
The new BEGINNING -3

Few years later....

Ava stood in the heart of the forest, surrounded by her friends and allies. The darkness had been vanquished, and the land was finally at peace.

Ember, now fully grown and majestic, nuzzled Ava's hand. Lyra and the other villagers smiled, their faces filled with joy and gratitude.

Ava looked around, her heart full of love and wonder. She knew that this was just the beginning of a new era, one where magic and friendship would flourish.

And so, Ava and her friends set out to rebuild and restore the forest, using their combined skills and magic to create a haven of peace and harmony.

As they worked, Ava's legend grew, and her name became synonymous with bravery, wisdom, and hope. And though she faced many challenges in the years to come, Ava knew that she would always have the support of her friends and the love of her dragon, Ember.