
Draconic Reincarnation

What would you do if you died and woke as a dragon? That's exactly what she wants to know! How did this happen?! Why does she barely have any memories of her past life?! Now she wants to find all the answers but doesn't have the means to do so. is she truly separated from her old world? Or is there something else in the mix? --------------------------------- "Live not for others, but thyself as well." ___________________ I try to update on Wednesdays, but I can't guarantee anything. Please keep that in mind as you read.

DragonArtist3D · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 15

Am I...dead? It's so cold...this is nothing like before. Shouldn't I be immune to temperature? No...not if I don't have a body. Huh? Then I shouldn't be thinking or feeling anyway, right? I tried to move around, which took quite a bit of effort. It feels like water...not like when I was in that egg and the goopy slime feel, but actually liquid water. I struggled to open my eyes, blinking slowly as the light above me. What? I turned my head to find I was underwater, lying in the sand among the weeds. How did I get here? Agh...I need to breathe! Kicking my tired legs, I went for the surface, aiming for air. After breaching, I gulped in oxygen like I hadn't had any for years. Once I was able to focus my eyes on my surroundings, I froze up, my jaw hanging like I was an idiot. What did I see? Civilization. Houses, bridges, power poles, and electricity. This is...my world! In a panic, I looked down to find hands, holding them up out of the water. No scales...I didn't realize I'd gotten so used to seeing scales when I looked at myself. This is skin--human skin. I touched my head to find long hair, then pulled it in front of my eyes. What?! Why is my hair...why is it the same color as my scales?

Am I dreaming? I bit my hand hard enough to bleed and felt intense pain. Ouch! Let's not do that! So this isn't a dream...then what about being a dragon? I was able to feel pain then too. Are they both realities? I paused when looking over my arms. Are those burn marks? I glanced back down and saw ropes laying scattered over the sand as if whatever they'd been around had exploded...or grew in size. I shook my head, turning away. I don't remember how I died, but it looks as if I was tied up and drowned. Whatever the case, I'm alive now...I think. With a shrug, I began to swim to shore, ignoring the weight of the simple white dress I'd been wearing since I woke up. By the time I made it, I was ready to collapse. I coughed violently and vomited water on the soft grass. Woah...how was I able to breathe?! My breath was wheezing for a few minutes as I just lay there gazing at the sky. This is so...it's been so long since I've seen plants and heard the amazing chorus of birdsong.

I touched my throat tenderly, tracing the indent around it. I was strangled. For sure. What happened to me? I have all my memories except for a few hours before my death. It must have something to do with why I'd been reborn...again. This hair needs cut shorter. Ugh...I don't even want to know what's going to happen after this. I watched the sun as it set over the mountains around this small town, allowing the sounds, smells, and sights to lull me to sleep.

So, what do you think happened?

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