
Draconic System

jay_killer · Fantasy
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1 Chs

chapter 1

As I michael grandcrest sit on my throne I look out the window and see the chaos in the streets as my kingdom is under siege from within its own walls as all of my council members have betrayed me I hear the throne room doors explode open as it splinters and covers the floor of this once grand room I look towards where the doors once stood and see my nine ex council memebers all power houses in their own rights being lead by the one man I thought I would never see betrayed me, My sworn brother the sword of this great kingdom Klaus Grandfall. As I look into his fierce Green eyes with my own sapphire blue I yell as my mana covers the entire room in an unbearable pressure

"How dare you do this to me Klaus we were sworn brothers we grew up together in that small village and adventured and gathered the strength we have now together. What have I done to make you wish to betray and overthrow me." Klause smiles as he answers "you have what I want... power, You have the power to do whatever you want while I'm stuck here like a fucking dog protecting this place, That will change once I kill you because then your so called power this kingdom will be mine to wield as I see fit" as he finishes speaking he unsheaths his sword and rushes at me. I start speaking as I stand up "Klaus if you had just asked I would have given this to you!" while summoning my sword I rush at him. "Well it's to late for that now isn't it 'Brother' " Klaus says as we meet in the middle of the room in a clash of mana and metal that cause the windows to explode and the stone floor to crack, "Its not to late brother we can still-" I stop speaking as I quickly dodge barely get scratched by a dagger Klaus pulled out from his coat, "Trust me michael it's to late for you" Klaus smirks as he starts walking towards me slowly. "But Kla-" I stop speaking as I notice im standing there unable to move. "What the fuck did you do to me Klaus!" Klaus smiles evily "That paralysis poison took affect faster then expected. You see Michael I know I can never beat you in a fair fight with swords or magic so I decided to resort to the only thing that I'm sure will stop you from moving long enough for me to kill you". I look at the dagger in Klaus's hands and my eyes widen as I see a blood red liquid coating the bladed I whisper "You used the blood widow", Klaus's smile grows even wider as he answers "Of course I used the blood widow only the best and rarest poison should be used for slaying a king even if that king is you", Klaus arrives infront of me and prepares to cut off my head as he finishes speaking, As anger boils in my heart I yell so all can hear me "I swear I will come back and kill you all! I will have my revenge in the next life and ensure that you each will suffer for doing thi-" My words are cut short as Klaus cuts my head off my body as my body slowly falls to the ground one of my rings begin to glow a bright crimson color as it vanishes.

Hello to anyone that reads this, I apologize if this webnovel isn't the greatest as this is my first attempt at writing. please leave a comment if you have any thoughts and have a great day.

jay_killercreators' thoughts