
Draga of the Vanguard

Magical Realism
Ongoing · 112.8K Views
  • 26 Chs
  • 4.1
    25 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Draga of the Vanguard

Read ‘Draga of the Vanguard’ Online for Free, written by the author Critical_Kind, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A child loses everything he once loved to a beast that cared not of his suffering. Now with a determination to hunt down...


A child loses everything he once loved to a beast that cared not of his suffering. Now with a determination to hunt down that beast and its kin, he sets out on a journey, his rage pushing him on to join the most dangerous order of knights, known for their high death rates due to monster hunting, and their harsh training of their troops. This is the story of a knight from the Vanguard. Currently being rebooted

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Ich bin ausgewandert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn bekommen!

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BAJJ · Urban
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204 Chs


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Despite not reading a single chapter because I’m lazy af, judging by the cover and the 4.3 review(16ppl, btw I didn’t read any of them...) imma make a prediction... The novel is going to be about a **** **** ********** *** ***** **** ******* *** ******** ***** ****** *** *** ** * **** ********* ***** ***....**** ** **** *** **** :)


I was asked by the author to do a review so this will be a bit directed towards the author directly. I really like the story. It's fun and has a surprisingly catching story. My biggest concerns with this story are that it seems rushed and the wordings is quite mainstream. (E.g. in chapter one you use eyes full of anger. Couldn't you have used a stronger emotion than anger? Rage, hatred, bloodthirst etc. Maybe used derived instead of full). It's really minor things but it makes you stop and remember them. It also makes the reader think about the story when they aren't reading it. The are quite a lot of punctuation errors, which probably only bothers a teacher like me. No biggies though 😊 In the first couple of chapters the boy is supposed to be completely possessed with hatred, yet he seeks out others company. It seems a bit contradicting. The same sort of goes for the girl. Your story shares some similarities with Shen Yin Wang Zuo in the beginning. Maybe you could get some inspirations here from how he describes a background filled with hatred. Other characters are sort of poorly described and while there are a very appropriate number of people to keep track of, you don't really have an impression of them. I've seen you commenting on the story with descriptions. Those should definitely have been written into the chapters instead. Outside of that I'd have liked some "As Rei walked into the barracks he.." Tell us what he first notices, his impression of that and what he doesn't notice. I'd have liked a little humor as well, but that wouldn't align with the whole concept of a young boy possessed by hatred, so it's well within reason to leave out. All in all, I think the story is very good and with some minor changes to your narrating it could be great. Best of luck with your story 😊


It's good. The story is good, the plot is enjoyable, I don't know much about the world this novel is set in, but that isn't so bad, a bit of mystery and imagination is always good. Hope you keep adding new episodes because it is really enjoyable.


I’m at chapter 20 the max right now and I’ve got to say that I have really enjoyed this although their may be one or two things I would of done differently however I still really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone who likes a determined and soon to be powerful MC


So far the story is a bit confusing like the author think we have knowledge of the background world but its only just started so it can get better and i read all 18 chapters and I will be adding this to my library so I can give a at least 20 more chapters before I say its a keeper or not


I don't really understand their world, and I'm not sure when it's set, but I like it. And the fact that the characters actually go through terrible suffering, like everybody does at least once is realistic. The characters don't suddenly get rid of their trauma like other novels, but instead are silently suffering, which seems like a good plot.


I'm just started reading..till now it is interesting... I like to read further ..characters are also interesting .. Let me see how it would be further ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺🙂🙂🙂🙂☺🙂☺🙂🙂🙂🙂☺☺☺


The story is interesting has intriguing characters, I feel though that the writer is not as literate as they can be, I don’t know if English is their second language and if so I think they are doing a pretty marvellous job so far, with only somewhat minimal spelling errors and the slight overuse of be word ‘though’ in some chapters. The world in this novel is not particularly well explained, I don’t know if the writer is slowly explaining the world or may have skipped this part as some novels clearly and precisely explain about the world that the character knows about so far, but otherwise, I feel that there is a slight lack of explanation about the MC and his family at the start, as I feel it may be missing any introductions that feel needed. The depictions of characters is what I feel needs a bit of work on, with both the literacy in which you can describe them as well as any information that the reader may feel intrigued by knowing whether the info be arbitrary or not, also depending the appropriateness of the information that you are telling the reader (from the viewpoint and memory of the MC of course). Last and not least, it would be good to maybe somehow spice up the novel a bit if you want it to be unique, of course with it being totally your choice and I am of course not saying it’s not unique and all, I’m just saying that a little creativity never hurt no one. And speaking from experience of reading on this app for an average of 1600 mins per week, I usually tend to always keep up with those more unique stories unlike the already well know concept ones... danm sorry about the amount of words but yeh. Love the story anyway and I hope you keep up the sweet work!!


I only read up to chapter 5. There were some errors here and there like wrong use of punctuation marks, wrong words were sometimes used, there were also wrong spellings I had spotted and there were words that were inappropriately capitalized. But these errors weren't noticeable if you focus on the plot, well... if you do not have OCD or weren't a Grammar Nazi, except for chapter 1 though. It was easy to spot errors there, I recommend that the author/translator will edit it. For the plotline, it was really unfortunate that the MC's loved ones were killed early. They didn't have enough time to be properly introduced to us to left a deep impact from their deaths. We only knew that they were killed by a dragon which results to Mc being vengeful, that was it. We didn't felt sincerely sorry that they died, that was why we cannot relate to MC's loss. And that made his conviction of killing all of the dragons empty. Also, the change was too sudden, we were not familiar with MC's personality before the dragon destroyed his village, so we cannot fully appreciate his transformation. The characters weren't properly fleshed out, they didn't have a distinct characteristics that made them unforgettable, I reread the chapter a few times to remember them, except for the eerie knight, I love his personality. This novel had a lot of potential but the mc really isn't my cup of tea.


I was asked to review this a few weeks ago, and thought I'd head over to take a look. I don't have the time for a proper review right now, but one thing immediately leapt out at me: Your paragraphs are too long. Readability suffers because of this. If you skim any of the novels in the top 20 or so, their average paragraph length are much shorter than yours, and even if an entire paragraph is nominally about a single idea, past a certain maximum length, it's time to start a new paragraph. Fiction tends to shorter paragraphs, and web novels tend to even shorter paragraphs, and a lot of this has to do with attention span and mobile devices. Anyway, pretty much every single very successful author has shorter paragraphs than you, and that's not a coincidence.


Okay so far I've read till chapter 11 so I don't know what the writing quality and story goes beyond it, but so far I've noticed that the writing quality till now has some usual errors with grammar and the sentences not making much sense. Apart from this the story picks up at around chapter 8 with the first eh im guessing major battle of MC, some mysterious monster is attacking the kingdom. There's also some lore for some monsters (even ones that haven't appeared yet). There is a ton of detail for things (mostly the monsters hehe) and the fights are pretty exciting as well. A bad thing (even tho i havent read till the latest chapter) i guess would be that the update for the novel is not fixed and takes time for chapters to be released which is understandable since you need new ideas and stuff for the story and at least it doesnt like 10 days per chapters but its still several days per chapter or pseudo-mass release. Well that's it so far :)


Look interesting ... I look it .... Keep up the good work. . .. And nice novel...too..... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😁😀😀😀😁😀😁😀😁😀😁😀😁😋😋😁😋😁😀😀😋😁😁


Well I don't really understand what's the character background story and It has a lot of potential. At least you're writing style are better than mine (I sucks at 3rd person view). Overall it has a pretty good potential to be a amazing story


unique revenge story and couldn't clearly understand their power levels and plot is good hoping MC will get powerful and have other sides except revenge. im still reading


The first chapter made my heart break like why would this happen, and when he said am going to hunt dragons, I was ok. Aside from the Mc try making the other characters more 3d. Right now I feel like there just there to help the Mc and if they r make them have there own morals and stuff. I was a nice read, I have one eye open on it so am awaiting your next chapter.


Hiーーーーー  ☆ * .  ☆   . ∧_∧ ∩ * ☆ * ☆ ( ・∀・)/ .  . ⊂   ノ* ☆ ☆ * (つ ノ .☆    (ノ   ∧_∧::   (´・ω・`):: /⌒  ⌒):: /へ__ / /:: (_\\ ミ)/::   | `-イ::   /y  )::  // /:: / /:: ( く::: |\ ヽ:::


Alright, so the novel is good so far, apart from the wall of text with some useless details, you've got ah... May something but her name hasnt got anything related to the clan agrios thing (i cant remember what it was) unlike Draga Rei, the story (up to end of chapter 4) i'd say there pretty much isnt anything i can see other than the mc staying holed up unless is this supposed to be a training arc? The characters arent really explained except minor details like this guy has brown hair, blue eyes and a muscular build and the world background doesn't seem to have much depth, be good if it had more detail (not too much like a wall of text tho lol) apart from these things the quality is good with some possible improvements and the update seems stable, good work and i hope you can make a great novel out of this


A very interesting novel, the premises got my attention. I'm anxious for more. The word needs a bit more developpment, but I trust in the author's ability. The names of towns and characters ae good, and feel original. Thanks for the meal!


Rei's relatable. Novel really started very well and I am also anticipating for the monster's demise. And the grammar is excellent. Saving it in my library for sure. Keep on writing.


A good novel with a good start . Novel has a huge potential if author continues to write the novel. Everything is explained in the novel and content quality is also very good but with a little lacking explanation of world but it can be neglected.


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