
Draconic Inclination

The means to an end does not have a static final shape. Only you; the creator of it, can give it a final shape.

Zeesuhs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Disdain of the King

The throne room of the Aurelius Empire stood as a testament to centuries of grandeur and power. Marble columns soared towards a vaulted ceiling adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes of triumph and conquest. A crimson carpet stretched across the polished stone floor, leading to the imposing thrones where Emperor Kousaku Itsuhiko Amani and Empress Miku Izumi Astralegon sat.

Azania stood before the throne, her heart heavy with the memory of her father's reaction to her abdication the previous night. Beside her, Lysandra stood a few paces back, her hands clasped tightly together, with Riven kneeling further behind them, showing respect to the royal family.

"You can't be serious, Azania. You are the heir to the throne, the future of our empire. You cannot simply walk away from your responsibilities," Kousaku's voice boomed.

Azania met her father's gaze head-on, her resolve unwavering despite the turmoil churning within her. "I understand the gravity of my decision, Father," she said, her voice steady. "But I cannot ignore the truth of my own heart. I am not suited for the burdens of rulership, and I believe that Lysandra would make a far better empress than I ever could."

Kousaku's expression darkened, his features contorted with a mixture of anger and disappointment. "This is madness," he declared, his voice thundering through the throne room. "You would abandon your birthright, your duty to our empire, for what? Your own selfish desires?"

Miku placed a calming hand on his arm. "Kousaku, please, Azania's decision was not made lightly. She has thought long and hard about what is best for our family and our empire. We must respect her wishes."

Lysandra stepped forward, her gaze pleading. "Father, please," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Azania is my sister, and I love her dearly. But I also love our empire, and I would do anything to see it prosper. If Azania believes that stepping aside is the right choice, then we must support her."

The tension in the throne room thickened as Emperor Kousaku's anger reached a boiling point. His features contorted with fury, and a crimson aura seemed to pulse around him as red blades materialized around his back. He grabbed one of the blades out of the air and pointed it toward Azania. The oppressive weight of his presence bore down on her, causing her to instinctively kneel under the pressure.

Miku's eyes changed from red to a diamond blue as she coldly stared at him. "Kousaku, enough. Pulling out Blades of Determination on our daughter is beyond overboard," she commanded. "You know as well as I do what I'm capable of. Do not let your anger cloud your judgment."

Kousaku's expression shifted, a flicker of fear crossing his features as he recalled past encounters with Miku's unleashed power. His shoulders slumped slightly as he took a step back. "I... I apologize," he muttered, his voice laced with regret. "I let my emotions get the better of me. Azania, rise."

Azania slowly stood, her heart still racing from the intensity of the moment. She cast a wary glance at her father, knowing that his outburst was a sign of his deep-seated fear and concern for the future of their empire. "Father," she began tentatively, "I know you're worried about the stability of our empire, but I truly believe that this is the best course of action for all of us."

Kousaku sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know, Azania," he said, his voice weary. "But the thought of you relinquishing your birthright... it's difficult for me to accept. You are my daughter, I trained you in magic and self-defense arts, even though you never paid attention to any of those. I want nothing but the best for you and our empire."

Miku stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Azania's shoulder and turning back to Kousaku. "We all want what's best for our family and our people," she said. "And if Azania believes that stepping aside is the right decision, then we must trust her judgment. We raised her to be strong and independent, and now we must have faith in her."

Riven stepped forward from his position, kneeling in front of Azania as he addressed the emperor. "Your Majesty," he began respectfully, "I understand your concerns about the stability of the empire, but her highness' decision should not be taken lightly. She has shown wisdom and thoughtfulness in her choice, and as her retainer, I stand by her."

Kousaku regarded Riven with a measured gaze, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "Riven, you know as well as I do the weight of responsibility that rests on Azania's shoulders," he replied. "It is your duty to ensure her safety and well-being, but are you truly in support of her abdication?"

Riven nodded solemnly, his eyes unwavering as he brought his head up to meet the emperor's gaze. "Your Majesty, I have served Princess Azania since she was a child. I have witnessed firsthand her dedication to the empire," he explained. "While her decision may be unorthodox, I believe it comes from a place of genuine concern for the welfare of our people."

Kousaku's expression softened slightly, though a flicker of frustration still lingered in his eyes. He turned his attention back to Azania, his gaze piercing as he contemplated her response.

"Very well, Riven," Kousaku said, his voice tinged with resignation. "If you truly believe in Azania's decision, then I trust your judgment as well. But Azania," he continued, "if you are truly committed to this course of action, then you must prove it to me."

Azania met her father's gaze, her brow furrowing in confusion. "A sparring match?" she echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Kousaku's lips curled into a determined smirk, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "Yes, my dear," he replied, his tone unwavering. "Something us dragons did when we couldn't see eye to eye. It's a test of strength, skill, and resolve. Let us see how far your resolve truly goes."

Miku's expression darkened at the suggestion. "Kousaku, surely there's another way to resolve this," she interjected, her voice laced with worry. "Violence won't solve anything."

Kousaku turned to Miku, his gaze piercing as he regarded her with a knowing look. "Didn't you do the same thing when you were home in the Astralegon Forest?" he countered. "Sometimes, a test of strength is necessary to reaffirm one's convictions."

Miku fell silent, her expression conflicted as she struggled to find a response. After a moment's hesitation, she relented, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "I... I suppose you're right," she conceded. "But I still don't like the idea of you two fighting."

Lysandra stepped forward, her eyes pleading with her father. "Father, please," she implored. "There must be another way to resolve this. Fighting won't solve anything, and it could only serve to deepen the divide between us."

Kousaku regarded his daughter with a thoughtful expression, his gaze softening slightly at her words. "You make a valid point, Lys," he conceded. "But sometimes, a test of strength is necessary to prove one's convictions. Azania has made her decision, and now she must demonstrate her commitment to it."

Azania nodded in agreement as she took off both of her necklaces, Invective and Harlequin. She handed them to Riven as she stretched. "I understand, Father," she said as her dress transformed into her battle attire. "I accept your challenge."

Miku looked at them both as Kousaku got up from the throne. His aura of authority was emanating from him once again as he slowly walked towards Azania. "Are you both serious right now?" Concern was evident in her voice. "It's happening right now," Kousaku declared firmly.

Riven stepped back, instinctively positioning himself behind Azania and in front of the Empress and Lysandra. "Your Imperial Majesty, perhaps we should reconsider," he suggested, his voice tinged with apprehension. "This is not the time nor the place for such a test."

Lysandra dashed to Riven and placed a hand on his arm, her eyes pleading with him to stand down. "Riven, please," she implored softly. "This is between Azania and Father. Let them settle it."

Before Azania could react, Kousaku's punch connected with her face. "Don't complain when you realize your resolve was weak, Zee."

As Azania staggered back from the force of her father's blow, her mind raced with shock. She steadied herself, wiping a trickle of blood from her lip with the back of her hand. "Is this what you want, Father?" she asked, her voice steady despite the pain throbbing in her jaw. "To prove that I'm not fit to rule by striking me down?"

Kousaku's expression softened slightly. "No, Azania," he replied, his voice quieter now. "I don't want to hurt you. But I need to know that you're making the right decision, that you're willing to fight for what you believe in."

Azania nodded, her resolve strengthening. "I understand, Father," she said, her voice firm. "And I'm ready to prove myself."

As the clash intensified, Azania found herself thrust into a whirlwind of motion, her movements fueled by adrenaline and desperation. With each strike from her father, she instinctively dodged and parried, her defenses born more from survival instinct than practiced technique. Her father's blows came fast and fierce, and despite her best efforts, Azania could feel the strain of the battle taking its toll, her muscles aching and her breath coming in ragged gasps.

In the midst of the flurry of blows, Kousaku's voice cut through the chaos. "Why are you so defensive, Azania?" he demanded, his tone a mix of frustration and concern. "You have the power of the Aegis at your disposal. Use it to better protect yourself!"

Before she could respond, a solid blow landed, knocking the wind out of her and sending her staggering backward. Gasping for breath, Azania struggled to regain her footing, her mind racing as she searched for a response. "This is impossible, a seasoned fighter versus a newbie. I already knew that Dad would win." She thought. Before she raised her hand to concede, she heard her sister's voice, filled with unwavering support and encouragement.

"Come on, Zee!" Lysandra's voice rang out, her eyes ablaze with determination. "You've got this! Show Dad what you're made of!" Miku joined in, her voice echoing with belief in her daughter's abilities. "Don't give up, Azania!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride. "We believe in you! You're stronger than you think!"

Summoning her resolve, Azania flicked her left wrist, summoning forth Day Break. Gripping the shield tightly, she faced her father once more, ready to prove herself. "Well, it seems you're finally taking this fight seriously," Kousaku remarked. "But what's with that eye of yours? It's… different."

Azania tensed slightly at her father's observation, her grip on Day Break tightening reflexively. This was a manifestation of her ability Moxie. Her power grows steadily as she engages in combat. With each action she takes, whether it be casting spells or wielding weapons, her strength and abilities gradually increase.

"It's nothing, Father," she replied, her tone masking the uncertainty beneath. "Just a… quirk."

But Kousaku's gaze remained fixed on her eye, a furrow forming between his brows as he contemplated her response. Deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than she was letting on. "Only Master had that eye, and I was way stronger than her. Given time, she would get stronger during the fight. Once that star was full, that was it. I would lose the fight, she would be beyond strength I could comprehend." He thought as he pressed harder, attacking with renewed ferocity.

Azania's eyes widened as he began to glow with a crimson aura, his bloodline ability, Blades of Determination manifested around him as multiple red blades. "Kou! What the hell are you doing?!" Miku yelled across the Throne room.

"Miku, stay out of this," Kousaku snapped, his voice laced with intensity as he continued to press the attack. The Blades of Determination whirled around him, their crimson glow casting eerie shadows across the throne room.

Miku's eyes blazed with indignation as she stepped forward, her voice trembling with anger. "This is madness, Kousaku!" she exclaimed. "She's our daughter, not some enemy to be vanquished. Have you forgotten everything we've taught her? She's not a warrior like you and me."

Kousaku's expression softened slightly at Miku's words. But the fire in his eyes remained unyielding as he faced Azania once more. "She may not be a warrior, but she must learn to defend herself," he countered, his voice resolute. "This is the only way she will grow stronger and how she will prove to me if she is ready to abdicate the throne."

Azania gritted her teeth, her resolve hardening as she faced her father's onslaught. Despite the overwhelming odds, she refused to back down. As she flicked her right wrist and summoned Night Stalker, she pushed herself harder, drawing strength from within as she fought to prove herself.

Meanwhile, Lysandra watched the scene unfold with growing concern, her heart pounding in her chest as she witnessed the intensity of the battle. She glanced at Riven, her eyes pleading for him to help her, but his expression remained unreadable as he watched over the battle.

In a momentary respite from the exchange, Kousaku's voice cuts through the tension of the spar. "You're outmatched, Zee," he declares with unwavering confidence. "Yield now, and spare yourself further humiliation. This battle is beyond your capabilities."

As the weight of his words presses down on Azania, she starts to crack under the pressure. Her inner voice echoes in her mind, becoming more pronounced, dripping with a ruthless edge. "You're pathetic, Azania. Always holding back, always hesitating. Elves like you are weak; this is why we're losing," it scoffs, cutting through the chaos of the spar. Despite her valiant efforts, Azania's focus began to waver.

In a moment of vulnerability, Kousaku seized the opportunity to exploit her wavering defenses. With a swift and calculated strike, he knocked Azania off balance and sent multiple blades at her, skewering her and pinning her to the ground. For a brief moment, Azania lay battered and defeated, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to stay conscious