
Draconic Descent

A/N ( The abstract/synopsis will keep changing as the story goes on as otherwise I would be spoiling concepts and story elements that no one has heard of yet and I want to avoid confusion, eventually however it will stay the same) One day, Alin had come across a small child within a razed village, he decided to adopt the child on a whim and raise him as his own. He took him deep into a mountain where for 6 years the pair lived and trained together. Alin did his best to instil a wide range of knowledge into his adoptive grandsons head. Despite not being related by blood the love he felt for his grandson whom he called Uriel was greater than anything else in the world. One day just before his grandsons 7th birthday Alin surprised his grandson with a promise he made in the past to take him down the mountain. They make their way to Ran City where Uriels Journey will trully begin. _______________________________________________________________________ Note: Hey, this is my first time writing a story. This had a chapter 1 before but I've decided to change it as the story is becoming a bit more planned in advance. I can't promise it will be a good start but with your help and feedback, I'm sure we can create something we all enjoy. The story will be about personal growth, healing from wounds (Both physical and emotional) and a slow rise to power. I want to try to make this a slightly slower-paced story to let me build up plenty of the characters that I'm planning on introducing. I want you to grow to care about all of them in a different way and make them all unique in some way. Wherever I can or cannot do it we will see. I want to create my own magical world with its own rules and laws. Hopefully, I'll manage but I wouldn't count on it. The world will be filled with futuristic concepts like cars and scyscrapers and TV/Film ETC but it will also have plenty of fantasy elements as at its core its still set in a fantasy world and while a lot of the rules, laws and some architecture will be based on fantasy novels we all know and love I want this to be a more unique experience. I hope you stick through what most definitely will be a flaming dumpster fire at the start and enjoy yourself. The cover is from pinterest, if you are the owner or know the owner of the original artwork please let me know and I'll take it down and hopefully manage to commission the original artist for an actual cover.

Krackers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Twin Shadows

Simultaneously as Alin was dealing with Camellia Pieris, the kids had their problems to deal with.

"The light is green! Let's go! Quick let's run! Leo! Uriel!" Hari shouted with joy as she started running up the stairs.

Leo and Uriel swiftly followed her.

As they were nearing the peak Uriel felt something strange. The three siblings were almost halfway into the platform as they felt an extreme heat heading towards them but just as they felt it they felt an extreme chill immediately after.

People could be heard shouting and running away.

Uriel turned around and saw a large spiky wall of ice that a raging wall of fire was trying to break past.

As Uriel was staring behind them, twin shadows started flying towards Uriel and Hari.

"Uriel!" Leo called out to him but unfortunately too late.

One of the shadows had kicked Uriel in the stomach sending him flying towards the wall of ice.

As he hit the wall he coughed up a handful of blood. The impact caused the part of the wall Uriel hit to crack in a spiderweb pattern.

Uriel slowly got up, Leo was about to run up to him but Uriel put his hand up and stopped him.

"Help Hari. I will take care of this guy" Uriel's blue eyes briefly looked to have some red start mixing in as if someone was mixing paint but they swiftly returned to normal.

He dusted himself off and swung his right arm to the side. As he did that a black sword with a straight blade materialized in his hand.

Leo looked uneasy but he nodded and started running towards Hari who was valiantly dodging the barrage of attacks at the time.

Every time Hari dodged it looked as if her opponent was getting more and more precise and swift.

Uriel frowned in anger but he did his best to keep calm and not give in to his rage.

He gripped his sword and pointed it at one of the unknown figures.

The figure was dressed in pure black. They had no faces or facial features in general and looked as if they were beings of pure darkness.

Seeing that Uriel had taken out a weapon the figure decided to no longer be polite and kicked off towards Uriel.

Uriel did the same and dashed towards the figure before clashing with each other shortly after.

They exchanged a series of blows but Uriel felt as if he couldn't scratch his opponent.

His opponent was using his wrists and arms to block each swing of Uriel's sword.

Uriel saw an opening and kicked the back of his opponent's left knee forcing him down on one knee and eye level towards Uriel.

He swung his sword at his enemies head but just as it was about to be blocked Uriel kicked his enemy in the chin as hard as he could.

Unfortunately for Uriel, he underestimated his opponent's physical strength. While the kick did rattle his head slightly it did not do any real damage and barely moved him.

The shadow looked back up and started standing up. It looked as if smoke was coming out from where his mouth should be.

Weird black shadowy tentacles started growing from the assailant.

"Noir!" The shadow spoke in a horrifying blood-chilling voice.

The tentacles grew in size and started flying towards Uriel.

He started jumping backwards and narrowly managed to dodge the shadow tentacles.

Every time he just barely managed to dodge the attacks as the shadows stabbed into the platform sending chunks of the floor up.

The entire platform was soon after riddled with holes.

Uriel wanted to swiftly finish his fight and help Hari and Leo but he wasn't too sure how to do it.

He wanted to at the very least check out the situation they were in however anytime he tried to divert his attention to his siblings 'Noir' as he decided to call him in his head, attacked in a way that blocked his sight as if he was trying to make him nervous and cause him to panic due to lack of information.

As he continued dodging and blocking Uriel had realized that this could not go on. He soon would run out of energy and at that point, it would be all over.

He had to make his enemy drop his guard but he couldn't think of a way to do it that won't result in his death.

Uriel started to think of how Noir was attacking in hopes of finding a pattern.

As he started to pay attention Uriel grasped the fact that Noir was not aiming at any of his vitals.

That's when Uriel understood. Earlier he must have infuriated Noir, however despite that he was only aiming at Uriel's non-vital points.

With that thought, Uriel registered the fact that whoever they were, they wanted them alive.

'This could prove advantageous' he thought. He was going to shout the information at Hari and Leo in hopes that it could potentially help them.

But as he was about to call out to his siblings but then he had another thought. 'If they don't want to kill us I could use that to my advantage.'

His eyes shined with determination as a plan of action formed within his head. His only thought was to swiftly deal with Noir in order to help his siblings.

Currently nothing but the safety of Hari and Leo was more important to Uriel.

Uriel's breathing became uneven while sweat rolled down his head. Noir could see the fatigue and weariness on Uriel's face.

The attacks started to become more intense mainly focusing on points like Uriel's shoulders or legs to incapacitate him.

Each strike came closer and closer to connecting.

Uriel dodged downwards and as Noir moved up closer he dropped his sword and sprung up with his head trying to headbutt Noir square on his chin.

Noir dodged backwards once again and twisted his body sending Uriel flying once again with a kick this time to the side of the head.

Uriel hit the Ice wall once again. He managed to turn himself from his side and sit up against the wall.

His breathing was now extremely heavy and his whole face looked exhausted. It was as if soon he was going to get paid a visit from the sandman.

Noir leisurely strolled towards Uriel. He ducked down in front of Uriel and lifted his right arm and brandished it like a sword.

His fingers were extended in preparation to pierce Uriel's shoulders and legs to completely immobilize him.

He started stabbing forwards.

Uriel smirked, he moved his left arm to lessen the damage to his shoulder while simultaneously the sword he had dropped started to disappear and reappear in his hand.

He swung upwards towards noir's exposed neck and as he connected and could hear the sound of flesh being cut and noir starting to choke and drown on his blood but also another series of sounds could be heard.

Uriel felt his flesh being pierced as something shattered and fell towards the ground with a deafening metallic clank.

He saw his arm and shoulder were pierced and blood was flowing wildly causing his eyes to turn red as a blinding flash of light spread across the building


The word echoed and as the light vanished the teleportation hall was left with no signs of life other than the intense battle that raged atop the teleportation platform.

Chapter 15 is here. Personally I think this is where the "prologue" of this story ends.

I wanted to introduce characters that will be important to Uriel later on as the story goes, and while I do have plans for them in the first big big story arc which will be "The Hatchery" arc, I want to give myself some time to develop Uriel as a character as right now everything was super rushed and nothing trully interesting has happened as of yet.

I want to go into more details as to what "The Hatchery" is but that would be a big story spoiler as this will be the key turning point in the story.

If you enjoyed the prologue of this story please add it to your library and vote with powerstones as to be honest my motivation has been faltering so it would be nice to see that people are enjoying my work!

Krackerscreators' thoughts