
Never ending work

Work ends at 5pm, but since Song Zihan told An Le that she needs to transfer all the files to the data, she had to stay extra longer.

"This Song Zihan. Trying to play revenge huh? Then I'll play with you," as An Le angrily saids it while typing the info into the computer. The whole office is only her, and everyone has already went home. She looks at the whole stack of unfinished files in front of her. "When will I be done with this!" as she screams.

The sounds of water starts hitting the window. An Le looks out, and it's raining hard. She checks the time, and it's already 6:30pm. She took a big yawn, and a stretch. "I can't do this anymore. There's no way I can finish all by one night." As she was about to give up, and do the rest tomorrow, her phone rang.


"It looks like you didn't save my phone number."

An Le blinks her eyes twice, as she heard the voice. She then checks the phone number. It's Song Zihan.

"I was too tired to look at who it is. So, what do you need Dr. Song," as she drags the Dr sounds out.

"I just wanted to check if you're dead yet."

"Well thanks to you, I won't die that fast yet. I'll make sure you die first then I die."

Song Zihan smirks. "I was gonna tell you that you can go home, but I guess maybe I should change my mind."

Hearing what Song Zihan said, An Le quickly changed her attitude. "Dr. Song, you must heard it wrong. Who wanted you to die anyway. You're such a nice person."

"How come it sounds so fake," as he said.

"Cuz it is," as she mumbles. "Huh? what did you say?" as Song Zihan asks.

An Le realizes that she's still on the phone. "I mean so can I go home?" An Le waits for his answer. There was a long pause. "Bring the work back home, and do it. I want it to be done by tomorrow morning."

At this moment, An Le is already cursing him out inside. "Yes, I will make sure to get it done," as she said it nicely before ending the phone.

"Trying to play with me. Not a single chance," as Song Zihan puts down the phone.

An Le unwillingly start to pack her things, and called for a taxi. She haven't had a chance to get a car yet, and or so she thought.

She walks out the station, and saw how hard the rain got. She took out her umbrella and walked out the door.

The water hits her umbrella, and wind blowing at her. An Le looks around to see where the taxi is, and took out her phone.

"Hello?" as she answers the phone while she tries to hold tight on the umbrella.

"Sorry miss, there's an accident here and I don't think I'll get there in time. Please call another taxi." He ended the phone before An Le can say anything.

An Le sighs, and saw that half of her body is already wet. She looks at the sky, and knows that this rain won't end yet. She turned around, and head back inside the station.

"An Rong, where are you? Can you come pick me up?" as she voice message him after he didn't pick up the phone.

While waiting, she went to the bathroom to get some paper towel to dry herself.

"Dr. An you're still here?" as Zhang Li one of the officer on duty asks her.

"Yea, the rain is too big right now for me to go." An Le sat down at the front desk with him, as she doesn't want to go back upstairs to work.

"Your on night duty today?" as An Le asks him.

"Yea, today's my shift."

An Le nods, and turns around staring outside. "This rain doesn't seem to end any sooner. Why don't you go to my dorm room, and take a rest. Once the rain is gone, I'll tell you," as Zhang Li tells her.

An Le thought about it, and nods. "Thanks Zhang Li."

"Dr. An you remembered my name?" as Zhang Li was surprised. "Why? Is it something that I shouldn't remember ?" An Le smiled. "I have pretty good memory. And you especially I remember, since you and Wong Yi Fan were chasing me down on my first day here."

An Le gives him a pat, and went to the room he showed her. "Good night Dr. An, I'll tell you when the rain ends." An Le nods, and went to lay down on the bed. She haven't had a good rest since these five years. For some reason today's rain, has made her soundly asleep.

*Ring Ring Ring*

An Le makes a turn on the bed, and reach for her phone.

"Hello?" as her eyes are still close.

"Do you know what time it is now? You're still sleeping?" as Song Zihan's voice came through the phone.

An Le realized what happen, and got up. She checks her wrist watch, and it's 8:30 already. "Oh shit."

"What did you say?" as the voice asked.

An Le suddenly realized she didn't end the phone. "I'll be there in a minute." She ended the phone and grabbed her stuff.

She left the room, and saw Zhang Li about to go home after a night of shift.

"Zhang Li why didn't you wake me up yesterday?" as she asks him.

"I saw that you were soundly asleep, so I didn't went in to bother you." An Le hits her head, and runs upstairs.

"Sis, I didn't saw your message till today. Sorry," An Rong went straight to apologize before she kills him. But An Le doesn't have the energy to deal with him right now. If she don't go in now, she'll be dead.

She walked pass An Rong, and went straight to her office. Song Zihan is already inside reading his files.

"Good morning," as An Le said.

"What time is it already? Do you want to be my assistant that badly?" as Song Zihan look at her.

Before she can answer him, he speaks again. "You didn't go home yesterday?" as he looks at her from top to bottom.

"huh?" An Le then looks at herself, and realize she still have the same clothes on from yesterday.

"Oh, yea. Yesterday's rain was too hard for me to go home. There was no taxi, so I stayed in the station for a night."

Song Zihan looks at her. He wants to say something, but stopped.

" I give you 30 minutes to go back home and change," Song Zihan saids. An Le looks at him surprisingly. "What did you say?"

"I said go home and change. Your outfit right now is affecting my mood."

A moment ago, An Le thought he changed his stupid attitude but nope. "You know what. I think what I have on right now is good." She went to her desk and sat down.

She gave him a face, and then went back to organizing the files.