
Dragged in the Golden Cage

I, Elara Winthrop has always thought that being born with mafia blood in your veins is a sin itself. I hated my life more than anything else and the only thing I wanted was freedom from this life,but even i knew it was more than impossible for a wish like this to come true. I have become used to my life and started accepting what destiny plans for me.I am neither sad nor happy now. My life was going rough plain,until they entered my life. The most dangerous yet powerful future alphas of Chicago and Italy wants to conquer over me, not for love but as to become more powerful by creating good relations with Paris's alpha. I am going to marry one of them soon, but who will it be? am I going to find love or would spend my rest life regretting to be born in the mafia world? Check out my story to find more.

Shreya_nath · Urban
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19 Chs

The first move

I stepped back as soon as I realised Franco's giant figure, he was six feet tall and all muscular. He had tanned olive skin with all sort of cuts and marks all over his body.He was just wrapped in a small towel and was dripping wet.

I moved back but he held my arm which he caught to prevent me from falling.

"You must be Elara?" he asked, his voice was deep and polite.

Polite? I must have hit my head during the collision.

"Huh, yes. I am Elara." I answered nervously.

"Well I am Franco Costello,you might have heard about us coming here." he said.

"Yes, I was aware of your arrival." I answered, trying not to look at him.

He still held my arm.

"Actually,I was taking shower but could not find shampoo. Can you help me?" he stated.

"Yeah, let me bring that for you." was my reply.

He let my arm free and I rushed toward my room, avoiding Cindy's silly questions,i went straight to the bathroom,took my shampoo bottle and left the room.

When I went out, there was no one in the corridor.Franco must have went inside.

I knocked the door of his temporary room twice and when there was no response,I barged in, seeing the door unlatched.

His suitcase was lying above the bed and his clothes were scattered everywhere around.

I heard the noise of running water from the bathroom,and knocked hesitantly.I thought I would inform him that I'll be keeping the shampoo bottle near the bathroom door so that he can take it once I leave the room.

But, but, but he opened the door wide at a single knock and heaven forbid me for what I saw.

Franco costello, standing stunningly naked in front of me. I tried so hard to distract my vision from him but the efforts went vain. I could not stop looking at him no matter,how much my conscience was cursing me for this lewd behaviour.I was shocked and speechless. He gave a one sided grin and started taking step to minimise the distance between us. And the next second we were so close that I could actually feel his breathing but dared not to meet his eyes.

He held my hand and took the shampoo bottle without saying anything and went to continue his showering job.

It was so sudden that I could not even apologize for intruding.I left the room in hurry before he he could compete his shower.

I went to my room,closed the door and cursed myself for barging in his room.

Cindy stared me confusingly and asked,"Where's the drink,you went to fetch? And why are you acting all weired?"

I sat on the bed and she settled next to me to know about the incident.

I told her everything and her excitement grew with my each word. When I finish saying,she exclaimed,"Wow! you finally saw a naked man, after 18 years of your useless life."

"Cut the cackle,Cindy,it's not funny."I shouted.

"I know what you feel, El.And it's not necessary to find the negative of everything. For once just try to convince yourself,that it's OK for things like this to happen."she said calmly.

Cindy was so correct. I am so filled with pessimism,I always try to find the inauspicious side of an event rather finding the good that may happen and I am so done foreboding the things.

"Cindy,you are right. But I could not forget the fact that he is the future alpha of Italy." I admitted.

"it was him who came all naked in front of you, you were just helping him with the shampoo." she tried to convince me. God she is getting better at it.

There was a knock on the door, Cindy went to check. It was Neel,my 10 years old brother.

"Hi Neel, what brought you here?" Cindy asked him.

"Franco wants to meet El after lunch. He wanted me to deliver the message." replied Neel.

"Well, thanks for informing." Cindy said and Neel left.

We both shared a demented glare with a bit of nervousness.