

Chaos reigned. The stench of blood filled the air. The war raged on.... Admist this ...the prophet smiled ..it was time. In an enormous cave, lay a great dragon on the finely refined grass floor, in labour. A great wail of a child soon followed, stunning the weak mother. Soon after It breathed it's last....The battle was far from over... it was the start ..

10vincyl · Action
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2 Chs

THE START OF THE END √ 50 years ago

Ragnar lay on the hill ,his ears perched. His slit like eyes open. He always liked the king Ragnarok , he looked up to him .Yes, to him he was no king, he was his brother. The one who taught him how to fly ,battle .He still could not come to the terms that he would leave him soon. One could mistake that he was idling but he was keenly watching the other dragons train. The fire dragons pour streams of fire while the ice dragons countered with ice .


The dragons were divided into three races ; according to speed,element and scale colour. Dragons wielded only three elements; fire being the most common. Water element that was divided into two; hot steamy water with gases,and ice or frost. Then the rarest lightning and electric element. Dragons were also ranked based on their speed and agility.The fastest dragon,flamezephyr that at it's top speed could break the sound barrier. These dragons were so rare that only almost two were given birth to after a century. Also ranked were the sky walkers , whose agility and maneuvers were outstanding, then the masculine and slow speed , dragon slayers .This kind were unbeatable in hand to hand combat. Lastly ,the most common the wind breakers, these had enormous wings that gave them much flying distances before tiring.They mainly acted as messengers .

Finally , dragons were valued according to scales leading were the gold coloured,black,silver then the common types red ,white,grey, yellow and green.


The peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by a loud explosion, Boooooom! All the dragons training went to a stand still .Smoke could be seen snaking away from Mt Merit. Ragnar took flight towards it , to be greeted by a mesmerizing sight. A glowing purplish glow sorrounded the oracle's platform, the priest and prophet were dead. Many dragons gathered watching the unfolding spectacle..Nothing happened except for the constant changing of colours between white ,orange and purple.

Unknown to the in a far continent, a huge celebration was ongoing. They had done it, The elves had saved themselves from imminent extinction. The elf kingdom had been slowly but surely destroyed by a spreading venom that attacked their magic and Mana destroying not only their plants but also taking their lives. To them Plan Exodus had just commenced. They had been trying to find another continent and after 10 trials they finally found one that could support magic.

Ragnarok received the news of the development with a solemn face . He had to stand strong ,he was the only black dragon and he yielded both fire and liquid like lava , they would fight . He ordered two dragons to guard and notice any other changes to report immediately. This was to be done in shifts. Ten days later , the purplish glow had covered the oracle's white and orange colour . Shortly after the first elf popped out of the portal. Teleportation magic , the report read to Ragnarok said .

Batch after batch of elves stepped out of the portal. The elf leader exhaled,then exclaimed beautiful. They were here to stay.. Ragnarok went to meet them ,announcing his presence with a terrifying roar. The elves trembled when they saw dragons sorround them. " Foreigners , state your business , "Ragnarok sent a wave of telephaty to them. Their leader with the help of their priest managed to explain their predicament.