
External Soul Bones!!

Both of them decided to sort everything out, and in the end, Gaia accepted becoming the will of the world, while Ye Xiu chose to reincarnate as a human in the world to take care of Tang San, and in future, God Realm.

Before reincarnating, Ye Xiu made a plan for the Goddess of Life and God of Destruction in Douluo World.

He knew that both the Gods would only leave at the same time, so he created a body that could support both energies, and, in the process, he used a lot of energy and had to bend many rules.

In the end, he chose Blue Silver Grass to spit on Tang San and suppress his spirit, and Truth-Seeking Balls to destroy Clear Sky Hammer in future.

He did have other sides, but he only chose relatively 'normal' and 'ordinary' ones to keep himself in a low profile.

As for the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Well, he planned on using it once and then destroying the place forever. He didn't plan on leaving anything for Tang San, and Gaia absorbed the energy in the place, and only left enough to keep the existence.

As for the bones of the Two Dragons, Ye Xiu had planned to have Two External Spirit Bones and even he didn't expect that he would get another one before it.

"Sister, let's start. I want a crown-shaped External Spirit from Water Dragon and body armour from the Fire Dragon's bone." Ye Xiu said as he looked at the nostalgic look on Gaia's face.

"As for the two souls, keep them in an egg. I will give them as a gift to Gu Yuena when I will wake her up in future. Initially, I planned on having them as Spirit Souls, but that isn't necessary. Not that I have awakened memories, I will start planning and looking for people who will fight against God in future."

Ye Xiu said after thinking for a moment, and Gaia nodded at his words. She waved her hand, and two orbs appeared in the place. She used her energy to change into eggs, but before that, she also imprinted her consciousness in their mind.

If they dared to betray her and be against them, she would wipe their consciousness and make them puppets.

Ye Xiu looked at her while shaking his head, and his eyes fell on Bibi Dong who was lying on the bed.

A frown appeared on his face, and looking at the frown, Gaia asked, "What are you thinking? When did you become so indecisive?"

Ye Xiu looked at Gaia and then a laughter escaped his lips.

"Haha, you are right. I didn't expect the memories of a small event would affect me. Sister, use your energy to merge her martial souls and evolve them like Spider Queen with her appearance. Also, seal a part of insights for Godhead in her head."

A strange look appeared on Gaia's face, and she asked, "You attracted to her? Well, I do remember seeing her videos in your memory."

Ye Xiu looked at her strange eyes, and he just snorted and didn't say anything. A chuckle escaped Gaia's lips and she said, "Well, I will change them. But her cultivation will drop to level 95. What do you think?"

"Yeah, only when she will understand, will her cultivation grow." Ye Xiu said as he understood the meaning behind her words, and he didn't need quantity but quality. At least, she needs to reach base God-King level or Ye Xiu wouldn't care about her.

Gaia looked at Ye Xiu's face and laughter escaped her lips. She knew that he didn't live vases, and in his mind, she knew that he must have been thinking that she had to reach the level of First Level God.

"You go and absorb the bones, I will have a chat with her," Gaia said and before Ye Xiu could say anything, she disappeared with Bibi Dong. Seeing this, Ye Xiu had a headache as he knew that his life would be a bit troublesome in future.

Don't look at Gaia laughing with him, and not caring about anything, he knew that she had calculated everything, and made some plans that he knew wouldn't harm him, but he was sure that they would annoy him in future.

Shaking his head, Ye Xiu looked at the interface that had appeared in front of him, and he input the information about the two External Bones.

As he put the information, he saw the bring light appearing in the place, and in a few minutes, a crown, and Armour suit appeared. Holding them, Ye Xiu started to absorb the two bones, and he felt hot and cold energy in his body. A grin appeared on his face, as he had a feeling that these two bones would surprise him, and he started to absorb them.

Gaia, who was keeping an eye on Bibi Dong, looked in his direction, and an orb flew from her hand. Looking at the orb, she smiled and then she focused on Bibi Dong with the smile disappearing and replacing it with an indifferent look.

"Spider Queen Elise, Huh! A Top God Level Martial Spirit. You sure are generous, brother." Gaia muttered with no care in her voice, and she continued, "But, being generous isn't my thing. I have had enough of others leeching off. So, you will pay for it, even if you don't want it."

Saying this, Gaia put her hand on Bibi Dong's forehead, and she entered her Sea of Consciousness. Looking at Bibi Dong sleeping in the place, Gaia had a cold smile and then her eyes fell on two Top Level Spider Spirits and rings behind them.

"Poison, and Death, Hmm! There is no position of Death in God's Realm. I will let you become one. As for Poison, Haha! It would have been possible if you had both the spirits." Gaia said mockingly as she started to change the two spirits and a look of pain appeared on Bibi Dong's face. After all, Gaia was changing a part of her origin, and she didn't care about the 'harm' done to her.

[Soul Bones.]

Name: Water Dragon King's Crown

Description: The Water Dragon King's Crown appears as a majestic circle crafted from the purest ice, perpetually shimmering with an ethereal blue glow. Encrusted with ancient runes and intricate patterns reminiscent of frost and ice crystals, it exudes an aura of regality and dominance.


Absolute Cryogenesis: The wearer gains mastery over cryogenic elements, capable of freezing entire landscapes and opponents with a mere glance. The Crown channels the Water Dragon King's ancient prowess, allowing the user to manipulate water, ice and frost with unparalleled precision and potency.

Frostborn Dominion: The Crown bestows upon the wearer dominion over water and frost-born creatures, summoning forth legions of ice-bound allies to heed their command. From wolves, and mermaids to elementals, these creatures pledge their loyalty to the one who bears the Water Dragon King's Crown, serving as formidable allies in battle. 

Glacial Authority: With the Crown adorning their brow, the user commands the authority of the Water Dragon King's lineage, instilling fear and reverence in all who dare to oppose them. Their words carry the weight of ancient glaciers, and their presence commands the respect of both friend and foe alike.

Frozen Time Resonance: In times of dire need, the Crown unlocks the power of frozen time, allowing the user to manipulate temporal flow within a localized area. This ability grants them unparalleled agility and foresight in combat, enabling them to outmanoeuvre opponents with ease.

Fire Dragon King's Armour: An External Soul Bone Forged in Flame

Age: One Million Years


Imagine a suit of armour forged from living obsidian, its surface crackling with contained heat.

Intricate patterns twist across the chestplate, resembling molten rivers flowing into a stylized dragon head at the centre.

Soul Skills:

Volcanic Bulwark: Erupts a molten shield around the wearer, absorbing fire-based attacks and redirecting them outwards with amplified intensity.

Cinderstorm: Unleashes a whirlwind of searing embers, scorching and disorienting foes within its fiery embrace.

Draconic Fury: Enhances the wearer's physical attacks with explosive bursts of flame, each strike leaving a trail of smouldering destruction.

Heart of the Inferno: Grants temporary immunity to fire and allows the wearer to manipulate flames with their will, forging weapons from burning air or igniting the very ground they walk on. (Full Immunity because of tempering and Immortal herbs before.)


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