
Draconic evolution

A stroll takes a life changing end as this artist battles to become the pinnacle of all, standing atop a pile of corpses or ending up as one. It’s live or die as he battles to reach the pinnacle, he will fight gods, demons and all sorts of other creatures, go through many worlds and cosmos searching for his kingdom, but the true question is will he become the most powerful dragon or die unknown. The cover picture is not mine. I will try to update every week but my schedule is a bit hectic so I will prioritize quality over quantity and also make the chapters longer. Thanks for the support and have fun.

Wooden_pupper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Wind affinity

He began to feel lighter and felt strength well up from his core and even through the pain he began to feel an instinctual joy. He felt the same joy when he had gotten the ability to fly, the dna of the dragon had began to alter his brain functions and he felt less emotions and even pain began the feel dull to him. He was sure that he wouldn't be alive still if it hadn't been for the hybridization as it made his feel more comfortable in combat and kept his mind calm enough to keep striving to his goal of living and doing so comfortably.

After a few hours he finally started to feel that the pain was dying down, he breathed slowly and finally let his body relax and layed on the ground back up. He soon was able to move again and checked his phone for the time, he was shocked because over four hours had passed and it was in the middle of the morning. He then remembered that his stats probably had changed once more.

John largens

Age: 32

Class: ???

Skin refinement: done

Organ and Blood refinement: 78%

Race: hybrid(dark wind dragon)

Level: 4

Experience: 21/150


Mp: 58

Strength: 10

Speed: 14

Defense: 13

Intelligence: 7

Stat points: 0

Cursed flaming tornado:

The wind element combines with the dark flames creating a flame tornado which slices and burns the enemy causing the flames to continue burning for several seconds without going out no matter what. Damage: 800 every second(burns last for 5 seconds).

Darkness affinity level 4/10

Xp: 60/200

Wind affinity level 2/10

Xp: 5/ 25

'[Wings have increased by 1 meter each and a new affinity section has been added to the menu, the users physical appearance may have altered a little bit due to the energy]'.

John noticed the last part and decided to check his appearance in the mirror, when he looked in the mirror, he noticed that there were now streaks riddled of green throughout his hair. He was distraught because the crew would surely notice it, thankfully this was their last few days at sea. So he started to cultivate absorbing energy through his pores and directing it to his dantian without even noticing the day passed by very quickly. He was immersed and didn't want to stop due to how refreshing of a feeling it is to grow stronger constantly.

If it was anyone else they would be shocked by their extreme rate of growth, his dantian was about to break through from the shard form, to the next realm and enter the gaseous stage once more, his mind was about to break through from the seed form to the sapling form and his body was almost half way through the organ and blood realm, in just a few days, which was an incredibly insane training speed for normal people, but John didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary as he had not been exposed to the norms of this new human world he had been dragged into.

"I think my training speed is starting to slow down, I hope that doesn't mean my talent is bad or anything like that". John said as he worriedly climbed back onto his bed.

It was back to the plains for John, he had to get as strong as possible before he arrived in the human territory. He had no way of knowing what dangers awaited him or how strong the enemies in his future would be so all he could do was work his absolute hardest and become as strong as possible. Currently the best way to do so layer in the plain, the basic level rabbits didn't have strong enough cores to be of practically any use to him so he had to go for the wolves. At his current strength he could take at least two or three at once, but sadly for him the wolves early traveled in small enough packs for him so he would have to slowly pick off one at a time while dodging attacks or find the isolated creatures and groups that split off from their main force while they hunted.

"Huh ...…these damn wolves and their pack mentality is really starting to piss me off. There's not much I can do though, I guess I'm just too weak to really pose much of a threat in this plain". John was annoyed with his slow growth and with how weak he was. So he would just have to remedy that situation even if it entailed climbing over a mountain of corpses, he would get there.