
Draconic Reincarnation

What would you do if you died and woke as a dragon? That's exactly what she wants to know! How did this happen?! Why does she barely have any memories of her past life?! Now she wants to find all the answers but doesn't have the means to do so. is she truly separated from her old world? Or is there something else in the mix? --------------------------------- "Live not for others, but thyself as well." ___________________ I try to update on Wednesdays, but I can't guarantee anything. Please keep that in mind as you read.

DragonArtist3D · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 11

Of course I'd already realized it would be impossible to avoid it after asking for it, so I had been obedient. But, now that we're out here, I'm getting scared again. He tilted his head at me and stood straight. "Come at me." Huh? "Charge. Try to land a hit." A bit too frightened still to think through it, I did as he asked. He smirked and I was suddenly on my back, slammed down by a force I hadn't seen. What…? His paw...he smacked me! "That's not going to work~! Try again!" I got back to my paws and glared at him. Let's see...he's big, but fast, stronger than me--yeah, no, I don't see any openings. I ran again, watching out for his movements. I was smacked away again, but not before I noticed a flaw. There's a gap between his eyes creating a solution, the flexion of his muscles in response, and the actual action. He's...not undefeatable! This means that if I aim for the gap, I can slip through his defense. I dashed into motion, paying attention to his eyes and using them to whip my body around his swinging paw. I did it! I smacked his paw with my tail as I passed, calling out my victory with a whoop. "Well done!" You know, I'm just glad my healing magic had gotten advanced enough to be applied automatically. In other words, even if I was unconscious, it would still activate. "What did you think? Tell me, how did you dodge me?"

"It hurt. And...if I tell you, I won't be able to use it again. Figure it out yourself~!" I smirked at him like he had to me. This made him grin.

"I was worried for a minute. Turns out my sassy little dragoness hasn't changed one bit! Not sure if that's a good thing though." I nipped at his scales and he laughed again. "Yep, it's definitely not a good thing! Ready for more?"

"Is this your revenge?"

"Absolutely." I rolled my eyes at him but continued with it. He had me go to the other side of the platform. "The way to learn is to do it over and over again--experience trumps brute strength." Well, it's good to know why he's bruising me. I studied him. He looks relaxed, but it doesn't take much to tell he's completely guarded. It's going to be so much harder. I moved with grace, avoiding attacking at random. I paid attention to the plans he came up with and dodged them accordingly. At one point, I understood I would have to fly to avoid his next move. I leapt, using the wind his paw created to easily glide over him. I yelped when his tail came out of nowhere and wrapped around me, plucking me from the air with zero effort. I forgot...dragon tails are prehensile! And so much faster than they should be. I had only barely caught the glint in his eyes before I was grabbed. "Not good enough. Don't be too cowardly. Staying in the air for too long in a fight will expose you far more than being on the ground. Using your wings to get out of the way was brilliant, but not when you went higher. Get back down as fast as you can. I can't let you get in the habit of doing that." So that's why he went after me so quickly--to stop me before I got used to it or thought I was being smart. ugh...I have a lot more to learn than I thought. After that, he started waking me up at dawn and having me train till dusk. It continued for a month every day, until my mother finally returned. I was breathing hard where I'd sprawled out on the platform when a shadow fell over me.

"What are you two doing?" My mother! I got up immediately and flew up to meet her. She held out her paws to let me hug her, changing the position of her wings so she was hovering. I rammed into her with glee. "Oh! You've gotten so big! Hey, did my healing magic come in handy?"

"Yes!  Father has been teaching me to fight."

"What?" she sent him an annoyed look. "I thought I was going to get to do that with you…" Oops...but she wasn't here!

He shrugged and flew up slowly. "Don't look at me. She was the one who asked." Yeah, I did, but I didn't know they had made some sort of deal.

"Besides that, can I ask a question?" I never got the chance to ask my father about that dragon, but now they're both here.

"Sure, my sweet girl," My mother crooned.

"Uh, don't get mad. Can you tell me about that green dragon?" Her breath hitched and my father tilted his head. He doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"I thought I already did."

"What green dragon?" Their voices seemed to overlap. Great, one is clueless and the other won't tell me anything.

My mother eyed him for a moment before speaking. "That dragon." His eyes narrowed and he let out a low growl.

"How does she know about that thing." His held back rage was quite a sight to behold. His muscles were bulging and instead of smoke, he was snorting out surprisingly hot mist. 

"I have no idea. I let her go on a journey right after you left the last time, and she came back wanting answers about it." Maybe I shouldn't have said anything back then, because now he's looking at me suspiciously.

My mother let go of me and nudged me closer to him, forcing me to flap my wings frantically to stay aloft. "Zavi, where did you go?"

"Huh? I-I don't see what that has to do with…" The look in his eyes became fiercer. My mother had never been able to interrogate me because she was too gullible...but he had never been that close to me, or bothered to care anywhere near as much as she did. I'm treading dangerous waters. "I went where it felt warmer…"

"Which way? Did you actually see that dragon?"

"South, I think...no, I just heard someone talking about it."

"South? Who exactly was talking? Another dragon?" I avoided making eye contact. "Zavi, this is far more important than you understand! I need to know, was it another dragon?" He was just barely able to keep his voice patient. More important than I understand? What have they been hiding from me?

"No. Not a dragon." A twinge of relief passed through his expression.

"What was it then?" I bit my scaly bottom lip with my fangs, discovering they were sharper than I thought when I began to bleed. I don't want to tell them. My mother is listening just as intently as he is...I can't tell them. Although I knew that, they're still adult dragons and I'm just barely out of the infant stage. How could I possibly prevent them from knowing about Xyon? "Zavi...tell me." My mind was warring with itself. The dragon part was growling at him and demanding to know why I had to give secrets when they didn't, and the human part was beginning to get scared. At least both sides agreed that Xyon was to be kept hidden. What now, genius?

"Ah…" What speaks other than humans? What creatures? Do dyre wolves speak? What about those harpies? No, they don't either. I'm running out of options! Time to play with words! I can't let them interpret what I say next as a lie! "A small group of three humans. They were there hunting dyre wolves and complaining about the cold. They left before night fell, but not before I got a chance to listen to their conversations. I don't know which way they went." I could've just said I forgot! But then why would I be so sure I didn't hear from a dragon?! This is driving me insane!

Finally, my mother breaks the awkward silence. "Humans? You hadn't learned other languages yet...how would you be aware of what they were saying?" I whirled around to face her instead. I swear my heart skipped a beat at that moment--I could hear it.

"That's…" It's easier to face her than my father, but it feels dangerous to turn my back to him, so I changed my angle to assure I could see both of them at once.

"Zavi?" My mother's probing is much gentler, which does make me feel a little better.

"I...uh...guessed…?" They stared at me.

Eventually, my father drawls, "You understood everything they said...by guessing?" I nodded slowly. I technically did guess, basing it off of what I knew in my previous life. It wasn't until my father started teaching me that I knew for sure it was the same.

A thought popped to mind. "Why? Do you hate other races?" They seemed taken aback. I managed to change the topic to something relatively similar to what we were discussing, just with me asking questions and getting answers instead of them.

"What? Why would you think that?" My mother seemed truly concerned.

Time to get them back somehow. "You were intent on knowing if I was talking about another dragon. You still wanted to know where I found out after that." I started holding out talons for every one I named. "You question a six-year-old dragon why they could understand another language when they were two...what else? You didn't even try to believe me when I gave you my answer." By now I was holding up four talons, my thumb still pressed firmly against my palm as if proving a point. I raised the last one testingly and said, "You expect answers when you have secrets yourself." There was a stunned silence. Just what I wanted.

My mother sighed. "Go back to the cave...no, let me explain. That dragon you wanted to know, is a very cruel and nasty creature. If that thing finds another dragon, that dragon will have to fight for its survival, and...if they lose, the green dragon will kill and eat them. No-one even knows if that dragon is female or male because you can't ever get close enough to see and live to tell about it." I know someone who did. Xyon. "Every race and creature knows that dragon, but not their gender or age...perhaps hundreds of years to be that powerful. I've told you that much, now let me discuss with your father about the rest. Go to the nest." She guided me forward, making sure I left. Didn't expect that. I entered into the cave and lay down in the center, where I'd hatched.

I still haven't found any clues to my rebirth, but I'm aware I may never find anything. It could've been a random coincidence. Perhaps I'm dreaming all of this--possibly the other way around? What if that human life was this life's dream? Was I ever human or have I only been a dragon this whole time? It could be anything...any question, any answer, and I'd never know for sure. although...I'm fairly positive my mind isn't creative enough to create a world like this. I sighed in defeat, deciding this train of thought was giving me a headache. I need to think of something else. I should sleep. Yeah, that sounds good. I don't know how long it had been since I'd drifted off into dreamland, but I was shocked awake. What was that?! It came again, a mighty battle roar that shook everything, seeming to make the mountain sway. Huh?! Isn't that my father?! I stumble through the earthquakes he generated to the entrance, gazing out to see what was wrong. I found myself rooted in place at what I saw. My father was fighting with another blue dragon, trying to keep him away from my mother.

"Traitor!" The midnight blue dragon spat in his face and swerved around. Wow...that guy doesn't have a voice near as deep as my father's, nor as powerful sounding. Hold on--did he just call my father a traitor?!

"I never betrayed you!" My father smacked the smaller dragon away with his tail.

"Then why are you protecting the fire tribe female?!" What's going on here? That other dragon is smaller than him, yes, but even though they're the same tribe, he isn't colored like an opal. His scales are normal like my mother's are. Is my father more important than he lets on?

"You have no tiff with her! If your trouble is with me, then fight me!" They break apart and begin circling each other, my mother watching intently. I have a feeling my life would end if I was seen by that dragon. Where did he even come from? Did he follow my mother here?

"I have more for her than for you! That fire tribe is always full of tricks! I'm certain she entranced you to force her onto her side!" It sounds to me like my father used to know this dragon. They clashed once again, locking talons, snapping at their faces, beating the other with their wings, using the tail to land glancing blows. I've never seen anything like this before! My father smacked him in the head, dazing him long enough for my father to pull his head back and inhale, blasting the younger dragon with what looked like incredibly hot water. The dragon barely dodged his attack, splitting off and circling again. My father huffed, appearing as if that wasn't the attack he'd intended. They stopped, hovering to glare at one another. They both breathed in, readying their power. I felt a touch of my father's magic just before he let out searing fire the color of water--almost transparent. How'd he do that?! He's a part of the water tribe, right?! The young dragon panicked, swooping underneath in my father's blindspot and blasting him with icy water that doused his flame momentarily. But that was all the time he needed to drive his two straight and terrifyingly sharp horns into his underbelly, landing a grave blow. No! They were both powerful and quick...my father was winning in the strength department but losing in speed! My father shoved him away, yanking out the horns with a sucking-slurping sound. That's...he's hurting my father! Now wounded, my father moved much slower. "I'm sorry, Balthazar, but you're leaving me no choice but to eliminate a traitor!" Balthatzar…? Is that my father?

My father shot him an annoyed look. "You little...you've always been a pest, but now you're a mosquito instead of a fly." His characteristic smirk let me know he wasn't done fighting yet. He's fine...for now. This made the other dragon snarl and come for him without a tactic. Ah! It's just like what he did to teach me how to fly! The young dragon unsheathed all his talons and aimed them for my father's neck and back. At the last second, my father whirled out of the way, using the powerful swing of his tail to knock the dragon spinning out of control. My mother still hasn't done anything to help. Why is she just watching? Shouldn't she be helping him fight? This doesn't make any sense. The one thing I hadn't noticed was how the young dragon had clawed his left eye, leaving my father with only one good eye. The young male did a flip to regain balance, coming for my father. They slammed into each other, once again becoming a tangle of fangs and talons.

My mother cried out in dismay when the dragon bit down on my father's neck, getting a good hold. She turned and retreated, flying past me into the cave. She didn't even pause to recognize me...her mind had been too jumbled and frightened for logical action. The pure brutality of two dragons fighting is an awesome sight to behold, but not one to interfere with. Huh? How did I know that? Their snarling sounded murderous as they continued to tear into each other, my father struggling to get the dragon's grip off his neck. I'm so scared...scared for my father, my mother, and my home. I felt tears well up in my eyes when my father roared in pain after the dragon bit down harder. No...no...no…! I forcibly shoved off the ledge, rocketing towards the two dragons. For my father! I came in so fast that I stitched a neat hole into the dragon's right wing. I maneuvered around the bigger dragons, avoiding talons and snapping fangs. I will help him in my mother's place! I appeared in front of his face blasting fire, making him release my father's neck and reel backwards. Looking at the way he's rubbing his eyes, I got him. He growled, blinking his watering eyes, trying to make them focus.

"What just...did that fire tribe just attack me?" His mumbling made me cautious of coming too close. If he is a water element, I should use fire against him. "No...the flame was too small and hot to be her…" He squinted, making another attempt at seeing, but I was no longer paying him any attention. I was fussing over my father who was barely able to breath. He slowly drifted down, lowered himself onto the snow delicately. These wounds are deadly...that dragon...he was going to...going to...kill my father! Rage infuses my whole being as I darted away, ready for my revenge. I may be a child, possibly even a baby, but I can put up a heck of a fight! My talons scrabbled over his tough scales. Not quite sharp or big enough yet. Fine, I'll go for a different approach. He swiped where I'd been, but I was already gone, choosing to tear at his wings. He took my father's eye--I'll take his wing! I was constantly spitting fire as I bit and clawed at the membrane. He tried to fling me off multiple times, but I used that momentum to take whole strips out. He roared, rearing his head back to blast freezing water at me. I breathed out mist that turned it to ice that bounced on my scales harmlessly and fell away. That water was in the negatives for sure...it could probably turn a human to a frozen statue--or a fire dragon--but I'm neither of the two. "Get...off!" He whipped me with his tail and I winced.

Ouch! It's not as heavy as the blows my father lands, but they sting! I flew off and smirked when he smacked his wing again and ended up breaking one of the joints. Hah, I'm not there anymore! What I didn't expect was for him to spread his wings and whack me with them. I yelped in pain and heard an enraged snarl come from the nest.

I witnessed my mother's full wrath as she charged out of the cave right for him. Her roar sounded like a deranged scream, "You hurt her! Leave or die!" The scarlet dragoness hit him with tremendous force, audibly cracking bones upon impact. "Leave or die!" He spat blood, coughing. She got his ribs. I held my dislocated shoulder while watching her ferocity. Wow, I'm sure glad she's on my side. I'll pop this back into place later. The young dragon cried out in dread when she spat lava on his face and back. He fled quickly, not even glancing back for fear of seeing her chasing after him. I learned a valuable lesson today--don't mess with a mother dragon's child. I think he did too. "Zavi!" She snatched me, shoving my shoulder back into the socket with the force. That hurt, but helped. "You're not hurt, right?!"

"No...I'm fine, mother. Is my father okay?"

"Bal!" I almost laughed at her nickname for him. She took me with her when she went to him, setting me down to tend to his wounds. This situation...is very bad. His blood is staining the white snow bright red, showing just how grievous his condition was. He'll live, right? I stepped up to join my mother, placing my tiny paws next to hers. "Thank you, Zavi." The healing magic shone brightly and the gashes began to stitch together. She made a sound similar to a dog's whine, her eyes narrowed. "You father is going to be fine...but he'll never see out of that eye again. You were very brave. He's only alive because of you. I...I couldn't move." 'Couldn't move'? Was her situation worse than I originally thought? Being here in the icy north has to be painful for her...but they never found somewhere else to live, right? She hung her head with a sigh, then started pressing her forehead against his neck. "We will stay for a few more years...until he completely recovers and adapts to having one eye, moving may be more perilous than staying here. Zavi, I want you to be aware that we won't be here for much longer. Try not to grow too attached to anything." The first thing that flashed through my mind was Xyon.

Why him? Wouldn't I think of something else? What happened for him to become my main concern? That was when I remembered I wasn't human--I'm a dragon now. I'll have to get used to emotions and reactions I never had before. It might be a while...for me to figure it out, anyway--this feeling for him. Gratitude for saving me? No, I returned the favor. My obsession with dragon rider stories? Not quite. It can't be an attraction, not when I'm a completely different species. This might be something I can't solve...unless it's pure friendship. Sounds closer than the rest did. My father groaned, opening his eyes to look at us.

"You two...stop…" Mother gently pulled me away from him as he tried to sit up. "Zavi...that was amazing...never...do it...again. You will...from here on out...train without...breaks. Get stronger...to protect yourself...Zavi, as well...as those you care...about." His voice was shaky and his breath raspy. Sounds like he had internal bleeding before we helped him. He looked at my mother. "Teach her...while...I recover." That day was never forgotten, and became my stepping stone for the future I would walk. I just didn't know it yet.