
The Slave

I waited in silence, taking this chance to rest some more but by no means daring to close my eyes. As always, boots were heard stomping down the dark pathway, stopping in front of me specifically. He used the pommel of his sword to smack the bars, making a loud clanging sound that made my ears ring. "Get up, you trash!" Obediently, and almost mindlessly, I stood and let him take his time unlocking the cell door. When it creaked open, he yanked me out roughly by the arm, leaning to snarl in my ear, "Don't get cocky like last time. You're nothing more than filth left to rot." His foul breath almost made me gag, but I bit it back to avoid punishment. "Get going, slave. You've got work to do." Now I was shoved away, only staying on my feet because of the sharp, rocky wall having good hand-holds. I held back a wince from the stone cutting my hands, pushing myself back up, and walked barefooted over the cold stone.

One thing's for certain--he hates me. I didn't intend to break the pump last week, nor for him to take partial blame, but he locked me in there until now. I stepped into the sun, taking a deep breath, excited after having been stuck with stagnant air for so long. Seeing as nothing was said, I assume my work is the same as usual. I checked the position of the sun, then hurried to fill up buckets of water, ignoring the cuts forming on the soles of my feet from the many pebbles scattered throughout the place. If I don't hurry, I'll be late watering them, and who knows what they'll do to me for that. After reaching the cages, I came to a stop. With a sigh, I set one bucket down, then used them one after the other to fill up the large tub, being careful not to wake the beast or get too close. I don't remember what it's called, but it's just a giant vulture to me. When that was finished, I repeated the process with a different caged creature. There are only four, but this is so very hard. Even so, complaining will simply make it much worse for me, which means it's necessary to learn when to keep your mouth shut.

The panther-like one had turned out to be pretending to sleep, waiting until I had just finished pouring the water before lunging at me. With a yelp, I jerked out of the way, shooting a glare at it. I hate this…! The sound of footsteps snapped me out of it and I ducked my head, taking the empty buckets away to now get their food. As I went by, I heard the guards discussing in lowered voices quite clearly. "So you heard as well?"

"Indeed. They say it was just laying there limply, taking no action whatsoever to stop them."

"You were told the same? It makes no sense though."

"It doesn't. Why would a creature act so lifeless when being dragged by nets and such?"

"No clue. What time do you figure we'll go on break today?" I bit my lip, trying to understand what I'd just heard, and why I had chosen to eavesdrop instead of leave. It's not my place to know such things...I should forget I ever found out. I piled meat chunks in the buckets, slowly getting more aggressive with it. So they're bringing another monster back?! Will the owner ever get tired of it?! I caught myself slamming them in and slowed down. It's fine. I take care of them in the morning and at night. My jobs of grooming the horses and mucking the stalls occupy the rest...no reason to get upset. I fed the beasts cautiously, the task not allowing me to think very long. Finally, with that finished and out of the way, I moved on, trodding to the stables and grabbing the rake and wheelbarrow. I got to work quietly, trying not to be found. Hopefully, they'll think I'm still caged. Out of nowhere, a hand claps the back of my head harshly, knocking me forward. I lost all balance and landed in the mud.

"Hey, hey, hey, it seems he's back! And we find him rolling around in the mud, as usual." The guy spat on my hand when I went to get up, then stepped on it. "We were hurt when you didn't show for so long without saying anything." The cruel smirk he displayed made me avert my eyes and stay down, not making any move to prevent him from hurting me anymore. "I have a gift for you...hope you like it!" His booted foot entered my vision briefly, slamming into my side and sending me rolling, where I smacked right against the side of the stall. "Well then, I'll be seeing you." His friends were nearby laughing but hadn't come out to do anything, instead finishing up their own work. I coughed after he had left, struggling to my feet. Not everyone treats me so badly, but the ones that do are those I accidentally offended somehow. I don't know names, because I don't want to, but it's perfectly fine. My role in this life is to be used for another's convenience. I took out the muck, then started brushing the dark brown mare gently. She had snorted at that guy when he hit me, but was too calm to react otherwise.

In a quiet voice, I said, "We're kinda the same, you and I. People train you, shove metal in your mouth, tie stuff on your back, and sit on you. If you misbehave, you get whipped." I rested my forehead on her shoulder for a moment before going on with my day. It was as usual from there, and very boring. In my life, all one has to do is be obedient and you won't get hit. Take one step out of line, no matter how small, and many turn against you. If you disagree, might as well shut up unless you're willing to take a beating. At night, I can take a break of sorts if I take care of their meals and water fast enough, but it's one where I stay near the cages or get found doing nothing. The bell started clanging, signaling curfew. I stopped standing in place and went back to the basement, entering my cell like the other slaves, sitting in a corner as bread and a cup of water was given to us. I sat there in the dampness, looking at the bread that was too hard to eat, and the water that had dirt in it. A better dinner than normal, really. The bread isn't moldy this time. I ate it despite its tastelessness, then set the cup just outside the cell bars for it to be collected. Getting back in my cold corner, I sighed, then buried my face in my knees. This...is so horrible. I'm covered in caked mud and horse droppings, my feet are bleeding, my side is sore, and it's icy and wet in here. But I'm fine! I'm...fine. A single tear hit the floor beside my foot as I cried without sound, desperate to find the once happy life I used to enjoy. I was trapped, with no escape in sight.


In case you didn't already, read the auxiliary chapter titled "Details on Vol. 3" so you can understand better what's happening. Also, sorry for the wait, here's the start of a new journey!

Thank you for reading my story. please give me some feedback so I can improve!

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