; his hands splayed across the desk as he stood intimidatingly over his desk. As we settled in, Bastion cleared his throat, making the attention fall on him.

"Alright Ms. Freed, you take the floor since this was your idea. I know what ever plan you have involved makeup since you were so reluctant to ask Damien here." The tone of amusement was thick in Bastion's words. I couldn't help but pass him a leveled stare as I passed a small folder to Damien and Angela to look over while I talked.

"I think that if we set a pre-show with an ad, we might stop being overlooked for last year's mistake. We need to get people interested in this event of our hard work will be overlooked and opportunities will be lost." I said taking a brief pause as I watched them study the dress that I had designed specifically for the ad. "I think Celestia would be the perfect model to show off this piece as to draw attention to our line of products. Since Dragon's Eye has more experience than us in detail and costume, I would like to request aid in setting up this shoot." I finished speaking and leaned back in the chair.

I don't know why I was feeling nervous. I never had issues showing off my designs before, but I guess being in the same room with two highly intimidating beings would do that to anyone. Regardless of what my personal opinions where of Damien, I knew he was one of the most respected individuals. My project was literally sitting in the hands of someone who could totally and completely crush me. To my surprise, Damien chuckled to himself. It wasn't like a disrespectful chuckle. He seemed genuinely pleased with what he was looking at.

"I see your style hasn't changed any." He muttered loud enough for me to hear. I said nothing, as I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that. At one point you and I did know each other, but that was long ago. His words rang in my head, and all I could do was watch him look over my proposal.

"I like this dress. It really is adorable, and the fantasy theme I can get behind. I want to help with this ad because I think she is right; it will help spike interest. With your success comes ours as well." Angela said pulling the folder from Damien's hand. Damien passed me a side smile before directing his attention back to Angela.

"If Angela is on board, then as am I. But if we are going to do this, then I think Aaron's designs need to come into play as well. I know someone who can help us model the Knight that you have themed. Do you think Celestia can come in tomorrow?" Damien leaned casually back in his chair, his arm coming to rest on the head rest of mine. Trying not to show how suffocated I felt, I nodded my head.

"I have no doubts Celestia would do the shoot tomorrow. Regardless of how short notice it is, she is always available for me." I commented, trying to keep my voice steady. Damien nodded again, then directed his attention to Bastion.

"In regard to what the news was saying earlier. I think we need to get a hold of the competing news company and set up a press conference. With that being said we can publish the photo shoot pictures their before we completely release them to the public." Bastion sat thoughtfully at his desk. Pen tapping off his chin, he nodded his head slowly in agreement.

"I will have it done." He said taking his pen and writing down on a piece of paper. Then he looked up grinning at me. "See, I told you she was a dime a dozen." Against my will, I felt my face flush. It wasn't like I didn't hear this every once in a while, but to be highly praised was something I couldn't get used to. Especially since all the households I bounced around from said nothing but bad things about me. Damien chuckled as his reply, a warm smile on his face as he passed me back the folder.

"Well, if we have everything set, then I would like to start on this right away. Rose, I want this down to the design team pronto. Aaron, can you whip up something as well? I'll give you the clients name before you start your design." I rose from my chair, wanting to get started as soon as possible. I was also starting to feel giddy being able to be back at the office. It felt good being back in the circle and not stuck at home.

I walked to the door of the office, taking a glance over my shoulder before leaving. Aaron, despite having his earlier displeasure with him, seemed to be getting along well enough to do his job. Damien seemed at ease as well as the four continued to discuss their next steps. I wondered what Aaron was so mad at him for earlier. Did Damien know Aaron from before the joining the business? Maybe I would ask him one day, but it seemed like a touchy subject.

I walked out the door, the office floor still in utter chaos as I tried to weave my way in and out of the traffic. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face. This would never have happened if we weren't backed by two highly influential people. How that came to be still a mystery considering we had always tried in the past.

Did it have to do with Bastion's clearly tight relationship with Damien? Or perhaps, just like with Miss Rita and I, they can be close, but it was the business that brought them together to join forces? I hoped that maybe when this first battle was over, I could ask Bastion. It's not like him to openly discuss his personal life outside of work. He wasn't like that in college either