
The Ancient Tree

Ava followed the humming noise, her senses heightened as she navigated through the dense underbrush. The sound grew louder, and she began to make out the shape of an enormous tree in the distance. Its trunk was wider than a house, its branches twisted and gnarled with age.

As she approached the tree, Ava felt a strange energy emanating from it, like a gentle vibration that resonated deep within her chest. The humming noise seemed to be coming from within the tree itself, and she could feel its power calling to her.

Without hesitation, Ava reached out and touched the trunk of the tree. The moment her skin made contact with the bark, the humming noise stopped, and a deep silence fell over the forest. Ava felt a sudden jolt of knowledge, like a floodgate of information had been opened in her mind.

She saw visions of ancient civilizations, of powerful magic and forgotten lore. She saw the history of the forest, the secrets it held, and the magic that lay within. And she saw the dragon, a magnificent creature with scales that shone like gold and eyes that burned like embers.

Ava's mind reeled as she tried to process what she was seeing. She felt like she had been given a key to a hidden world, a world that lay just beyond the edge of reality. And she knew that she would never be the same again.

Please let me know if you'd like me to continue with Chapter 4!