
Already finished???

I wake up in bed and start looking where I am, I was in 10 square meters room with one bed, table and chair, and wardrobe.

My name is still the same Wiliam Black, currently 6 years old elementary schooler, I was left in front of my orphanage as a month-old baby.

Currently walking to the kitchen to have some breakfast which caretakers made for us when I see three caretakers and an Elizabeth already eating.

As I approach them I greet them and start eating, then suddenly I hear a beep, then again a hear it and I begin to track the sound to food storage where I see below the shelf a fat rat that can't pass through the hole.

I catch it and examine it, as beeping stopped and I hear a ringing tone.

"Moshi Moshi Will do you hear me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you have him he is concealing his location so I can't track him so you have to kill him for me to punish him?"

"You said he is weaker than a regular human so why is he a rat."

"Seriously, you are joking, right?"

"Nope, he is a rat."

"I sent human with the potential to rule the world because of a rat!!!"

"Chill Death, at least he is in my hands."

"Good I want him to be fried beyond recognition do you understand!!!"

"Yes sir."

"Now DO IT!!!"

"What did you do to piss him off Amon, the things that I will do to you are child play compared to anything waiting for you in hell."

I saw a rat sweating bullets how disgusting, I go outside and find a remote location to burn a rat. This is weird for me I mean, I was not a saint and could drive-by with the best of them, but the rat torturing this was a new experience.

As I slowly fry the bastard I couldn't help but think about what is waiting for me in the future.

"It's done."

"Your work is done, agent 47."

"So what did he do?"

"He wrote your name in Death book and erased the names of the girls that you saved."

"Fuck so what are the consequences of his actions."

"Well first was your death second was those girls, third they ruined people's lives because they lived."

"So that's what happened seriously, what a drag."

"So no questions."

"I don't need every single detail, plus it's not my job to deal with them, I got my revenge kinda, and is Truck-kun okay?"

"Yes, he is better now, but it will take time."

"Thank you for telling me and tell the truck-kun to take care of himself."

"Sure there will be missions in the future if you want them, I will contract you if I have something."

"Great but I want payment in resources."

"Sure and see you around Niggaaa~."

"What, see you too."

With that, my mission is finished and I can now fool around awesome!!!

Better get back, before someone is sus I am not around. I return to my room to check my system and see what I have.

The category for skills is the same but starts at zero because I am a child and don't have any experience and perks are gained the moment I reached the required skill level.

The peak of skills is 200 with categories going in this way:

Novice to 20, Apprentice to 40, Adept to 60, Expert to 90, Master to 120, Legendary to 150, Myth to 199, and Peak at 200.

You can't go higher than Peak because you already learned everything you could have learned.

For every level up in skill Warrior or Thief skill tree you gain 100 Health and Stamina, and in the Mage skill tree, you gain 300 Magicka (mana). Skills are learned also when reached the requirement.

For now, I will train my skills, you could learn from someone, train on your own, or improve in kombat.

I look forward to my new life and the conflict that will happen from now on.