
Dragon's Bride

Is_a_bell_9053 · Fantasy
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71 Chs


Treasca was able to get out of bed the next day much to everyone's great relief including her own. She had only very vague memories of the Harpies. What she could remember however chilled her to the bone. While she wasn't exactly happy to be here with Brenton she had realized there were far worse things that could happen to her. Half of her wondered morbidly what would have happened if Thalon had been successful. She shuddered and did her best to not think to deeply about it. She decided since she would be staying for the foreseeable future that she would need a hobby, or risk going crazy with sheer boredom. Delyn had been very happy to help her set up the easel and paint. It seemed he needed a distraction as well. Brenton was gone again. She didn't know where he had ran of to now, or even if she cared honestly. She did care if she admitted it to herself, but she was trying hard not to think about it. So she painted those faint dreamscapes she had been trapped in, because for some reason she really didn't want to forget them. They had been beautiful dreams even if their purpose had been sinister. She started with the black lake, and painted herself floating in its depths.

" You are very good at that." Delyn remarked she had forgotten that he was even still there. He had been so still and quiet behind her. He moved closer standing just behind her regarding the still wet painting.

"This is truly breathtaking, we will have to start you a gallery." Delyn smiled at her, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was still polite, attentive, and usual easy to please self, but something was very off with him she could feel it. She reached out and squeezed his hand. His shoulders slumped, and a sob crawled it's way painfully from his throat. She led him to a chair sitting him down. She hugged him, and let him sob into her shoulder until he quieted.