
CHAPTER 2:Shadows Of The Forest

In the forest depths, shadows dance and play,

Chasing dreams that in slumber stray.

But as down breaks, we rise anew,

Embracing the light, our fears we subdue


Ava jolted upright in bed, her heart pounding against her chest as she gasped for breath. Beads of sweat clung to her fore head as the remnants of her nightmate slowly dissolved, leaving behind a lingering sense of fear.

In the darkness of her room, the remnants of her dream clung to her mind like tendrils of smoke. She had been running, desperately fleeing through a dense forest, persuaded by some unseen threat. The sound of snapping twigs and heavy footsteps echoed in her ears, fueling her panic. Shadows dance around her, their forms shifting and contorting into grotesque shapes.

Ava shook her head , trying to dispel the remnants of the nightmare. It had felt all toibreal, as if she had been transported to another world, one where danger lurked at every turn. She glanced at the clock which read 5:30 am. There was no way she could get to sleep now.

As Ava Ewing her legs over the side of the bed, she noticed a soft glow seeping through the crack under her bedroom door. Curiosity piqued, she padded across the room and pushed the door open gently. The soft light spilled into the hallway, casting a warm glow.

There in the bathroom, stood Sarah, her best friend, in frintvof the mirror. She was dressed in a faded T-shirt and shorts, her hair still tousled from sleep. Sarah had always been the early bed of the duo, rising with the sun and seizing the day.

"Morning, sleepyhead", Sarah greeted with a grin, catching Ava's reflection in the mirror.

" Ready for our Saturday community service?"

Ava blinked, momentarily forgetting her nightmare as the reality of the day settled in. They had signed up to help clean up the local park, a project organized by her schools community outreach program. Despite her lingering unease from the dream, Ava found solace in the prospect of giving back to their community alongside her best friend.

She forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready. Just had a weird dream."

Sarah turned towards Ava, concern etched on her face.

"You okay? Want to talk about it?"

Ava hesitated, contemplating whether or not to tell her friend about the dream she had. She decided against it, not wanting to burden Sarah with her fears. "Its nothing, really. Just one if those random dreams. Let's focus on the community service for now."

Sarah studied her best friend for a moment, sensing her unease, but she respected Ava's decision not delve further.

"Alright, if you say so. Well, get ready quickly. We don't want to be late."

As Ava retreated to her room to get dressed, she couldn't shake off the lingering unease from her nightmare. The forest, the shadows, and the chase haunted her thoughts. She vowed to push it aside, embrace the present moment and the opportunity to make a positive impact.

Little did she know that the events of the day would intertwine with fragments of her dream, blurring the line between reality and the nightmarish visions that plagued her sleep.