
Draconic evolution

A stroll takes a life changing end as this artist battles to become the pinnacle of all, standing atop a pile of corpses or ending up as one. It’s live or die as he battles to reach the pinnacle, he will fight gods, demons and all sorts of other creatures, go through many worlds and cosmos searching for his kingdom, but the true question is will he become the most powerful dragon or die unknown. The cover picture is not mine. I will try to update every week but my schedule is a bit hectic so I will prioritize quality over quantity and also make the chapters longer. Thanks for the support and have fun.

Wooden_pupper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"*Ding* Your stats have been changed to 'mind, body, and magic',. You have gained aura points which are used for enhancing your martial art abilities."

As John opened his eyes he was flooded with fatigue and hunger, he quickly departed the cave and within only several minutes of hunting, he had managed to kill an adult boar. He used the time that he was eating to figure out how to use his new bonds.

With just a thought he transferred the power of his body into his elements. He felt a wave of power wash over him immediately after it happened, he also felt all of the power in his muscles weaken significantly. He tried using a elemental attack. He combined a little of the wind energy with the dark energy, so as it left to his body it more than doubled the speed and piercing ability's of the attack.


Pieces of the wall fell all around him as the attack struck. The power the elemental attack was amplified immensely and the wall he hit collapsed and a fifty foot deep slash pieced through the mountain before he could even blink.

He was so exited to see what else he could do with this new ability, so he transferred all of his elements power into his body. His weak and limp muscles bulged with power, he took a step forward with out regulating his power out put. He now stood halfway in the mountain, one leg a few inches down and the other was two feet deep.

He immediately took control over his power and only used a fraction of the strength, he was now using the exact same strength as he usually used as he walked out the cave, as to not destroy his new home (any more at least). He found a mountain only a couple hundred feet away and headed towards it.

He punched out and right before his knuckles made contact did he release his entire strength into his body. He felt his knuckles touch the rock and then cease to be in contact with anything, he regained his control on his strength and withdrew his arm for the crater in the mountain he made.

Not only was there an enormous hole in the mountain about arm length and as round as he was tall, that wasn't the only shocking part. Even though he was mere inches away from hitting the mountain when he released his full power on it, that didn't mean that his punch wasn't so terrifyingly powerful as to create immense air pressure displacement.

There was a fifty foot by one foot hole around the impact hole. His power compressed the air around his hands so much that it indented the powerful rock with just his physical strength.

Now he wondered what he could do if he transferred all of that power to his mind. Nothing happened at first and after waiting for five minutes did something happen. The rune engraving recommenced, and at more than five times the speed. He decided since he was at five times capacity that he might as well use all of his energy reserves.

He carved about half of the entire sphere before he completely ran out of energy and had to meditate to recover. He used his concentration to double the speed of the particle absorption. He recovered quite quickly and then redistributed all of his power how it was before. Sadly the only runes he finished were the cores with effects would be much weaker separately and most of their supporting runes. Then finally the runes that connected all the core runes he had carved so far.

Then like a brick he was hit with realization he didn't know how long it had been since the tournament started. He checked the system calendar and was surprised the tournament was only two days away.