
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter-8 Training

As the night descended, Hun Yu retreated to his makeshift dwelling and passed out from exhaustion. But in the morning, he was roused from his slumber by a sense of urgency and quickly made his way towards his master's house. He stood at a safe distance and watched as Yun Shan, his hand concealed behind his back, finally emerged and started to march towards the river.

Curious but wary, Hun Yu followed him, keeping his distance. The journey seemed interminable, but eventually, they reached the riverbank. Yun Shan spun on his heel and faced Hun Yu, his expression harsh.

"Listen up, brat," he barked. "I'm your master, Yun Shan, and my martial soul is Wind Bow. I've honed my skills as a master archer through countless battles, and my soul power level is a formidable 89. I've released my 8 soul rings - 2 yellow, 2 purple, and 4 black spirit rings - just to prove it to the likes of you."

Hun Yu was taken aback by Yun Shan's display of power and aggression. He could feel the full force of his master's soul power pressing against him, almost as if it were a physical entity trying to push him away. It was too much for Hun Yu to handle, and he was left in stunned disbelief.

"Impressive," he muttered, still trying to regain his composure.

Yun Shan simply sneered and retracted his martial soul. In terms of appearance, Yun Shan was an old man with white hair streaked with black and piercing purple eyes that seemed to bore into Hun Yu's very soul.


Hun Yu knew that he was dealing with a dangerous individual, someone who was not to be trifled with. From that moment on, he made a mental note to always be on guard around Yun Shan, for he was a master of archery, a formidable soul master who commanded power and respect.

As for him calling me "brat", well, I don't mind it. On the other hand, I am extremely grateful and thrilled that I was accepted as a disciple by such a powerful contra-level master. I can't quite understand why he chose me, a person with mediocre talent, as his disciple, but now that he has, I will do everything in my power to become strong.

Yun Shan then turned around and asked me about my martial soul. He already knew my spirit level, but he was curious about my martial soul. I slowly released my martial soul and a bow appeared in my hand, emitting a holy aura that seemed as if it could purify everything. Upon seeing my martial soul, Yun Shan seemed to have had some sort of realization but didn't reveal it to me.


"Take back your martial soul," he said, his tone softening somewhat.

I complied, and the bow disappeared from my hand. Although Yun Shan was harsh, I could tell that he was invested in my training and development. I was determined to do my best and live up to his expectations.

After taking back my martial soul, Master Yun said to me, "Hun Yu, I would like to test your senses. Tell me, how many fish are there in this river?"

Focusing all of my senses on the river, I started counting. After some time, I told Master Yun that there were a total of 76 fish in the river.

Master Yun slowly looked towards the river and with a stern voice, he said, "Wrong. There are a total of 74 fish in the river." He slowly turned his head towards me and his intense stare made me feel uncomfortable.

"It would not be possible for you to count fish in the river, especially since you are blind. How could you possibly have a nearly correct answer?" Master Yun asked in a harsh tone.

I answered him confidently, "I can sense the aura through my senses. I have neutral high mental power and as a person with high mental power, I can sense others."

However, Master Yun didn't seem satisfied with my answer and retorted, "You cannot sense auras, Hun Yu. You might have high mental power, but that doesn't mean you can sense others. Your words are mistaken."

I could feel the tension between us as Master Yun continued to scrutinize me with his intense gaze.

"Master Yun," said Hun yu, as he stood tall and met the intense gaze of the master. "I apologize for the discrepancy in my count of the fish in the river. I understand that it may seem impossible for a blind person to accurately count them, but I have trained my senses to the point where I can sense the aura of living things. I may not be able to physically see the fish, but I can sense their movements and energy, which allowed me to come up with a nearly correct answer."

Master Yun looked at Hun yu with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. "What do you mean by 'sense their aura'? How is it possible for you to have such a heightened sense?" he asked, his voice clear and harsh.

"It is my belief that my mental power is neutral and highly attuned," Hun yu explained calmly. "This allows me to sense the aura of living things and understand their presence, even though I am blind. It is a unique ability that I have developed through intense training and meditation."

Master Yun looked at Hun yu with a thoughtful expression, considering his words. After a moment of silence, he nodded, his tone softening slightly. "Very well, Hun yu. I will take your explanation into account and keep testing your abilities. I am eager to see what else you are capable of."

As Hun Yu was practicing, after he got tired, he approached Master Yun who was sitting near a tree. Master Yun slowly looked at Hun Yu and said, "Come closer." As Hun Yu approached, Master Yun continued, "You have been here for a while now and I have noticed that you still have not reached level 10. I want to give you a challenge. If you cannot cultivate and breakthrough level 10 in three days, then I suggest you pack your things and go back to where you came from."

"Listen well, young one," Master Yun began, his eyes piercing into Hun Yu's soul. "I expect greatness from you. I expect you to cultivate and breakthrough to level 10 in just three days."

Hun Yu felt a chill run down his spine as he listened to Master Yun's words. He knew that this was a test, a test of his determination and skill.

"But Master Yun," Hun Yu started, his voice shaking with fear. "Is that even possible? Three days is such a short time."

"I do not concern myself with what is possible or not," Master Yun replied, his voice stern and unyielding. "I expect you to push yourself to your limits and beyond. If you are not willing to do that, then you have no place here. You must learn to believe in yourself and in your abilities. Only then will you be able to achieve greatness."

Hun Yu stood there, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He knew that this was a critical moment in his training, a moment that would define the rest of his life. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for the task ahead.

"I understand, Master Yun," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "I will not disappoint you. I will breakthrough to level 10 in three days, or I will not be worthy of your teachings."