
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · TV
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17 Chs

Harrenhell. Time skip and the arrival of the Big players.

there was around 2 fourth night (also known as 14 days.) so I had a month to make acquaintances and build rapport.

The first week of the 4 I spent sparing with every lord, Heir to a lord and knight that I could find in the Sparing circle. shame to admit it but at some points, I was exhausted or just pretended to be just to lose the match. if I just kept on undefeated it would make me an early target to gang up on. infinite stamina means that I can keep on fighting for a long time. and that means that when everyone is tired I would still be fresh. by showing that I'm also human they would try to avoid me until I got tired.

overall after the initial Shock. Nestor Royce and his Companion who I now knew was Ser Vardis Egen (the one Bronn butchers in the trial by combat) were like stalkers and tried to join me in everything I did. perhaps trying to gain favor with the man that can split the skies and is rumored to be able to spit fire like a dragon.

Not that I minded. having a known knight that was bound by honor. and a future lord of the Gates of the Moon in good graces was. well, an investment.

We drank. laughed. I sang a few songs nobody knew. hahhaha the faces of the local Bards when I played the Lute I bought at a merchant while singing "take me to church" or "stairway to heaven" was priceless. they looked like they were about to blow a gasket trying to remember the lyrics and chords.

I started Bardcore. hell yea.

by the end of the first week, I have been invited to dine with a few high lords. Yohn Royce the first one (of course because of his kin. Nestor's recommendation)

it was an uneventful dinner with some lords and ladies of the Vale. they asked so many questions I was basically monologing the whole night

But not without reward. by the end of the second week, I had to start to refuse invitations under the excuse that I needed to hone my skills before the tourney started. as a martial man.

Hope those lords did not take offense. I still had breakfast, lunch, or dinner with a few of them. but it was major lords. all of them asking the same freaking questions. good thing is that I got my story right and never deviated from it.

Requests to see the power of my shouts were staggering. at the end of every meal with high borns, I would get requested to either clear the skies or burn down something. all the other shouts I kept as a close secret.

we are in the middle of the third week, the tourney will start in 5 or 6 days. never really asked. just signed in for the three main events, even though could have signed for the peasant games too (ax throwing, wrestling, rope pulling. etc.). but even if I win that would put me beneath what I claimed to be. A lord.

so now i hear a commotion and see a procession of horsemen. at the front, i see the Arryn Blue Falcon. behind it a dire wolf and a Stag.

i just leave a whistle and some people look at me funny. i say "three paramount houses" and just shrug

John Arryn looks like an older man. the closest person I could think of would be Liam Neeson, only blonde. Bobby B. looks like Henry Cavil, only far fucking bigger. and a Young and brooding Sean ben who rides beside them. I assume is Eddard Stark.

I mean I was not that far from them in age but they just looked like teens. and in a year they will be fighting a fucking war. fuck. fuck this world. and fuck child soldiers. I sighed.

After returning to the training yard I kept sparring while looking exhausted after a few continuous matches (gotta pretend)

Until I was taking a break I heard a loud voice

"WHERE IS THE LORD DOVAKIN!?" A young man with polished castle steel armor and an antlered helmet while carrying a way to oversized war hammer. Bobby Fucking B.

"Its LORD CROWNGUARD!" I shouted back while pretending to be angry.

With people like Bobby B you can only earn their Respect if you show spine.

People that were sparring started to make a circle as we approached each other.

"so you are approaching me?" I say. even if he does not continue with the meme it was worth it.

"How can I cave in that breastplate if I don't" damm you ROBerta. I bet you are pulling the strings here.

He swings his Warhammer, I parry it with my shield. FUCK is he on steroids or something? that made my arm tingle. never before it happened. Fucking plot armor and cheats. next thing you will tell me is that he has the fucking Sharingan or something.

"fight back you coward!" Bobby B screamed as he swung his hammer again and again.

after keeping on the defensive for a few hits, dodging where i could, blocking or parrying i decided to get serious.

what better way to earn his respect than to beat the shit out of him with my fists? after a few swings parried/blocked I dodged and with his momentum, he was overextended. dropping the shield and mace I just tackled him. mounting him I started to strike him. The thing is one of the perks in Skyrim is that if you have full heavy plate, your fists do extra damage. And I started swinging.

After around a dozen hits he was limp and his bannermen dragged me away making this my win.

after freeing myself from their grasp I walked back towards the water barrels and filled a bucket with the water. then I approached the still unconscious Bobby B and dumped the cold liquid on top of him.

He woke up with a grasp of air and his bannermen helped him remove his helm.

"What... What happened? " he just muttered before spitting some blood to the side.

"What happened is that I beat the shit out of you. stag." I just say with a grin before picking up my shield and mace.

Robbert starts to laugh like a madman and gets up to his feet still a bit groggy.

"Your reputation is well earned Crownguard. Come let's have a drink!" He says with a grin. while debatable to have alcohol after receiving a concussion I agreed.

"Fine Stag. But call me Garen." I say as I extend my hand for a handshake. we grab each other forearms and shake.

"My name is Robert Baratheon but you can call me Robert," he says with a chuckle then slaps my back so hard a normal man would be on the floor.

next chapter on the writings. it would be more centered in the interactions between MC and Robert and Eddard. trying to get a feel for their personalities and qualities.

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