
Dr. Stone: Ultimate Man

Troy was the normal everyday discord roleplay nerd. One day while he was on a jog a delivery truck suddenly slammed into him at full speed ending his 16 years of life in an instant. As he took in the last few seconds of his life he stared up to the sky and hoped that his years as a believer pays off. Not long after that he was officially dead and his time in THIS world has just ended. But that wouldn't turn out to be the ending for this young man. When he opened his eyes again he was in the body of someone but what really shocked him was that he wasn't in a normal body, he was now in the body of a statue in the middle of an unknown forest. He knew all he could do was wait for something, or anything to happen. "Ahhhhhh!!!"

Father_Author · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Entry Into The New World

In a dimly lit room a man sat down in a gaming chair in front of his computer. The sounds of his fingers quickly moving from one key to the next at a socking speed, sweat poured down his face as he finally pressed 'enter' on his keyboard. This man was named Troy Johnson, a highschool teenager, a Weebs and also a discord rp champion that had just defeated someone once again in a battle of words.

His face showed a bright smile as he looked at his computer screen, the great feeling of showing off his absolute dominance in a long and hard rp battle weirdly pleased him beyond imagination. This had to be his favourite pass time, sitting here either part taking in roleplay or watching anime. He had long ago accepted that he has almost no social life and for he last 2 years he has been what some might call, an rp nerd.

As his eyes traveled down to the time on his watch he released a sigh of annoyance as he began to stand up from his chair that gave off an unusual smell as he did so. Before he left the room he placed his hand o to his computer and shut it off and after that he turned towards the door of his room and left. He had on a pair of tennis along with some shorts and a tank top.

After making sure his door was locked he left his home and went outside to complete his daily jog. For the past 5 months he's been doing a set of simple exercises to improve his body's appearance and so far he has seen a small improvement in himself that he was very proud of. Instead of a overweight 32 year olds body he was expected to have he had an above average body that he was incredibly proud of.

Making his way on the sidewalk he began to jog at a steady pace, he would continue to do this for he next 7 minutes until he turned his head for a split second only to come face to face with a speeding truck heading right towards him. before he could do anything he had been hit by the truck ending his time here in earth. It was a shame, he only had a few years left before he was done with highschool, looks like all that time studying and being a teacher's pet went to waste.


'Wear the hell am I!?' These words were shouted out loudly in Troy's mind after he had just regained his consciousness after he seemingly died. He was unaware of his current location but he was more concerned with the fact that he couldn't move around at all. he didn't feel anything restraining himself but he just couldn't move or speak.

He didn't know how he survived that truck crushing I to him but he wouldn't complain about it. Maybe they managed to bring him to the hospital in time but that just seemed very unlikely to be the cash as he was sure that the truck managed to kill him. Maybe he got another chance and reincarnated which was always something he wished for after living a boring life.

Maybe he was currently still in the womb and he was sent to some anime world, it was always something he wanted but he never really thought all of that trough.

What of this some deadly world like akame ga kill or naruto, it could even be something like dimension W, he had no idea of knowing. all he could do was wait but how long would he have to wait for something to happen, he wasn't into waiting days or weeks because he'd go crazy and he was sure of that, so besides waiting all he could do was hope for the best.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Not even 10 minutes later, Troy heard the screams of more than one person not too far away from himself along with he roars of a lion? Wherever he is right now all previous thoughts went straight out the window as a deep fear started to take over him.


"Alright, I'm ready it's go time.....let's pour that miracle water and turn her back to normal." A young man had just said these words as he stood next to another strange haired young man who shouldn't be too older than him.

The both of them stood in front of a big tree in a vast forest area, on this tree there was a stone statue of a young girl coveted in vines.

The first young man mentioned was named Taiju Oki, a tall and a very fit young man with spiky brown hair and with two strange marking on both of his eyes. He also wore a 2 piece sleeves cloak that reached down past his knees and that was tied together with a rope, he also wore boots that looked to be very primitive.

The other youth was named Senku Ishigami, a young man of average height and a very slim and weak physical frame. His hair was of a white and lime green-ish color that was spiked up high, with two thick strands of hair framing the sides of his face, along with red eyes and similar to the male before he has two weird markings on top of both his eyebrows.

The two of them began to get into a conversation which went on for a few minutes after which they got ready to leave the area but unfortunate for them both, fate had other things planned out for the two of them.

"ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!!" suddenly a lion jumped out from behind a bunch of tree shocking the two of the young men who were quick to react. Oki quickly picked yo the statue and along with Senku they ran away from the beast that was quick to give chase.


"Why is there a lion walking around Japan!" Taiju screamed this as him and Senku ran away from the incoming threat, and Senku was quick to respond to 'the big oaf'.

"How do you think? It must be a descendant from a zoo animal obviously, the door must've been opened when the zoo keeper got turned to stone!" Senku replied this while still running for his life.

He continued by saying "Without humans to contain them, all the herbivores would have been on he menu, along with that once they managed their way out into the city I'm sure it was a pet buffet, that means that they are the kings of beasts!" The line seemed to be quickly catching up to them both as they kept running.

"We can't forget, human are no longer at the top of the old chain anymore!"

Soon after he was finished speaking the duo and statue feel down the cliff after they had no more running space left.

As they fell all they could do was prepare for the pain as they both on top of another statue that just happened to be there at the wrong time, instead of looking back at who they just landed on and if they were ok the incoming lion caused them to get up quickly and continue their sprint with the lion still following them now with multiple other lions following behind the first.


After a few minutes after the two people and lions left behind the statue they landed on behind said statue began to crack. After a few seconds a piece of the statue fell off and what it revealed was rough rosy skin, soon after the first piece many other pieces began to fall down to the ground as a figure rose up from the ground with multiple bits of stone falling off the figure's person.

The figure revealed to be a man. He was tall and standing about 6 feet and 2 inches off the ground, along with this he was blessed with rough rosy skin, his body was fairly muscular with very little body fat to carry on his body. His eyes were of a golden-ish brown color that shone brightly in the sun. And like the other two males he also had a strange mark on his face, a single line that went from the top of his left eyebrow down to below his lower eyelash.

The figure just stood there for a few minutes before finally speaking. His voice was deep and masculine as he spook I a surprisingly calm and controlled tone of voice.

"...Dr. Stone....not the best but I can find a way to make due" Even though he said this calmly his fear and excitement that he felt inside himself could hardly be contained.


Hey this is my first fanfic so feel free to let me know your thoughts and opinion on the first chapter of this new book.