
Draconic Inclination

The means to an end does not have a static final shape. Only you; the creator of it, can give it a final shape.

Zeesuhs · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Riven, known as the Star Eater during his time as a commander in the assassin guild, tightened his hold on the captive. The moniker was well-earned; his reputation for efficiency and ruthlessness was legendary. The captured assailant trembled under Riven's grip, realizing the gravity of his situation. "Please," he stammered, "I don't know much. We were just hired to watch her, to report back to Homa."

Riven's eyes bore into the assailant's, his voice icy. "Who hired you? What are their plans?"

The assailant gulped, sensing the danger in Riven's tone. "It was a high-ranking member of Homa. They're planning something big, something involving the empire's ancient artifacts. That's all I know, I swear!"

Riven glanced at Lysandra, ensuring she was unharmed. She nodded, still shaken but resolute. "Riven, we need to get this information back to my father and mother. This confirms our worst fears."

Riven nodded, his grip on the captive never loosening. "We'll take him with us. He might have more to tell."

As they made their way back to the palace, the shadowy operative fell in step beside Riven. "You owe me big time for this, Star Eater," she muttered, still wary of his wrath.

Riven gave a curt nod, his focus on the path ahead. "You did well. Your help won't be forgotten."

Lysandra, noticing the shadow operative, stopped and turned to her with a grateful smile. "Thank you for your assistance. You were invaluable today."

The operative, taken aback by the princess's gratitude, blushed under her mask, her discomfort evident. "It… it was nothing, Your Highness. Just doing my job."

Lysandra's curiosity piqued, she asked, "What's your name?"

The operative hesitated for a moment before bowing respectfully. "My name is Kaelin, Your Highness."

Lysandra's eyes lit up with recognition and approval. "Kaelin, you've proven your worth today. Your skills and dedication are exactly what we need. I think you would make an excellent retainer."

Kaelin's eyes widened in surprise, her usual composure slipping. "Me? A retainer? Your Highness, I would be honored, but… why me? I'm a part of the assassin guild. I could backstab you at any time."

Lysandra smiled warmly. "I know you won't. Since you know Riven, I trust you. I sensed your good intentions even when Riven called you the first time."

Riven's eyes narrowed slightly in surprise. "You saw that?"

Lysandra nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, Riven. I saw it. It was subtle, but I noticed."

Before Riven could respond, the captured assailant began to squirm and struggle. With a swift, practiced movement, Riven knocked him out and hoisted him onto his shoulders. "We need to move quickly. Let's get back to the palace and report to the Emperor and Empress."

Kaelin, still processing the turn of events, bowed respectfully. "I will serve you faithfully, Princess Lysandra."

Lysandra placed a reassuring hand on Kaelin's shoulder. "Thank you, Kaelin. I know you'll do well."

With their new ally by their side, Lysandra, Riven, and Kaelin continued their journey back to the palace, the weight of their newfound knowledge heavy on their minds. They knew that the fight against Homa was just beginning, and they would need all the strength and courage they could muster to protect their empire and uncover the sinister plans that lay ahead.

Back at the palace, Lysandra and Riven presented the captive and their findings to Emperor Kousaku and Empress Miku. The gravity of the situation was clear, and the imperial family knew that decisive action was needed to protect their empire from the looming threat of Homa.

Kousaku's expression was stern as he addressed the room. "We must act quickly and decisively. Homa's ambitions threaten not only our history but the very fabric of our society. We will not let them succeed."

Miku nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "We will marshal our forces, protect our people, and uncover every last detail of Homa's plans. They will not prevail."

As the tension in the room began to settle, Miku's gaze shifted to the newcomers standing beside Lysandra and Riven. Her curiosity piqued, she addressed her daughter. "Lysandra, who are these individuals with you? They seem to have played a significant role in today's events."

Lysandra smiled and gestured to Kaelin and the unconscious assailant. "Mother, this Cait Sith is Kaelin. She was instrumental in helping us uncover vital information about Homa. Her skills and loyalty have proven invaluable, and I believe she would make an excellent retainer."

Kaelin stepped forward, bowing deeply. "Your Imperial Majesty, it is an honor to serve the princess and the empire. I pledge my loyalty to protecting and supporting Princess Lysandra."

Miku's eyes softened as she regarded Kaelin. "Your actions today have already spoken volumes about your character and abilities. Welcome, Kaelin. We are grateful for your service."

Turning her attention to the unconscious captive, Miku's expression hardened. "And this one? I assume he is the source of your latest intel?"

Riven nodded, his tone serious. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. He and several others were monitoring Princess Lysandra. He revealed that Homa's plans involve the empire's ancient artifacts and that they are deeply involved in human experimentation. This confirms our suspicions about their true intentions."

Kousaku's eyes narrowed. "We need to interrogate him further and uncover everything he knows. This is just the beginning."

Miku nodded in agreement. "We will make the necessary preparations for the interrogation. In the meantime, we need to ensure the safety of our people and fortify our defenses. Lysandra, Riven, Kaelin, your efforts today have been commendable. Continue your investigation and keep us informed of any new developments."

Lysandra, Riven, and Kaelin bowed respectfully. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," they replied in unison.

As the trio left the chamber, Lysandra couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. With Kaelin by her side and Riven's unwavering support, she was determined to uncover Homa's plans and protect her family and their empire.

Meanwhile, back in Azania's room, the princess stirred again, this time feeling more refreshed and fully recovered. She slowly sat up, feeling the strength coursing through her body. Her eyes were clearer, and her mind was sharp, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Azania swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, testing her balance. She felt a sense of stability and power that she hadn't before. The remnants of the mana surge had not only healed her but seemed to have enhanced her abilities.

Auric and Marcus, noticing her movements, immediately approached. "Your Highness, you're up!" Auric exclaimed, relief evident in his voice.

Marcus nodded, his expression a mix of concern and admiration. "How are you feeling, Princess? You look much stronger."

Azania smiled, her resolve evident. "I feel better than ever, Auric, Marcus. Thank you for looking after me. But I need to see my family. There's much to discuss."

Auric bowed slightly. "Of course, Your Highness. We'll inform the Emperor and Empress immediately."

As Marcus left to relay the message, Auric stayed by Azania's side, helping her get presentable. "Princess, a lot has happened while you were recovering. Your sister and Riven have been working tirelessly to gather information on Homa."

Azania's eyes narrowed in determination. "I need to be brought up to speed. Take me to them."

Moments later, Azania made her way to the main hall, where her family had gathered. Emperor Kousaku and Empress Miku were deep in discussion with Lysandra, Riven, and Kaelin when Azania entered the room.

Miku's eyes lit up when she saw her daughter. "Azania! You're up and looking well."

Kousaku smiled, pride evident in his eyes. "It's good to see you on your feet, Azania."

Azania nodded, her expression serious. "I've been brought up to speed on some of the events, but I need to know everything. What have we learned about Homa's plans?"

Lysandra stepped forward, her voice steady. "We've confirmed that Homa is involved in human experimentation and is seeking our ancient artifacts to further their goals. They believe the Celestials will rise again and aim to use this power to control the world and become gods."

Kaelin added, "We've also learned that there have been spikes in disappearances in regions where Homa is active. They're taking people for their experiments."

Riven's voice was calm but urgent. "We captured one of their agents who revealed that they have significant plans involving our empire's artifacts. We're preparing to interrogate him further to uncover more details."

Azania's expression hardened. "This is worse than I feared. We need to act quickly to protect our people and our heritage. What's our next move?"

Kousaku's voice was firm. "We'll increase security around all known artifacts and historical sites. Our forces will be on high alert. Lysandra and Riven will continue their investigation with Kaelin's assistance. We need to uncover every aspect of Homa's plans and counter them."

Miku nodded in agreement. "And we'll ensure that our people are informed and vigilant. We cannot allow Homa to exploit our history for their gain."

Azania's eyes flicked to the newcomer, Kaelin, standing beside Lysandra. "Who is she?" Azania demanded, her voice sharp with concern.

Lysandra quickly stepped in. "Azania, this is Kaelin. She's a skilled operative from the assassin guild, and she's been invaluable in helping us gather information on Homa."

Azania's expression darkened, not out of suspicion of Kaelin, but out of frustration with herself. "You were attacked, Lysandra? And I wasn't there to protect you?"

Before Lysandra could respond, a powerful aura, similar to her father's but distinctly her own, surged around Azania. This time, it was a deep, menacing purple, radiating her frustration and self-reproach. Everyone in the room felt the oppressive weight of her anger, and it caught them all by surprise.

Kaelin instinctively stepped back, her eyes widening in fear as she felt the oppressive force of Azania's aura. She had never felt such raw power and emotion emanating from someone before, and it left her shaken.

Riven, sensing the intensity of Azania's emotions, dashed to her side. He placed a calming hand on her shoulder, his presence a steadying force.

"Azania, calm down," he said, his voice soothing yet firm. "Kaelin was there, and she helped. We need to focus on the threat, not on what could have been."

Azania's aura flickered but remained intense. "How can I not be angry? My sister was in danger, and I was lying here, useless."

Riven met her gaze steadily. "You were recovering and that's nothing to be ashamed about. We are all doing our part, and you will have your chance to protect your family. Right now, we need you focused."

Azania's eyes narrowed, her aura still pulsing with her frustration. "I will be involved in every step. I won't take no for an answer."

Riven nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. Your insights will be invaluable. We need to ensure we extract every piece of information we can from this captive."

Azania's aura began to dissipate, though her eyes still burned with determination. "Good. Then let's get started."

Kaelin, still visibly shaken, hesitated before stepping forward. Lysandra noticed her fear and gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Kaelin, it's alright. Azania can be hot-headed, just like our father. She means well and only wants to protect us."

Kaelin nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I understand, Princess Lysandra. I just wasn't prepared for such a display of power."

Lysandra smiled warmly. "You'll get used to it. Trust me, Azania is someone you want on your side."

With the tension in the room eased slightly, the group prepared to move forward with their plans.

The threat of Homa was real, but united in their resolve, they were ready to face it head-on.

In the dimly lit chamber beneath the palace, the captured assailant was securely bound to a sturdy chair. The stone walls echoed with the faint sounds of dripping water, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. Azania, Riven, and Kaelin stood nearby, ready to begin the interrogation.

Azania's eyes were sharp, her frustration now channeled into a steely resolve. "Wake him up," she commanded, her voice cold.

Riven splashed a bucket of water over the captive's face, jolting him awake. The man sputtered, his eyes wide with fear as he took in his surroundings.

"You're going to tell us everything," Riven said, his tone icy. "Who sent you? What are Homa's plans?"

The assailant trembled, recognizing the severity of his situation. "I don't know much," he stammered. "We were hired to watch the princess, to report back to Homa."

Azania stepped closer, her presence intimidating. "Who hired you?" she demanded. "What do they want with our empire's history?"

The captive gulped, sensing the danger in her tone. "It was a high-ranking member of Homa. They believe there are powerful artifacts hidden in your history, something that can help them control the world. They think the Celestials will rise again and remake everything. Please, that's all I know!"

Azania's eyes narrowed, her instincts telling her that he wasn't being entirely truthful. Without realizing it, her arm began to transform, scales shimmering into existence as her draconic form partially emerged. She slammed her clawed hand into the wall next to the captive, the impact sending a crack through the stone.

"Lie to me one more time," she said, her voice as cold as ice.

The captive's eyes widened in terror, the sight of her transformation breaking his resolve. "Okay, okay! I'll tell you everything!" he cried. "There's a hidden base, deep in the mountains to the north. That's where they conduct their experiments and keep the people they've taken. Homa believes they can unlock ancient powers and rewrite history itself. Please, that's all I know!"

Azania's gaze remained intense, but she nodded slightly, satisfied with the answer. "Good," she said, her voice still firm. "If we find out you're lying, there will be no mercy."

Riven stepped forward, his expression stern. "We'll verify your information. If it checks out, you might just live to see another day."

Kaelin quickly took note of the new details, her mind already working on how to use this information. "We need to move fast," she said, her voice steady. "If Homa's base is in the northern mountains, we need to gather our forces and prepare for an assault."

Lysandra, who had been silently observing, stepped closer to Azania. "You did well, Zee," she said softly. "We now have a lead. We need to inform Father and Mother immediately."

Azania took a deep breath, her arm reverting to its human form. She felt a mixture of relief and determination. "Let's go," she said. "We don't have any time to waste."

As the group left the chamber, they moved with a renewed sense of urgency. The threat of Homa loomed larger than ever, but they were resolved to protect their empire and uncover the truth behind the organization's sinister plans.